Shifting Seasons

March 14, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello friends, crystal here, your vibrant B F how are we feeling? So let's just dive right into some honesty. Shall we? And the first thing I want to ask you is how are you doing? I think collectively there is a heaviness, right? There's a lot of things going on. Not just right here in the world, but in the cosmos as well. We just had a full moon in Pisces, not too long ago. We are slowly on the precipice of entering airy season. The spring Equinox, the beginning of an energetic new year, we're on the cusp of eclipse season. So there's a lot of heavy emotions. A lot of heavy energies that are navigating. Right now. And so I want to ask, how are you feeling? So we are mind, body spirit. Our body is the densest part of us. So it may be feeling the most right. Depending on where you are on your spiritual journeys, your emotional healing. That's also going to dictate what's going on. So maybe some of you are feeling extra tired lately. Maybe some of you are feeling like all hell is breaking loose in your life. And some of you may be feeling like things are naturally. Uh, desolving and people are just naturally falling off and there's a dissolution of things that don't really feel all the way. Good are all the way aligned. So, whether you're on the more chaotic side of just like feeling like almost the rug is being pulled out from you and everything is falling apart. Or things are just naturally kind of falling off and you're feeling like, wait, what's going on. Trust that it's all working out in your favor. I met a beautiful woman, a few weeks back her boyfriend had broken up with her, who she had been with several years, kind of out of the blue, she lost her job. And she was just in this place of. I don't even know what to do are probably just go back home. Her home is in another country. And I said, I know you're probably feeling like what I'm, I've lost everything. Rightfully so right. But please understand. That to align into the life we want to live in our fullest, expand itself. It's going to require not just rearranging. Of how we process things and see things and rewire and rebuild. But it's also going to require removal. There has to be a release for the increase. There has to be space made available for the new expanded. For the higher consciousness for the fullness of you. There has to be space and without the space. You can't get in the good stuff. So you're just left with whatever you're left with. When that isn't what you. Are truly seeking that is not life on your highest timeline. I just encourage the woman Feel all the emotions. But also hold space that everything is working out in my favor. And that this release is only setting me up for an increase. And when you start looking at these major shifts, or these chaotic periods in such a manner when you can hold on and really dig your heels in and understand that everything is working out in your favor. It just allows for so much ease, so much space, so much peace. Cause you're rooted in yourself. You are understanding that you are a co-creator with the universe. So if that chair has to go to make room for this beautiful couch, great. If that person has to go to align with someone who really gets you and is part of your soul tribe. Great. Being fired from that job is put you into immediate panic mode, understanding that you weren't even happy there. And switching that feeling in your body. Relabeling it from panic to excitement. That you are excited about the new opportunities that are gonna come your way. You're excited about the new people that you're going to align with you're excited for that next level. You're excited to live in your full authenticity. That is where the growth comes in.

Pyle USB Microphone-2:

So, however it is, you are feeling, I hope that you are allowing yourself lots of grace, because there are many shifts happening right now. And really listen to your body. Our bodies are extremely intuitive. If you are needing extra rest, give yourself extra rest. And it may be feeling this way for a few weeks a month. So allowing yourself to kind of get off what you may think is a very disciplined schedule and instead lean into the flow of the season and all these shifts and listen to your body, your intuitive body. Be more mindful of what you're eating and, How is your sleep? Doing all the things really, really take care of yourself. Especially during these major shifting seasons. Have you seen the trend that has gone around about social media being fake? And we all know that social media for the most part is a highlight reel of our life. Well, this trend says, social media is fake goes on to share things that that person is dealing with, insecurities or challenges, whatever it may be. They go on to share the other side and I participated in this trend. And if anyone knows a Virgo, we are not big fans of sharing our business. Now I'm an open book to talk about the many things I've gone through and to share any wisdom I have. But when I'm going through something, I usually like to keep it very private. And it isn't since maybe a few years ago that I started to understand the power of the vulnerability and sharing and showing up and only a very select close group of people ever got to see that side of crystal. So I went on there to share that I'm usually sad. But have learned how to hold space for joy. And really operating in that duality. And when I shared that, cause I really just let my body speak. I leaned into myself and, Seeing what want it to be shared? So when that came out, I was like, wow, that's sad. Now I love to laugh. I do. I have so much true joy within me, but there is still this level of sadness. And I think part of that just comes with being a. Impath. That you just have to hold this space, right. For the sadness now, depending on your capacity and what not your growth, your healing. When I posted that, I started to think about this quote that said, anger is just sad bodyguard. And for many years I operated and a lot of anger and a lot of anxiety and a lot of bitterness irritability because I didn't have the language. I didn't have the tools. To navigate these really heavy emotions of not just mine, of relearning and reprogramming, but that, of those around me. And I had, you know, three young kids, so it was a lot which put me in an anger irritability, state. So when I think about anger being just sad spotty guard and how, when I wrote that post. It just reminded me about the power of sadness. It's not about judging the emotion. Anger is not bad. Sadness is not bad. If some emotions are heavier than others and that doesn't make them bad, that doesn't make them good. It's just understanding where they're coming from. What are the roots? If you can find that and sometimes it's just, it just is. And how you let it transmute through your body, how it alchemizes in your body. That is where we get the hangup. When people are stuck with all these heavy emotions and not having outlets and not having tools and not having techniques to navigate through these spaces.'cause, you can let it go through you. You don't have to sit and hold it and definitely. And understanding how to Akamai's to energy, because emotions are energy in motion. You know, long ourself to process. Through healthy ways. It was so beautiful to see how it all came around full circle and how I didn't judge the sadness anymore, but I allowed that space knowing that I'm able to hold it and joy and that it doesn't have to be one or the other. And I now have. The language and the tools to navigate through. Sadness or any other emotion that may be coming up for a different season?

Pyle USB Microphone-3:

So, let me ask again. How are you feeling during these shifting seasons? There's a lot. There is many things happening on many different planes and our little human bodies are experiencing a lot where they're, like I said, if it feels very chaotic or things just kind of dissolving. Almost disappearing right out of your life in real time. Whatever it is you are going through. I wanted to share some things that I use when things get extra heavy. So the first thing is not judging. We are not judging emotions. Anger is not bad sadness. It's not bad. It's an emotion. We need to get to the root. So that we can learn because emotions are great indicators for us. We can love ourselves into healed versions, into happier versions, into more aligned humans. So the first one is to not judge the second one. Is to be. To actually be in that emotion. Just to hold it to sit in that space. There's not necessarily a time because time is an illusion. So sitting into that space. What is it here to teach you? What does it want to show you? The third thing is movement. That is one of the best things to do when you're feeling really heavy. And it also is one of the last things you want to do when you're processing. You want to kind of get into the fetal position in your bed? We are eventually going to have to move the energy. And really be intuitive and listen to your body now. That's a tough one, because it's going to be like, let's just sit here. But if you really pay attention, that's your head saying, let's just lay here. Your body is actually wanting to move. Maybe your achy. Maybe you can't get comfortable that your body wanting to move this dent energy, stuck energy,, heavy energy, low energy. Whatever it is you're navigating through. So movement, it doesn't have to be anything crazy. It could simply be just some stretches if you really can't. Just do it while you're still in the bed. But get your body moving. And if you can go to the next step, getting out and walking, walking in nature is a wonderful way to move energy. Being in nature is going to really help you process through. The shifting seasons. And the fourth thing is journaling. Seeing the thoughts. So they're getting out of their head onto paper and you can see what you're thinking about. And sometimes just writing it out can help you process through emotions and you can see it differently saying it out loud so you can hear it differently. So you're not just stuck in your head. In the final and fifth thing is to hold the frequency. Of how it's all working out. Even while you're going through, you know, that is all working out. It really puts you in a place to trust to surrender knowing that you are infinitely supported. So as we continue to shift through the seasons, I want you to utilize these five steps. To help navigate easier just because you have tools and language doesn't mean that you don't experience, like you just get to experience life with more ease and higher intuition, living in your magic and magic stands for magnetised align, guided, intuitive clarity. If you need more help with integration, I have just released my new book. It's an interactive workbook called living in your magic. It should be available on Amazon hopefully early next week, to see more about the official launch, head over to my IgG. To see it in action. And I'm going to do a video and show how an interactive journal works. I'm actually so proud of it and I know it's going to really help. Many of you not just navigate, but truly live and your magic. Again, I hope you feel empowered by this episode and that you are going to be able to navigate and move through shifting seasons with more ease and more grace. More love. More peace. Please leave in the comments, something that you do to help navigate through shifting seasons. I'd love to hear from you. Remember to follow me over on ID at vibrant BF. And until next time, prince bye-bye.