Mindset rewire: The "RE" series.

January 28, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant B F and we are doing a re series.. So we are going to be talking about re remembering. Reintroducing. Re inventing. And reciting. And within those re series, we're going to be discussing the four R the letter R is what we're covering today, as they would say on Sesame street. For those of you who are new here. Welcome, I am your vibrant BF. I'm so happy to have you. You came on a great episode for those of you who are back welcome back, and I hope you get lots of takeaways. I would actually encourage you to get a pen and paper this episode, because I'm going to be covering a lot of things. First and foremost, we are going to get real. That's not part of it, but how perfect. we're going to be talking real deal here. So I've been having a lot of beautiful, deep conversations with my adult daughter. She's married and she has a child and our relationship has been. Colorful. And multifaceted, but ultimately very beautiful. And she is truly one of my most favorite people. She is hilarious. She is beautiful. She is brilliant. All the things all my kids are, but there is something special about the girl, baby. I only have one of them. She's not a baby, obviously, but my daughter. So one of her beautiful gifts, and if you have children, you will know they can be some of your greatest teachers and mirrors. And one of her beautiful gifts is the way she sees the world and how she conveys that back. The way her mind works is brilliant. So she likes to read me to filth, as I say, in the most loving way possible. And I'm so grateful that I have healed enough to be open, to receive her beautiful gifts that she. Shares. Well, I start off with that because some of the things we talk about is now that she is a, an adult and has a family of her own, we can talk about things and her upbringing and you know how she's going to. Raise her family and different dynamics and things that, you know, she took one way and how she sees things different as a mother and a wife. We are our own people, and then we're always navigating, but it's beautiful to hear feedback from your adult children on how they perceived their childhood. So the first re I want to talk about is remembering, and I'm a big believer in remembering who you were before the world told you what to be. Especially for women, we wear so many hats and we're expected to live in so many different. Zandra's and to play so many different roles in so many people's lives that we really do forget who we are, what it is we like, what lights us up. We forget. Who we are at our true essence. More often than not, you can go back to ages 7, 8, what were your interests? What did you like to do? Those are usually. The trueness of you before the world told you, you can't actually become a painter. You know, acting isn't really a real job. You can't just whatever the case may be. Things that really lit you up, which more often than not, we're have a creative. Outlet because many of us are extremely creative, but we are. Educated out of it. We're told that's not real. That's not sustainable, et cetera, et cetera, all the rules. Right. So I want to talk about remembering. And one of my platforms is a homecoming back to your true self before you were. Somebody's wife. Somebody's mother. You were you, you come into this world alone and you leave alone and it's important to remember. What lights you up? What brings you joy? Your true. Essence. And then once you can remember and have a homecoming back to self and start remembering your joys, your passions, your creative outlets, whatever that may be. It's time to reintroduce yourself to this new person. It's time to reintroduce yourself to family and friends that maybe knew you as the super structured, super responsible, very detail oriented, straight lace when in fact you're like, I want to go live out in the forest. And be topless 90% of the time. You may have to re-introduce yourself to those who knew the other version of you. You're going to have to reintroduce yourself to the people in your life. And this is where a lot of people get very nervous because they're like, they knew me as this person. And I've always been in this role and this is kind of. My place that I have in their life, but guess what? You are allowed to evolve and you are allowed to reinvent yourself and that's the next one, reinventing yourself. And you can reinvent yourself as many times as possible. Just because they knew you as super religious does not mean you have to say that way just because they met you as a lawyer, but now you want to become a pastry chef. You are allowed to reinvent yourself as many times as you need to. There really are no rules. And then the other dynamic of this is once you are remembering and you have a home coming back to self, you are going to reintroduce yourself to family, friends, and new people. You meet and reinvent yourself as many times as you need to, you are allowed to pivot. You're going to need to recite. These affirmations. Everything is working out for you, that you are worthy of everything you desire. That what you are seeking is seeking you. Let me say those again. You going to repeat to yourself, say them out loud. Everything is working out in my favor. I am worthy of everything I desire. What I'm seeking is seeking me. I'd also like you to add. I am safe to desire more. I am infinitely supported. These are some affirmations and belief systems that I personally recite and believe and write and tell myself on a continual basis to. Remember to fortify the thoughts that are deeply rooted to remember my magic to live in my authenticity. How do they resonate to you? Okay, let's move on the four RS,, the. For ours was a way I was able to convey the different stages that we go through as humans, as we are evolving, as we are healing, as we are growing. That people get caught up on. So the first R is restlessness when we are desiring to live. Outside of what we knew our no. Or used to. You're going to have restlessness in your body. There is a physical, biological change that comes with moving out of. Belief systems that don't serve you or that are keeping you small. And so this biology change of restlessness can feel like, look like anxiety and doubt. And like, I think I made the wrong decision. Because every emotion has a vibration is on a frequency. When we are desiring to live and higher elevated states, it's going to cause us to have to vibrate at different frequencies. So this biological change we feel in our body is literally our sales, having to vibrate on these new frequencies, which is going to give us this feeling of restlessness. When people start moving out of what they knew. Or what they thought they desired into higher states of knowing of evolution of, expansion. They are going to start feeling restlessness and most people say this can't be right because I'm feeling this. But in fact, the feeling is fleeting. It is just reconfiguring to these new vibrations. So the next are after the restlessness, is that there's going to be the resistance. So you're going to start doubting. Should I have left that job? Should I have left that relationship? Should I have moved? I don't know. I don't feel right. This feels strange, which it will. But again, the feeling is fleeting. And that next level of resistance of the who that you are truly desiring to be. You're going to have to hold. Those affirmations, hold those beliefs, knowing everything is working out, that you were infinitely supported, that you are safe. To move past that resistance. Once we get past the resistance, we are going to have the release. We're going to be able to release those things. People, places, things. That aren't in our highest good that aren't going to help us get to our highest timeline to be in our full abundant, expansive self. We're going to also start to release. The time, because time is an illusion we're going to release what it looks like. Because we're going to trust the flow. We're going to trust that we are infinitely supported. We're going to trust that everything is working out in our favor. We're going to release, how it comes and when it comes. And once we move through all of this is when we're able to truly receive. And we're going to be able to receive this because we released all that didn't serve. We've made space and we're able to actually expand into our fullness and this is a continual cycle. It does get easier. The more you do it, just like going to the gym and lifting weights, the five pound, the 10 pound, 50 hundreds. And before, you know, it. It's going to become easier. It's not that the weights got lighter is that you got stronger. You understood the process. You understand the way your body works. So moving through the four hours, which are restlessness resistance release. So you were able to receive. And live life on your highest timeline. That is the beautiful place, right? I believe everyone should live life. On their highest and most expand itself. So living life in your most expanded state is going to have you remember what lights you up. And following your joy. And your gifts and your talents. You're going to have to reintroduce yourself. Two people in your life. That I've seen you and put you in roles for X amount of years. Then you're going to reinvent as many times as you need to, as many times as you want to, there are no rules. And then you're going to recite the affirmations, your belief statements until it resonates in your body. And holding all of this energy, you're going to remember the four R's of the awakening of the growth of the expansion. You may start to feel restlessness when you decide to move out. Of the safe spaces or prisons of protections. I like to call it and you're going to face resistance. But remember the feeling is fleeting. As you level up, you are reconfiguring to new vibrations, to higher ways of thinking, which is going to release the time you're going to release what doesn't serve. You're going to release the way it comes. You're going to allow for the flow so that you were able to receive. All that it is you desire. And remember you are worthy of everything you desire. And that what you are seeking is seeking you and that's from Rumi. I hope that you feel empowered. I hope that you are reignited with a passion to truly live your life. The way. That feels most aligned to you. There are infinite ways. Infinite paths. We live in an infinite. Universe. And we are infinitely supported. I want to thank you so much for joining me today. I would love for you to leave me a comment and tell me what you got out of today's episode. Be sure to follow me over on IAG at vibrant BF. And until next time friends bye-bye.