Just for today...

February 22, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant B F. And welcome back to another episode. We are moving right along and this new year. We are already almost at the end of February. And actually about to go into the energetics of 20, 24. So what does that mean? Most people are aware of the new year. Quote unquote, new year that happens December 31st. And that's not correct. And I've talked about this before, looking at the seasons we are in the dead of winter. What exactly are we starting new in the dead of winter? It's hibernation. It's income-based. It's solitude most of the time it's darker, the days are shorter. So what exactly are we igniting and starting fresh when things are dead. And hibernating. And then we have the Chinese new year that just happened a couple of weeks ago. And now we are coming into. The actual energetic new year that deals with the astrology with the first sign being Aires. I say all that. Because as we get ready to really walk into this new energetic year of 20, 24, I'm sure you are hearing and seeing a lot more. How is your new year's resolutions coming? Your intentions? Have you fallen off yet? How's your diet? There's usually always a push what are you doing? Are you missing out? It's going to be too late there's always this urgency when looking through social media but this particular episode. I want us to take a deep breath. Right now just take one. Roll your shoulders back. We're going to talk about. Now. Just for today. It's wonderful to have plans and hopes and dreams and intentions, all that fabulous. When the kids graduate, I'm going here. And the summer I'm traveling there. Once I retire, I'm going to do this wonderful. But here's the thing. Time is an illusion. And we have no idea how much time each of us have. Lives are truly like a vapor and we look up one moment and five years has passed. 10 years has passed 20 years. And so on. And in an instant, everything can change. So instead of focusing on all the things that are way ahead or next month or next summer or next year what about we focus on today? The now. And that will help you to remove and to help release some of the anxiety of rushing and missing out because you cannot miss what is for you. Let me say that again. You cannot miss what is for you? What's for you is for you and it's going to happen exactly as it should when it should. A quote, I read years ago said. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is your life. This is your life right now in this moment. Now, some of you may have a desire to travel. To live abroad. And you're like, that's wonderful, but I can't travel right now. I have to do this and I have to do that. And logistically I can't do this and I can't do that. And let's not, you know, we don't have to get so spiritual that we lose sight of the reality and the rounds that we sometimes still have to operate in such as our human bodies still needs. Rest, still needs water, still needs food. But we do get to decide what we can do right now in this moment So just for today. I want you to stop. In pause. And look at your life. I don't want you to think about what's missing what you wish you had, what you desire. But I want you just to stop in this moment. And show gratitude. I want you to get to a place where you can concentrate. So if you're driving or if you're running errands, maybe pause and come back. Roll your shoulders back, taking a deep breath in. Focus right now. In this moment. Think of all the things that you're grateful for. It could be. The ease of being able to breathe on your own. It may be the use of your limbs. It may be safety. It may be a home. Whatever that is. I want you to think of it and hold gratitude for it. Just want you to focus right now, and this moment. Of all the things. That are working in your favor. Of all the things the universe has conspired to get for you to do for you. To co-create with you. Focus on all the things that are going right. All the things that do bring you joy. Give yourself a moment. Breathe in. Listen, This is the energy. This is the vibration that is going to magnetize into your life. More of what it is that you desire. More joy. More fullness. More love more peace. Because that is the vibration you're holding gratitude. Is the base point. To receive. To live in the fullness to be present in the moment. So this particular practice, very simple, just being conscious, pausing. Throughout your day. And take notice. And give thanks for where you are right now. Let's put this into practice. You are desiring to have more health in your body. Versus saying I'm going. 21 day fast. I'm starting a three-month program. Uh, what about a reframe of just for today? I'm choosing to take the stairs. Just for today. I'm choosing not to have a slice of cake just for today. I'm choosing water. Just for today. Fill in the blank. It's moments like this. When you can just be present say you are looking to find more joy in your life. What if you say just for today, I'm going to take a moment to doodle. Write on a notebook. Or just for today, I'm going to go to an art store. And look at the different paints and pencils and canvases. These small intentions lead to big. Results. Being present right now and focusing on what do I have control of right now in this moment? Spoiler alert. You have control of irresponse in reaction. Your energy. Who you choose to be around where you choose to go. That's what you have control over. You don't have a control over life lifeing you don't have control of other people. You don't have control of what the weather. You can only control you. So holding. The vibration of gratitude. And choosing to focus on the present moment. And seeking what you can do right now. SEts the trajectory. Have a life well lived. A life that allows you to live. And your full expression of self. Just for today. I'm going to show kindness. Just for today. I'm choosing. Peace. Just for today. I'm choosing to show more empathy. Just for today. I'm choosing. To see the joy and all things. Can you feel how much more space that allows versus. Scrolling through social media or feeling this anxiety of hurrying and getting things done and missing out and, and forgetting and not being in the right place at the right time and not achieving what you thought you wanted to do or not. B where you think you should and judging yourself. And do you see how all those limitations and constructions make you feel very constricted? Versus the openness and the expansiveness that comes with opening yourself up. To focus on the now being present in this moment, I continually share that the only limits are the ones that you put on yourself. That you have the power to create whatever life you desire. That operating in your expansiveness. And your love and your joy and your peace and holding the vibration of gratitude of love. You are going to be able to magnetize in all the things that you think are out of reach or over there, or maybe even not for you You're going to start seeing the things that you desire, deeply desire and your subconscious start to come in very easily. You don't have to focus on it. You simply have to. Understand and hold the space of gratitude. Believing it's already done. And watch it magnetised into your life in ways you might not have even thought of that's the beauty. Of manifestation. That's the beauty. Of living in alignment. Is that you don't have to worry about the, how. All you have to do. His focus on the now. This thought process has also called the law of assumption. And it's essentially believing that everything you want already exist in your life, and will manifest into your reality and to the existence just of you believing it's already done. And so it is. You're removing the limitations, the self-limiting the beliefs, the blockages, because here's the thing. The universe doesn't think of things as being big or little. It just is. We are the one that places, the value, the worth, the hierarchy of, oh, well, that's too much to ask for our, I'm just going to start small. There's no such thing. When it comes to the law of assumption, it just is. Whether you want to travel to get a coffee or travel to Italy. Really it's no difference in the energetics of quantum physics. It just is and you believing whatever it is you believe. Is what's going to come forth. As the saying says whether you can or you can't you're right. And nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible. So right now. Just for today. What are you going to believe is already done? How are you going to act? What is the energy you're going to hold? What is your vibration set point? Everything you desire. Exist right now in this moment. One of the most fascinating things about the subconscious mind is that it doesn't know what is real and what is imagined. And this is why using these techniques of the law of assumption, the set point of gratitude, holding vibration of love, expecting and believing it is already done. reAlly place you in a perfect position to live in. Your dream life. Because if you believe it to already be done and you walk and live in that vibration. The universe can do nothing but conspire to get exactly what it is. That it believes is already done, that you believe is already done. So Jesper today. You're going to wake up. Knowing that you are living. And your highest self. That you were going to operate from a place of love and ease and peace and joy. Just for today, you're going to look for opportunities. To see the universe working on your behalf to show gratitude. Just for today, you're going to extend kindness just for today. You are going to live in your full expression. Just for today, you're going to seek joy. Just for today, you're going to live in love. Just for today, you are going to believe and hold the vibration that everything is working in your favor. Just for today, you're going to remember that this is not a dress rehearsal, but this moment is your life. That you will operate and main character energy. And that you will remember. That you can only control. You. I hope today's episode has encouraged you to focus on the now to be present in this moment, because this moment is all that we have while still having desires and dreams, but believing that they are ready here. And the only reason you don't see them yet is just because you are, alchemizing your energy to that vibration. I'd love to hear from you. Drop a comment and today's show notes and be sure to follow me over on IgG vibrant BF until next time friends bye-bye.