And so it is...

January 29, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant beat F and today's episode and so it is. This is going to be a good one. Have you ever heard the phrase, whether you can or you can't you're right. We're going to be talking about the subconscious, we're going to be talking about the beliefs. We're going to be talking about patterns. We're going to be talking about past experience. That you are putting into your present. And, and to your future. For those of you who do not know. I am currently in Portugal with my husband and my son. I Am waiting for what's called family reunification and it's basically, my husband has all of his residency stuff and I'm considered spouse waiting in country. To make a long story short, the governments and the agencies that are supposed to be dealing with immigration and all that is a complete shit show right now. So I always joke that I'm a prisoner of Portugal and. I can't leave I'm out of the country until I get all my things, in alignment with my husband's, et cetera, et cetera. And I joke about it. Well, a girlfriend of mine was like, you are not a prisoner. Even though I was joking about it, we have to understand the power and the energy of what we speak. There's power of life and death in the tongue. As far as dealing with manifestations, There is power. In our words, our words are literally casting spells. That's why they call it spelling. And every emotion, every thought, every word, everything has a frequency. There's a vibration. There is an energy that comes off what we think speak and do. So I was like, you know what? You're so right. I don't even need to joke in that way that it's not funny. I'm not a prisoner. That is a very derogatory. Low energy, low vibration belief system. To think that I'm stuck, we never want to feel stagnant or stuck or a prisoner or blocked. None of that is of abundance and expansion and growth. And these are all the things that I truly desire. So even on a joking, subconscious silly, not meaning anything behind it, we are actually speaking. Things into our life. And so it is. So when we think about the power that we have in our life, we get to decide our life. And I've said it before, and I continue to say it. We truly do have the power. Many people don't understand the magic that they carry, especially as women. We are truly. Magical. And I believe that with every fiber of my being. So our past is just memories right. Of things that happened before. And if we keep focusing on why things aren't working out in our present then we're going to push those same energy and vibrations into our future. Even if we don't want to, even if it's on a subconscious. So you keep retelling yourself like, oh, every time I apply for jobs, that make six plus figures. I never get them because I've applied for it in the past and it never happened. Well, guess what you holding that vision, you holding that vibration, you holding that thought and belief is going to make itself. Because every thought we have is at a different frequency and what we focus on expands, and we're going to bring more of that same frequency, same vibration into our current situation. So we playing memories of your subconscious replaying situations from your past and identifying with it is going to create the same in your present and your future. So, if you are not happy with how things have played out before or where you were before or where you're at now, it's time to reframe rewire and reimagine what it is you do want. you can have done something or been something that no longer applies to you. Let's use something very small, like our childhood. Say you ate crayons. As a child. You don't eat crayons anymore. That's not who you are. That's not what you do. So why do you keep talking about it? Why do you keep identifying with it? I hope you're not 45 year old eating crayons and that's a silly analogy. But that's really how it is when you keep identifying with the person that you no longer desire to be, that you do not resonate with, that you do not align with. That is not of your higher self. That's basically what you're doing. You're like, well, I ate crowns when I was four. And so I have to eat them again at 44. What that doesn't make any sense. So just because you lived a certain life, you were doing certain things. If that doesn't align to what you desire, what you want where you're heading, then stop identifying, stop, replaying your past and making it present. I can use my own story. For myself, I was a single mom on welfare. I lived in a women's shelter. And, you know, years later, my son was like, I know mom, there, must've been some really hard times where you thought this is just my life. This is, and I'm like, no, I literally thought, even in the midst of me living in a women's shelter, even in the midst of me being a single mom, section eight housing, I thought, how on earth have I gotten? So off course, this is so out of alignment. I have the life that I have desire to live. This is so out of alignment of what I believed I was capable of and what I believe I am worthy of having this is not it. So, what do I need to do to get back on track, to get back into my abundant state, my expansive state, my higher self believing and knowing that I can. Be do and have anything I desire. Yes. I have made a detour somewhere along the ways for different reasons, choices, situations, environments. But I have the power to. Reroute, right. We have the power to reroute our lives. And rewrite our story and that's exactly what I did. So what patterns or beliefs are you replaying? What are past experiences that you keep replaying and identifying with right now, currently in your life? Well, I can't do this because of that. Well, I can't leave this because of that. Well, I can't have this because of that. Think about it. Write it down. Be honest with yourself. If you can't be honest with yourself, you cannot be honest with anyone else. And to get to the root requires honesty and to rewire and to reroute. You're going to have, to be honest on what it is that you are believing about yourself and programs and patterns and beliefs that are replaying in your subconscious, because that is what's running the show. So if there's something that you can't seem to break out of, if you do feel stuck or if you feel like you can't move on, or you feel like this never happens for you, that is a belief that you are replaying and identifying in your current reality. But you have the power to pivot. And so it is whether you can, or you can't you're right. So, if you believe I cannot get a better paying job. And so it is, if you believe I cannot get another relationship. And so it is. Whatever you believe is going to become your reality. Your perception is your reality. Your subconscious will never make a liar out of you. So whatever you're focusing on is going to expand. It's going to magnetize more of that same experience for you. So it's time to get out of the old story and thoughts and become aware and ask, is this my story that I want? If it's not, then it's time for a reframe. So you say, what is it that I do want, and then it's not about wanting you changed the want to, I am. To create the new belief system. So you've heard the phrase. I am I am this, I am that very powerful. It's a very powerful affirmation. But the, I am dealing with the shocker systems. And for those of you who aren't familiar with the chakra is how you pronounce it properly. Let me give you a brief rundown. So within our bodies, we have these seven points that run throughout and it runs from the root. All the way up, right above our crown. So each affirmation. I highly encourage you to get a piece of paper and write these down. So if you are not happy with this old pattern belief system that you are replaying and identifying with of your past self, and you want to rewrite, reframe, rewire. This is how you do it. You start to speak in present tense as if it's already done, because this is your new reality. So not just stopping at the root shocker of I am. I am. A woman who is able to get any job she desires, or I am able to create wealth and a myriad of weights, write that down. Then move on to the sacral. I feel, I feel supported when I put myself out into the universe to create the next one our solar plexus. I do. Get to what I desire. The next one. I love, I love that I am infinitely resource. The throat shocker. I speak, I speak life. I speak, love. I speak high vibrations. I speak peace and I seek safety over my life. The third eye I see. I see. this playing out in my reality, this is my life. This is my current state. And then the crown, I know. I know that it is already done. And so it is. Understanding the programs and the beliefs and the patterns that are repeating in your life that you are bringing from your past and using them as your present and future self experiences is going to keep you in these ruminating looping, low vibration patterns. So to reroute and rewire and reframe for a more expanded sell to live life on a higher timeline. It's going to require for you to be honest, to understand what it is you are thinking to get those thoughts and remember the vibrations that those thoughts and emotions are operating out of and bringing them to a higher vibration, bringing them into a more. Reaffirming to create the life that you truly are. Desiring. And then speaking and living as if it's already done. So, like I said, writing down the affirmations, understanding what you're thinking. And then putting new belief patterns into your mind. Just because that happened before does not mean that is your current reality, just because I used to be a single mom that is no longer my current reality or my future just because I lived on section eight housing. That is not my reality and truth. Now I rewired and reframed those thoughts and patterns in cycles. That we're repeating continually magnetizing more of that same experience. You have the power to. Write your story. You are co-creating with the universe. You are able to create any life you desire. It can look many ways. If you are a practicing attorney and you really feel more aligned with the farmer and the south of France, you are able to create that life. If you are a farmer in the south of France and you desire to be an attorney. That too can be your reality. It's all about what you're desiring, what you believe you are worthy of. And then. Understanding the power of the subconscious to have it work on your behalf instead of your adversary. So being mindful of what you're thinking about, if it is not something that you are desiring, if you do not believe and resonate and identify with the life you are currently living, you have the power to change it. Life is not happening to you. It is happening for you and holding the beliefs that everything is working out in my favor is going to magnetize more of those experiences of things happening in your favor. If you hold the belief that I am worthy of everything, I desire hold that vibration until it resonates in your body. You want to create as much resonance as much coherence as you can in your body. It simply means believing what you're saying. This is not empty words. Think about if you're very happy and excited, that is not empty. You can feel it in your body. Your heart rate is expanded. Your voice goes up, your body you can feel the energy of excitement. That's the same concept you want to do when you're thinking of who it is, you are. Who it is you are designed to be. That is the same energy. Like always my friends. I hope that you are leaving this episode, feeling more empowered and remembering your magic and remembering that you are the creator of your life that you are worthy of all that is that you desire. I hope that you will not only listen and feel more empowered, but that you use the practical tips that I gave you with writing it out, writing each affirmation for each shocker system, so that it helps to resonate deeper and more real into your physical body so that you can really start to hone in and create new neural pathways in your subconscious. Conscious, which again is what's running the show, your beliefs and your patterns. Be sure to follow me over on ID at vibrant BF. And until next time friends bye-bye.