The chaos before the change.

March 22, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant beat Ash and happy new year. Happy, energetic new year. That is, we are officially in the energetic year of 2024. Happy airy season. Which is the beginning of the Zodiac. I've been talking about this for several weeks months. We have arrived. And we have crossed over into spring. So happy spring as well. When you think of spring, what do you think of. Rebirth. Newness glowers baby animals. New beginnings, all the excitement that comes with the thought of winter, the sun is out longer. You can see the blooms all over. It's an exciting time, right? It's exciting. I'm excited for spring. I'm excited for this new energetic year. But I am coming today. To talk about the opposite. Because there's always the duality. So with the newness and the rebirth of spring. With the thawing out of winter we have to first talk about. What has died. What has been released, who has been, let go. What does that look like? I have been thinking about this for probably about the last week or so. About the excitement that comes with spraying with new beginnings, but people seem to forget with fresh starts comes endings. So what has ended for you or what is ending for you? It could be relationships. It could be jobs. It could be. Leading a home. It could be all these things that a lot of times we deem as sad. Or unfortunate. But we have to know with every ending, there is a beginning. There's an incredible quote that I read years ago that stated. All great change is proceeded by chaos. And it was so profound and so timely when I read it, because when truly it feels like everything is an utter, dismay and complete chaos. There is big change coming. And a lot of times for us to experience the newness of things, there's a release of the old. And during that. Liminal space. We've talked about this before on the podcast, during the liminal space, which is the in-between during your transition. It feels very unnerving. April's very chaotic. It can feel very sad. It can go very frightening. You can feel all of the things. But the feeling is fleeting. And while you are in that transition space, You are preparing yourself. Your body is preparing your mind is preparing. Things will be aligning for the new. What about the things that have been, let go? What about the relationships that are no longer? What about the move? What about the career change? What about the things that no longer worked out? What have you left behind for this new season? For this new change for this new beginning. That's what I want to talk about. That is a space that I want to focus on navigating into the energetic new year navigating into your new season. And in this case, it is spring. We are also on the precipice of another mercury retrograde as well as eclipse season. So there are many things happening in the cosmos right now. That are going to further possibly make it feel chaotic, but we are going to do a reframe about the word chaotic. We can say that things are up in the air or you're unsure, but we're going to relabel the emotions such as anxiety and fear with excitement and curiosity. And understand that the feeling is fleeting and that you are on the precipice of something big. And to remember that all great change is proceeded by chaos. So, what is your chaos? WE can very easily go into rants and raves of things that aren't working. Of the complete disaster that our life can be in certain seasons and how we can feel very. Unsure and how we can feel very disoriented. And not even recognize our lives in certain stages. But we have to remember. That we are on the precipice of something big. So, what is your chaos? Is it relationship? What kind of relationship is it a romantic relationship? Is it a friendship? Is it family? What is the relationship that has broken up that now has distance. Is it your job? Is it a project? Did you have a business that you closed down or that you changed directions with? Or career that you have left for something you're not even sure for what, but you knew that that was no longer aligning. What is your chaos? And get clear on not just what it is. But how is it making you feel? How are you labeling this season? How are you speaking about this season? There is nothing wrong with expressing. Anger. Frustration. Hurt sadness. Those are all emotions and we need emotions. Remember, we talked about this a few weeks ago. About emotions are just energy and motion. And they are incredible indicators. There's nothing wrong with expressing. How you are feeling about a situation, whatever it may be. Then I want you to focus on. What is going to come next? Because the one constant in life is change. So maybe you have been let go, and you didn't plan on leaving this job. But think about it. Did you love that job? Are you happy? Had you been telling yourself you did want to try something new. That is what we need to remember the power of our thoughts. The power of our tongues, the power of our speech. WHen we are speaking. We are sending out a vibration. Everything we think holds a vibration. What we focus on expands what we think on. We create more of it, magnetizes similar things of that vibration. So if we are ruminating on. Nothing working out. Then that is what we will continually get, but if we can focus on. Maybe feeling that disappointment, getting to the root of it, understanding the emotion behind it, understanding the energetics behind it, and then reframing it into. Everything is working out in my favor. No, I didn't plan on being, let go from my job. But the truth of the matter is I wasn't even happy there. And I had been thinking about changing career paths, even though I'm not really sure what it is. I just knew that I wanted something else. Well, The universe heard you and complied. It may not have come in the way you liked it. But it is working in your favor. If you choose to focus on it in that light or anything else that may be going on. Maybe there are relationships, friendships. That don't really feel aligned anymore. Maybe somebody lied on you and you lost people in your group. Guess what those people that you lost, weren't your real friends anyway. Because your tribe will know you and they won't be deterred by gossip or hearsay or whatever else may happen. Whatever it is that you may be experiencing going through. Dealing with whatever it is, you may have lost or maybe there's distance whatever the shift is that you're in. How can you reframe it? And not only how you can reframe it, but what have you been saying and thinking. And understanding the power that you have created it. Whatever maybe happening is shifting air life. You are co-creating with the universe. A lot of people have a hard time really understanding the power they possess. Understanding that the life you are living is the life that you have created. I'm going to say that again. The life you are currently living. The reality you are existing in, you have created it. What does that mean? It means that we are constantly in creation with the universe. We are always co-creating we're co-creating with our thoughts, with our actions, with our words. We are putting into motion, the lives that we are living. The season. Of chaos whatever you are navigating through in the in-between stages of getting to that new beginning, that new chapter, that fresh start. There has been an ending. And instead of just harping and focusing on that liminal space, understanding what is coming next. What are you being set up for? Well, that depends. What have you been thinking about what are you desiring? What are you believing? What is the vibration. That you are attracting in with your thoughts and your words and your actions. because that is how you're going to create your reality. That is how you know that even though life may feel very chaotic. Or there may be a lot of ups and downs, or you're not really sure where you're going. You can start to focus on what it is you do want and not focusing on what has been, let go. What has distanced itself? What is no longer what you may have? Quote, unquote lost, because you're going to have to make space for the new beginning you can't take all the baggage with you. You can't take everyone with you. Understanding that life is in constant ebbs and flows. And that what you're thinking about, what you're speaking. All of this is going to affect the life that you're living. Understanding and reframing the chaos before the change. You know, I love applicability. So what does that look like? Tangibly? What does that mean? How can you navigate when you are in the chaos proceeding? The great change. One of the first things is of course understanding how you are feeling, not judging the emotion, understanding the root. That could look like. Holding space for yourself. Checking in with your body doing a body scan. Where in your body feels tight or dense or pain? Understanding the energetics of your body. What does pain in the neck pain in the shoulders pain in the back. Our bodies are extremely intuitive. And if we. Lean into our bodies, get out of our head and into our bodies. We are able to understand what we may be holding and where in our body. Having a safe space, whether that be with a therapist, whether that be with your tribe, whatever that looks like for you, having a safe space to process. Understanding how you like to express yourself? Is it through talk therapy? Is it through movement? Is it a combination? Whatever that is for you. Understanding how to alchemize the energy to navigate easier through the changes. But most importantly it is believing. And holding the vibration. That is going to get better. That year. New beginning, your fresh start is going to happen. It's understanding so deeply and being so grounded, similar to you walking in a storm and knowing that it's not always going to be raining and that it's always going to be windy and knowing that the sun is going to shine again. We talk about all the excitement that comes with the spring season, the rebirth, the new beginnings, the fresh start. But what was leading up to it winter? It was cold. It was dark. A lot of people suffer depression during the winter because of these elements. But we understand that it's not always going to be winter. And that spring is coming. And guess what folks it is here. Your spring is here. Even if it's still may be raining and windy. And your life at this moment, the sun will shine again. It is preparing. To bloom the flowers are coming, walking, believing, holding that vibration, holding that vision, holding that desire, speaking life. Co-creating with the universe for what you do want. Preparing yourself for the sunshine, for the new changes for the great change. So as exciting and wonderful as it is that it's a new season. We are in the new year. Some of you are still coming out some or you are steel. In your storms. Some are you. Are in chaos, whatever that chaos may be for you. I know that your spring is coming. No that your change is coming. Buckle up. Hold the vision. And move in aligned action. I hope that you feel empowered today. That, whether you are seeing the blooms or you are still in the rain. That all great change is proceeded by chaos. Understanding that great things are coming and happening for you right now. I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below on what this new season is bringing into your life. Be sure to follow me over on IgG at vibrant. BF and until next time friends. Bye. Bye.