Oscillating obstacles.

January 28, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello friends, crystal here, your vibrant beat F and I'm so happy to have you back for today's episode. Today, we're going to be talking about oscillating obstacles. The first thing I think of when oscillation is like, The limb skate or think of the infinity sign turned sideways. And it kind of goes and loops through that figure eight pattern over and over again. And the obstacles we're going to be talking about is fear. And resistance. We're usually oscillating between the fear of doing something and the resistance of actually doing it. Last week episode was the R series. And we talked a little bit about the resistance this week. I want to focus on again, the duality, but not just the duality oscillating between the two, because like in life, the ebbs and flows. We're always in flux. We're always in movement because emotion. Is just that energy and motion. So once we understand that everything is energy, everything is vibrating. We're constantly evolving, growing, moving, ebbs flows. You get the gist. So, what does oscillating through obstacles look like? One of the things we want to focus on is understanding that we have to hold space. How do we hold space for both? It's not having judgment. It's not judging how we're feeling. It's being open and understanding that we are constantly relearning, rewiring. And re-introducing ourselves to our new versions. And so many people get stuck in these patterns and it becomes very stagnant. But we don't want to become stagnant if we stopped growing and evolving, we're dying. Was chatting with a girlfriend of mine the other day, she had some questions. She's like, Hey, I really want your opinion on some things. And in life, we come up with challenges and things that happen, and we're trying to decide what to do. One of the best things we can ask ourselves is. Am I operating out of fear or am I operating out of love? And if it's a fear base, I don't do it. Because getting to the root, those are really the two primary emotions. Is it fear or is it love. There's a quote that I usually recite and it states never let fear decide your fate. So once we can understand, is this fear or is this love we can, we know which way to move, but when we look at the resistance, we don't need to look at resistance as a negative. Resistance is simply showing us where we are or what's coming up for us. And if we can become observers, And release that resistance, then that's where we're going to find next levels. Breakthroughs. And we're able to move on until we come to the next obstacle that will also relate between is this fear, is this love? Oscillating between fear or resistance, not judging, but understanding where we are, why that might be coming up. We're able to move more freely. We're able to have more flow. When we can release the resistance. It helps us with having decision fatigue. Or energy leaks. We get so caught up in the chaos. We get so caught up in the confusion that we can't think clearly there's no clarity. And so we're constantly in this kind of repetitive ruminating, low vibe space. We don't want to operate here. We don't want to oscillate between this life is going to have obstacles. Yes. We're going to have to decide. Do I try harder or do I release. It's constant as we grow and evolve and the more at ease and the more we can respect it. And the more that we can understand and value and not judge that this is part of life. And we can understand this oscillation. we can open ourselves up for that greater expansion that we're all desiring for that higher timeline. What came up for you? When I said. Decision fatigue. When you heard that phrase, what did you think about. Do you constantly feel that there's always something to make a choice about that? How do you feel about the decisions that you make throughout the day? Do you feel exhausted? Do you feel a lot of confusion? Do you feel like you get clarity easy? Do you know how to tap into your clarity? And also what came up for you with the oscillation? With oscillating, between fear and resistance. What's your thoughts on that? Do you feel like you operate more out of fear? Or do you feel like when resistance comes up, you allow for the flow, these are things you want to check in with your body. I want you to take a moment to think what comes up and then I want you to think where's that at, in your body, is there an area in your body where you may feel tight? Or dense or. Weakness or. Pain. I want you to become aware of what that feels like for you. Understanding what it feels like and where it's at in your body is going to allow you to have more trust within yourself. You're going to be strengthening your intuition and you're going to be able to give your body the proper signals. So our body is always communicating with our minds. You've heard me say before where the mind goes, the body follows, but truly the body is giving the mind signals as well. They're constantly in communication. So when we can't get out of our mind, which I tell you, get out of your head and into your body, we're going to allow our body to feel safe, but to allow our body to feel safe, we have to first understand where it may feel danger or a threat or dense energy or low. Vibrations. So we can have understanding and we can transmute it. Energy does not dissolve. It can only be alchemized transmuted into a higher frequency, into a more uplifting, into more regenerative. Emotions. unDerstanding where it's at in your body. If it's in your body, understanding what your mind may be telling your body and what your body may be telling your mind is going to help you oscillate easier. It's going to help the oscillation through obstacles, a lot easier. I think of it, as I said, that figure eight pattern. Think of it as a wave, the ebbs and flows, allowing space. So having space within your body to allow for these feelings to come up and flow out. To understand is this fear is this love? Am I going to resist the resistance or am I going to release the resistance? Allowing yourself. To navigate through the obstacles with flow, with ease and understanding is going to make decision fatigue. Uh, thing of a pass, it's going to allow for you to trust your body, to understand your intuition, to trust your instincts. You're going to be guided with more clarity. You're going to release the chaos and the clutter and the confusion, which so many of us operate in. It's going to feel lighter. You're going to find more ease and you're going to be able to understand. What it is. Your higher self guides angels ancestors are trying to communicate It's time to trust. It's time to remember. It's time to live in your magic. You have everything you need already inside of you. And no matter what the obstacle may be, you have the information encoded in your DNA. So one of the best ways for you to start understanding. What it feels like, what it looks like for you when you're oscillating, between obstacles that come up in life. Is understanding. What is actually yours to carry. Many of us are physical and emotional docking stations for everyone else. And so their traumas, their fears, their projections get entangled into what we may be rewiring and relearning. And this is a big. Aha moment for many of us, especially if you're a woman, especially if you're a wife, especially if you're a mother you're going to have even more people plugged in. If you will, to your docking station. Now, there are times and seasons and reasons where we are more open. To navigating certain spaces together, and sharing and bouncing off energies and ideas with another person. But when it gets to the point where we are carrying other people's traumas, other people's worries, doubts and projections. And we can't decipher between, is this our fears or other spheres? Is this my personal trauma or is this a projection that someone is putting on me? It's time to start clearing and cutting the courts. This is a weight that is not yours to carry. So it's time to release it. If you're having trouble releasing, you have to ask yourself why. What is this reason why you're trying to keep this? You don't want to offend somebody. You don't want to ruffle the feathers. This goes back into our nervous system. So we have our sympathetic and parasympathetic. Our sympathetic is when we are in freeze fight flight or fond response. The fond response is when we are trying to people, please. So we want to really get to the root of why we are having a trouble releasing. We want to first understand is this mine or someone using me as a docking station? Is this a projection? Or is this an actual fear understanding and getting to the root again, trusting ourselves, listening to our intuition. Where's it at in our body. Who is in our environment. Our body is always communicating with us. And once we start to listen to it and become more tuned, we're going to have better insight. And we're going to be able to pinpoint certain places. Uh, people or things that do not align with us or do not fit into our futures and all of this. Okay. We are okay to release for the increase. Okay. Okay, great. Crystal. We don't have to operate. And fear we can release we're increase. What does that look like in tangible forms? I love giving applicable steps. One of the best things while we're oscillating through obstacles is to understand, if it's fear or if it's resistance being open without judgment is journaling. Journaling is a great way to get our emotions out of our head and onto paper. We're able to physically see it. We're able to say it out loud. We're able to move that out of our body. Onto the paper. It helps us to clear our mind to gain more clarity. Another method. Of oscillating through obstacles is breath work. Just taking several deep breaths in, through the nose and out through their mouth. Whatever you inhale for. Add a few extra seconds on the exhale that will also help to get you. Out of your mind and into your body so that you can gain more clarity as you're oscillating through obstacles. I've said it before and I will continue to say it. Grounding. I know it's winter for a lot of people. They don't have the options to walk on the ground. So getting out in the sunlight is a great way to help simple body movements, stretching. To help move the energy. You don't want to have dense areas in your body stagnant spaces in your body, because that's where things get stuck. That's where you get more confusion. That's where you get more of the chaos, because there's not a clear channel to understand and be in touch with mind, body, and spirit. And this is what it's about. We want to have coherence in the body. Coherent and the body is when our mind, body and spirit are in alignment. They're communicating with each other. We're able to get clear signals. We're able to understand. Is this mine or is this someone else's. Is this fear or is this resistance? And we're able to move with more ease and more flow. even when life is truly lifeing, we're still able to find space we're still able to find safety within our bodies and create space for the emotions to come up and to flow out. Remember ebbs and flows. Everything has an ebb and flow energy constantly in motion. So journaling breath, work grounding. If you can't get out and get your feet on the ground. Getting your body into some kind of sunlight. Sunbathing. Getting into with your body and listening. Listening to what your body is communicating. When you go to certain places and you start feeling strange, weird pay attention to the subtle signs. Do you feel your neck tightening up? Are you holding your. Shoulders high. Start to pay attention to your body. And see what it is around you. Is it the place? Is it a person you're with. Whatever the case may be if you are feeling strange in your body or you're realizing your body is communicating, understanding what is trying to tell you getting to the root and feeling safe to trust your intuition no, that your intuition is always looking out for you. I'm not talking about the indoctrinations and the limiting beliefs. I'm talking about your higher self. I'm talking about your spirit guides. I'm talking about the, your angels. Learn to start trusting your intuition by understanding and listening to your body. I hope today's episode has helped you to feel more empowered while you are oscillating through obstacles of life. And at the end of the day, knowing that everything you need is already inside of you, it is encoded in your DNA. Creating coherence in your body is how you're going to get a clear channel to cut out the noise, clear the chatter, cut the chaos, and have a clear understanding of who it is you are designed to be, and the best route to get there. Be sure to follow me over on IgG. And until next time friends bye-bye.