Understanding your power!

March 01, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello friends, Chris Stowe here, your vibrant beat F and we are moving right along in this beautiful month of March, which is also women's history month. If you were not aware, it's been a very interesting year. I think we can all attest to thus far. And I've said it before, and I continue to say it. We're not yet in the energetics of 20, 24, but we are in 2024. We had leap year this year. So it's been very interesting there's been planets doing some really cool things as well. I shared on my IgG a couple of weeks ago. About a clarity that it come through that I didn't even realize it was just like this very emboldened, empowering feeling I was receiving a download, if you will, about my purpose, who I'm here to serve. My truest aligned self. And that is my work. That I do for women of color and helping to create resilience and their nervous systems exclusively. Black American women. Seeing that that is my model of reality. That is my lens. That is my perspective. That is what has shaped me. Into the woman that I am today, and a lot of these teachings and practices and. Gifts knowledge base. HAs come from personal journey experience, not just clinically, right? So I believe not just. From certifications and teachings and, and diplomas and things like that. But from lived experience. And for myself. Being a black woman, being an indigenous person, being a person of color. Being of the global majority. A lot of our teachings and knowledge comes from lived experience and it's not to negate and take away from the academia that many black women, hold seeing that in the us, they are actually the most educated. Demographic is African-American women. But not to lose fact of. The encoding that is in our DNA. I remember reading a quote years ago that said your ancestors left you more than trauma. And it resonated so deeply within me because we are taught and we are indoctrinated, especially if you've grown up in America. Of all the things that you're not, and that you can't have, and that you aren't worthy of being when in fact we are truly the blueprint, so deconditioning and reprogramming and relearning my power, my magic, my. Encoding and the wisdom that lives deep inside, outside of a piece of paper, outside of a diploma outside of a certification. But it lived experience of knowing and ancestral. Information that is downloaded and programmed. In my epigenetics, if you will. I read a beautiful quote the other day, and I am a quote queen. I love a good quote and I share as much as I can, as many as I can. And it's funny because I think I've been into quotes for so long that I forget that that's not everybody's reality. And so I say things and I'm like, have you heard this quote? Or do you remember this quote that said this? And people are like, ah, actually, no, But this particular quote said. Don't wait to be healed before you let yourself be happy. Letting yourself be happy is how you heal. And I thought it was really beautiful and., incredible woman, By the name of Marie. Her IgG handle is Marie Claire 9 0 2 1. Oh, she's an incredible business woman, I've just resonates so deeply with her light. And one of her big models is feeling good. Is the work. And I thought of her when I seen that particular quote. I mean, it really is about the feeling. We talk about the thoughts, right. And what are we thinking and how everything carries vibration, but it's how are we feeling? How is it resonating in our body? And so many of us, especially women, especially women of color. Have disconnected themselves from their body because we've been taught for so long that it's not safe, that we have to stay in this protective mode. So we're not protecting ourselves and we're not listening to our bodies and trusting our intuitions. Which is truly one of our small Supreme magical powers that we possess. And it's not by coincidence that it has been constructed this way, but I love that many women are coming back into themselves. That black women are remembering and realizing that we are the blueprint. I don't say that cavalier. I say that with very deep. Meaning. I say that from. Proven. Scientific that every human originated from. Mother Africa. And that. The Eve gene is found in the black woman. We are truly the blueprint for human kind. And again, it is not by coincidence that we have been taught and indoctrinated to be at the bottom. It's almost like it's been flipped upside down. So. What's last really should be first. And what's bottom really should be taught. With understanding your power, your magic, your joy, I seen another quote stated not to put your joy on no way. And it coincides with the quote about. Being happy now, feeling good is the work. It is really true when we can start to realize and find safety itself, which is why I specialize in nervous system resilience, because it's a trusting in self it's a rootedness in self. It doesn't matter. What's going on in the external, you have safety and freedom and flow and ease within your body. So you're not always in your head. You're not believing the lies and the indoctrinations that would teach you. That you are less than, but you are realizing that you are. Extremely powerful and that you are infinitely resourced.

Pyle USB Microphone-1:

Let me say that again, Check-in with yourself and see if you fill this in your body and if it resonates with you and where it resonates within your body. You are infinitely resourced. You are infinitely supported. You are safe to receive more. Did that resonate for you? If so, where in your body take note of that? Did you feel resistance? Come up. Ask yourself, why these are questions that we have to get in tune with. We need to get out of our head and into our body. We need to be able to have a clear channel. We need to have coherence. We need to understand that we are mind, body and spirit. And listen to our intuition and our intuition is coming from within us. It's our higher self it's. Holy spirit. It's your ancestors. It's your spirit guides. Whatever resonates for your particular belief system, but it's coming from within. Not external, but we've been taught for so long to look outward into man, into systems, into structures, but it all resonates and comes from within ourselves. So ask yourself those questions. That's why breath work is so important. It gets you out of your head and into your body. It helps you to become mindful. It helps you to get in tune. And that way, when you go out into the world, you're able to trust your instincts.

Pyle USB Microphone-3:

I'm creating safety within yourself and trusting your intuition and untiring and relearning is a lifelong journey. You're constantly going to evolve and learn more and expand and integrate and different seasons are going to require different parts of you to show up. And you're going to be able to gain wisdom from ancestral healing and. From. Your tribe that you attract in it's a beautiful process that many of us have been. Conditioned to fear because of change. But. Change is the one constant in this life. If you're living, you are going to experience change. And the underneath that is a fear of fear of the unknown. But I was explaining and talking with a friend the other day that. Our default systems as human beings is fear and when I say fear, I'm actually meaning danger.

Pyle USB Microphone-4:

Fear is false evidence appearing real. Danger is an actual threat. So our reptilian brain, our oldest part of us is a condition to keep us safe. And so there was actual danger. There was actual threat. We had to live, you know, there was predators. But as we evolved. We change danger into fear and fear is not the same as danger because again, fear is false evidence appearing real. So anything that takes us out of what we know or what we think we know of what we've been conditioned to see. Is going to alert our nervous system, that something is wrong, that we are in danger. And so you have to ask yourself, is this in fact danger or is this fear. And that is going to come again from creating the resilience in your nervous system, trusting your intuition. You'll be able to understand is this just my nervous system being unsure, feeling unsafe because it's something we haven't done or is this an actual threat? And then you can move accordingly. For myself, I ask, is this coming from fear? Or is this coming from love because you can always get to the root, keep asking the questions until you get to the root. If I understand that whatever it is I'm hesitating for is fear-based I do it because I know that fear. Is false evidence appearing real. And that I want to operate from a place of love. Love is that of expansion and a beauty and of grace and of relearning and openness and awareness. When fear is very constrictive in limiting. So another way you can think about this is, is this keeping me small or it's allowing me to expand into my full self. And when you expand, it's going to feel uncomfortable. But remember the feeling is fleeting. I've talked about all these different practices and you can go over into my IgE and see different teachings and learnings or listen to previous episodes that covers. More into this. I've also just created an interactive journal called living in your magic. Magic stands for magnetised align guided, intuitive clarity. That is what it looks like when you are living in your magic. It has QR codes that you can scan that will take you to different videos. Some podcast episodes, different images. It's an incredible tool that helps you to really hone in and create a strong foundation and the power of you. It helps you to live in your magic. Those of you who are expanding and learning it walks you through the blueprint of creating the resilience of living in your magic of being aligned of understanding coherence, understanding your intuition. The direct link on my IgG, which is on vibrant BF. I wanted to remind you. That you don't have to put your joy on that way. And also to remember that nothing you lose while growing healing, transforming unlearning. Elevating and consciousness arising in your true, authentic self. Is a loss. And that was from Layla Delia. And remember that this journey. It's just that. Not everyone has the stamina to go where you're going. Not everyone is designed and destined to go on the same path as you, that you may have to repack your bags on this journey called life. That there may be times that you need to take extra. There may times that you need to travel light. And that if you look at life, As the seasons it is, we're just constantly evolving and changing. And to always remember that everything is truly working out in your favor. Believing it speaking it and having it resonate, mind, body, and spirit. We'll have your life opening up. And transforming exactly as you would like. The power of your thoughts, the power of your mind, the power of your vibration, the power of your energy, and you are going to be able to live in your full, expanded self and live in your magic. Thank you so much for listening. Would love to hear back from you follow me on IgE, vibrant B F as well as the podcast, click the bell. To be notified of new episodes that drop every Friday. And until next time friends bye-bye.