What's my frequency?

March 01, 2024 Crystal Briscoe

Hello, France, crystal here. You've vibrant B F N. Welcome back to another episode for those of you who are new here. Welcome. Welcome. And for those who have been here for a while, welcome back. I love that this episode actually is falling on March 1st, super exciting, because this month. March 20th to be exact is when we actually shift. Into the energetic new year of 2024 with kicking off an airy season, which is the first sign of the Zodiac. For those of you who maybe aren't feeling like they have found a rhythm yet, a flow. That is working that feels like it's aligned to desires and their higher selves. Be patient. You still have some time. We're still tying up some loose ends from 2023. This is when we're actually about to get the ball rolling. So I thought it'd be really great to talk about. How to get the ball rolling. Right. So we can get very overwhelmed in this life. There's so many things. How are you eating? What are you listening to? How's your sleeping? Who's your friends? Where do you work? What do you want? Just the fact of is this food trying to kill me. How is the sleeping position? How much scrolling time am I doing? Is it rotting away? My brain? And we're constantly thinking about ways to improve, to do better, to expand, to explore, but I really want to just tell you. Consistency. Compounds. It really is one step at a time and little shifts that make big changes. You don't have to turn vegetarian next week. You don't have to work out six days a week. Last week's episode I talked about just for today. And really focusing on this moment right now, because right now is all we have And in the same breadth realizing this is not a dress rehearsal. This is your life. So let's discuss how to actually move and the trajectory of your dreams, how to align yourself into. Your energetic. Body of 2024. We're not going to focus on quote unquote, new year's resolutions. Or intentions. We're going to focus on today and how each decision we make. Everything we say is going to dictate and propel us into a one direction or another. So I've discussed before that everything is energy. We know this, everything is energy. Every thought has a vibration. Every word has a vibration. We are vibrational. So everything is on its own frequency. What is your frequency? That's what I want you to ask yourself. What is your frequency? What do you think about when you hear the word frequency? Let's think of an example of a radio station. So back in the day, I can date myself a little bit here. Back in the day when me and my family would go on road trips, you are listening to the radio. While you are traveling. I want you to look at your life like this. You are traveling on this journey called life. And what is the frequency you are picking up on? Where are you driving to? What station are you trying to hear clearly. For example. If you are trying to tone into let's say 1 0 7 0.4, whatever station you want, whatever genre music is, your jam. Let's pretend it's that. So you need to be on either am or FM. First of all. So this is going to be setting yourself up on getting clear on what it is you are desiring. What does your ideal life look like? What does your, we don't even have to say dream life. When I like to say now is what is your most aligned life? When we come into this world, no matter what kind of deck of cards you got to play with. You get to co-create with the universe, the life that you get to live. Some people believe that there are soul contracts that you kind of create before you come here, but whatever that is, What is your highest aligned self? Why are you here now on this journey? So getting clear. On what it is your highest self, your most expanded self, your most aligned self looks like, is it on am or FM? And then you want to start going through this life and deciding what are your gifts? What are your talents and this is going to come from unlearning, relearning. Releasing limiting beliefs and expanding into higher consciousness. This is going to help you get clarity. On what it is, you do what it is. You're here for who is you're here to serve. What is your purpose? What is your destiny? A lot of people, aren't even sure. And able to trust their intuition to lean in to their gifts and their talents and their light. And that's truly what we all need. We need everyone living in their light. We need everyone living in their alignment. And you're only going to get that. By removing all the debris. The clutter, the confusion, so that there's a clear channel to. Tune into your station, right? So once you've gotten clear on what that is, and this is going to be a continual process and understand it's going to keep evolving so being able to auto tune it or to be able to get a little bit more clarity and understanding that there may be some dead zones that may drop the station altogether. But keep moving in that direction, trusting that you are on the right path because you are listening to your intuition. Let's take a little detour, I want to go a little bit deeper with the vibration and the frequency. And I want you to think about how you are speaking to yourself. I want you to think about that. Not just speaking to yourself out loud, but what is it that you are thinking about yourself? Because your thoughts also carry a frequency. So, if you are speaking that everything works out in your favor, but your thoughts are I never get what I want. Something always comes up. That is a contradictory. You are not going to be able to get a clear channel. You're causing a lot of static and the frequency. So clear the channel it's time for you to clear out the channel. This is the one I'm talking about. We're tying up the loose ends of 20, 23. We are not speaking badly about ourselves. We are not thinking negatively about ourselves. We are speaking life. We are speaking positivity. We are thinking love. We are thinking positivity. We are believing that everything is working out in our favor. We are understanding the power that we have, the magic that we live in. Our alignment. We are operating in ease. We are operating in abundance. We are operating in expansion. These are the frequencies. These are the thoughts that we are speaking, thinking about ourselves because we understand the power that we hold the magic, which is us so now that we have gotten clear on AMFM, we are moving in the direction, even if there is a dead zone. And when I say dead zone that's times in your life where you're like, I'm not really sure. What I should be doing. Now, this can be one of two things. You are in denial of what it is you should be doing or need to do, because you've already heard your intuition, but you're like that can't be right. That's too far out. It's really contradictory to what I've been doing. I don't know why I would pivot so far. You're having a hard time leaving out of that season or out of that task or you are fine and you don't have to keep questioning it and you need to trust and you need to surrender. And keep moving forward, and only, you know, which one of those applies to yourself. So back to this journey called life, what is your frequency? Whatever your frequency is on is what you're going to magnetize in. That is the station you're going to listen to. The station is going to be the friends that you attract, the partners you attract, the job you attract, the places that you go, the resources that you have, all of that is dictated by your frequency. So what is the frequency you're on? If you are not happy. If you are not fulfilled, if you know that you are out of your particular alignment. That is because there needs to be clarity in your frequency. So where is the energy leaks? Where is the static? Is it your thoughts? Is it the company you keep. Is it the words that you speak, you really have to get clear on what is causing the static in your life.

Pyle USB Microphone-6:

For those of you who may be thinking, okay, I know areas of my life that are maybe causing static. What do I do now? So let's put in some practice, cause I'm all about the practicality, right? what happens when you know the information, like I stated earlier, we are about to enter into the energetic year of 20, 24. So now is the time right now, today. Remember, today is all we have this moment right now. You're going to get to decide what this day looks like. You're going to get to decide what are your thoughts? You're going to get to decide how you speak to yourself, how you show up in the world.

Pyle USB Microphone-7:

And the life that you get to co-create with the universe. So let's use your co-creation for what's called the ignition point. It's a technique that was created by Abraham Hicks. It's also called the 17 second rule to manifestation. Essentially what you're going to do. Is hold the frequency, hold the thought 17 seconds of pure thought. Something you desire. How is it that you want to feel? What is it that you were calling in? Now it doesn't sound hard listening to it. 17 seconds. What a breeze. But when you put on that timer, you are going to be surprised. How challenging it actually can be to hold that one, thought that one vibration, for 17 seconds straight. Without any of the static without any of the mind chatter without any of the confusion, without any contradictory thoughts. And you're going to keep holding that pure thought. Until you get to 68 seconds. This is what's called the ignition point. That basically sends out a transmission, if you will, into the universe. To bring that desire to bring that thought, to bring that intention into your reality, that much quicker, you're going to be igniting this thought out into the universe to co-create your highest self.

Pyle USB Microphone-8:

It's a powerful technique that I personally used myself and other modalities similar to this. To see just how magical I truly am. Just how powerful I really am. I love seeing the power of my thoughts come into my reality. I like to play with the universe. I do this fairly often to check in with my own coherence and to see how much clarity I have and to see if there are any energy leaks. I'm excited to hear from you so set yourself up for success. And apply this technique, this modality, hold a pure thought for 17 seconds. And believing it is already done and keep holding that. Until you reach the 68 second mark. Which is going to ignite. Into the universe. And watch how quickly you start to magnetize in things that you desire. And watch how you see. The power of your thoughts, your vibration co-create with your reality.

Pyle USB Microphone-9:

So I want you to ask yourself what is the frequency that I am on? What does my life look like? What am I magnetizing in and understanding that you have the power to co-create the reality, you truly desire your highest aligned to self. Using this technique and other modalities and techniques I've shared in previous episodes. And you are going to see your life. Start to evolve. And with the help of this energetic new year, it's going to help put into fruition that much quicker. We're not starting this. In the dead of winter, we are starting this with spring. Uh, Reaper. So this is your rebirth into your most aligned life. I'm so excited to hear from you. Be sure to leave a comment. Down below. Don't forget to follow me over on ID at vibrant BF. And until next time, prince bye-bye.