Neutrality in KNOWING

January 25, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello, Franz crystal here, your Viber and B F. And though we are always going through some kind of ebb and flow in life. We are going to be talking about. The neutrality of knowing. Of truly understanding, believing and receiving that everything is working out for your greater good. So there is always this balance that we're trying to do with life. This dance, if you will. Is this too much? Is this too little? Should I try harder or should I leave? We're always faced with these questions and concerns and options and decisions and forks in the road. These ebbs and flows. And depending on where we are in our life, the different seasons, some may be more extreme than others. But we're going to hold the space. Of the neutrality of knowing it's all working out. And just being in a place of receive. So I want you to think for a moment. What does that mean to you when you hear the word neutral? What do you think about. When you hear the word. Knowing, what do you think about. So here are some examples to put you in a posture of neutrality of knowing. For example. When you wake up in the morning, do you have to think about. Having to use the restroom, usually not. They're just, you know, I need to go use the restroom. I've been sleep all night. I'm going to the bathroom. I know when I wake up. that I'm a black female. These are just. Uh, knowing this is just what it is. I don't have to think about it. I know that I need to eat some food today because I'm in a flesh suit and it requires nourishment and water. And sunshine. Humans are like complicated houseplants. Outside of yourself. You usually have a knowing that your bed is supporting you. Or that the roof on your home is going to keep out the elements. That you are protected while you're driving in your car from the elements. Just this knowing. Well, when I think about neutrality, I don't think about extreme emotions either way. It just is. Water is just wet. Now, if you make it really cold, make it very hot. It doesn't change the fact that it's wet. The sun is hot. Snow is cold. This is just a fact. This is again, this is being neutral about it. Whether you hate snow or you don't hate snow. It doesn't change. The fact that snow is cold. So when we take these very basic things into a neutral knowing and apply them to our actual life, right life, isn't just. Very calm. Usually life is out here. Lifeing and there are. Surges. And there are massive waves and there are extreme highs and extreme lows. Or even if you don't have extreme highs, extreme lows, you're going to have bumps. You're going to have turbulence on this journey called life. So what does that look like to hold a place? Of. Neutrality knowing. It's when you understand the power of your subconscious mind, when you understand the magic that you possess, when you understand your power. When you understand your intuition, you can start creating more space to hold this neutrality. That no matter how bumpy, no matter how turbulent the journey may get at times. you are going to arrive N your destination. Fully intact. So some of you may be thinking, yeah, it's easy for you to say or when things are going well, or if I had this or if I had that then yeah, I would think the same. But what happens when you're in the midst of the storm? What happens when you are in the midst of turbulence? How do you still maintain. This posture of neutrality of knowing. It's about trusting. It's about believing and knowing that this too shall pass it's about understanding that everything truly is temporary. And that if you hold the vision, hold the faith, hold the belief, hold the knowing that it is truly working in your favor. It will eventually come to pass. Now we've talked about it before time is an illusion, so let's give some more context. About holding this place of neutrality. So say for example, you are in the midst of a very hard time. Life is truly lifeing or like, I like to say it's out here kicking my ass. I know from times before that I have a 100% success rate of overcoming my most turbulent darkest times. So why would this be any different. So if I can choose to get out of the extreme emotion. And place myself into a space of neutrality, knowing that I will. I come out of this particular tests, turbulence. Like I've come out of all of my other ones. I can hold space and safety within myself to know that it's only a matter of time. And I can start focusing on what it's going to feel like on the other side, I can start thinking about what I'm going to do. When this is over, I'm going to start holding and embodying the person that has yet another. Victory. Of overcoming one of my dark seasons. Understanding your body having resilience in your nervous system, understanding the power of the subconscious mind, understanding sematic work, breath, work. All of these techniques, beliefs, rituals practices is not to avoid life is not to make it so that you never experienced hardships sadness, heartache. Trauma it's to create space it's to allow for these tools to better. Help you. Mitigate the extremes it's to allow you to remember that this too shall pass at the feeling is fleeting it's to give you. Comfort in knowing the power of neutrality. The neutrality of knowing. Of knowing that everything is working out in your favor, the way that it has done time after time after time. If you stop right now and take an inventory over your life of where you were a year ago, five years ago, 10 years ago. And where you are now. You should hopefully have a feeling of resilience, of persistence, of grace, of safety, of knowing it does work out. Even if you didn't know how or where or why it worked out, you're still here. For my self. The crystal from five years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago is a vast stark difference from the crystal that is speaking to you now. And there were times I didn't know how I would get out when I would get out how was going to make it, but yet here I am. And I know that it's only going to get better and better because that is the posture I choose to focus and look at my life. I choose to hold the space of neutrality, of knowing, knowing that everything is working out, knowing that my life is going to be better and better knowing that there are things shaping up even more than I could even imagine that there are people coming into my life. There are situations, circumstances that are greater and expansive and abundant. Then I can truly even imagine in my wildest dreams. And that keeps me in a posture of knowing, knowing that everything is working out, knowing that no matter how low that I was may get, it's only temporary. But we also have to do the work. To be able to hold this posture of neutrality of knowing. And that is understanding that our subconscious is always on it is running the show. It is drooly running 90% of our life. Most things that we do are on autopilot. It is our subconscious that is feeding into the beliefs that we are holding it is our constructs. It's our values that we are holding deep within us. So if you understand the power of your subconscious mind and that it's always listening. And that it will never make a liar out of you. So if you deep down have a fear of scarcity, have a fear of failure. I have a fear of being worthy. That is what's going to play out in your day to day lives. So understanding the power of the subconscious, getting to the roots. Listening to meditation's working on somatic work, mind, body, spirit, getting all things in alignment, listening to sound bats. Things to help release blockages. Beliefs that don't align to what you truly desire. I want to be seen, but you have a deep fear of being seen that is what's going to play out, not what you're physically saying, not what you're audibly saying, but what you're holding in your subconscious. So understanding the power of the subconscious understanding what's at play in your subconscious. And understanding how to rewire your subconscious beliefs to actually play out in your favor. I've said it before our subconscious mind can be our greatest adversary or our greatest superpower. And the beauty of this is that you get to decide, you get to choose how your subconscious plays for you. You get to decide what's going to rule. Is it going to be your adversary or your superpower? So, let me walk you through a practice to help rewiring beliefs that may not align to your higher self. And that's another part of it. Is understanding that everything you need is already inside of you. And how to bypass. Your conscious mind and get into the subconscious. And to get clarity from your higher self, your spirit team. Ancestors angels guides, whatever resonates with your beliefs. You have that already innately inside. And allowing for all of these energy leaks to be sealed off so that you can get clear channeling, clear answers that you can get clarity. And what it is you are seeking from within. So the first practice I want to walk you through is I want you to think about. Your life, your future self, what you desire, what is like your dilute? What is your greatest vision of yourself, your life? And if you say I have a beautiful life, I can't think of anything else. There's always room for growth and improvement. If you have all the things you want on a material form. What about a physical form? If you have all things on a physical form, what about emotional form? If you feel like you have everything what about a collective. There's always room for growth. So I want you to think about things in your life that could truly be expanded. It's not about being greedy. And if you feel resistance with that, lean into that as well, without judgment to understand why you feel like, well, I think I'm asking for too much when in fact we should all be living and desiring to live at our full capacity at our highest self. I want you to think about things that you desire. Is it things you want to do? Is it places you want to visit? Is it languages you want to learn? Is it. Community. You want to build whatever it is. I want you to envision that, but I want you to envision it playing on a movie screen in front of you. And I want to see you watching you in this life. What do you wear? Where do you go? Who do you associate with? What are your extracurricular activities? What do you eat? Things like that. I want you to see your life played out in a movie. Y you watch it. And I want you to immerse yourself as much as you can with all your senses. What do you smell? What do you hear? What do you taste? What do you feel? I want you to truly immerse yourself into this higher expanded version of yourself. Now the other aspect of this. Is understanding that everything you need is already inside of you. What does that mean? That means to truly get a clear channeling to gain clarity and some confusion that you may have some questions that you may be wondering about. It's all inside of you, shutting off the noise, clearing out the clutter. Sealing up the energy leaks, you will be able to get clarity. And wisdom. And to do this, it's getting into a posture of neutral reality. Taking a few deep breaths. Rolling your shoulders back. And focusing on regenerative thoughts, such as caring for someone you love. Or being cared for by someone you love feelings that bring you joy. That bring you peace. That bring you tranquility that bring you ease. I want you to just focus on, is it a memory? Is it a feeling, is it a scent? And I want you just to really kind of ruminate over these virginity thoughts. They put your body into the parasympathetic, which is the peace rest, digest state. And once you fill your body. Come to a place of ease, comes to a place of neutrality. I want you to very calmly asked the question. That you are. Having confusion about. And then I want you to wait. I want you to breathe and wait while holding these feelings of ease of safety, of joy of rest. What is the response? It could be a word. It could be sentences. It could be a full paragraph. And then act on whatever it is you were told. These are two simple practices that you can utilize daily. There is breath work. There is sematic work getting out in nature. I constantly talk about grounding. The scientific facts that have come from grounding, at minimum, taking off your shoes and walking on earth helps to align your body back into coherence. Helps to put your circuits back into alignment. Right now today. I want you to start catching the thoughts. That are, maybe have low vibration. Negative. Dense troublesome that you may be ruminating on. And I want you to rewire those with the neutrality of knowing of trusting. And believing that everything is working out in your favor and that you have a 100% success rate. Of overcoming your most turbulent and darkest seasons. I hope something was said today that you will start to implement into your life. Be sure to follow me over on IGF, vibrant BF. And until next time friends bye-bye.