Enough is enough.

March 29, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant beat F N. Welcome to another episode. We are officially and eclipse season. We are in the shadow of mercury retrograde. Today, we're giving it to you straight as a new year. And it's not about being a new you, but it is time for some new intentions. It is time to. Think with a new mindset. So if you are. Moving in the direction of your highest self, if you're aligning your day-to-day actions with things that your future self will. Thank you for congratulations, Brava. But if you are feeling stuck and looping between. Patterns that don't serve you. Enough is enough. It is time for a shift. It is time for you to shift out what you thought you knew or what you thought was working and actually do something different. And that different. May look scary. It may feel unnerving. You may be unsure. But it's time for a new possibility than the familiar hell that you've possibly been living in. Okay. So what does that mean? It means stop. Stop doing what you've been doing. If you want something new, you have to do something new. The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. If you are with a partner. That continuously abuse you. Emotionally, mentally, physically. And you keep waiting for the shift and the change. You are that shift in the change? You. Need to go. If you are desiring to. Be more healthy and get your body and to a more desirable space. Then put the cookies down. Take the stairs, stop talking about it and actually do something about it. If you were tired of your job and you complain about it all the time. Look for something else every day, you have a choice every hour, you have a choice. You have the choice to start again at any moment. The power of your words is resonating. The power of your thoughts is resonating. What frequency are you vibrating on? You are literally creating your life. So. If you have no friends, You're creating that. If you don't like your partner, you're creating that. If you don't like your weight. You're creating that if you don't like dot, dot, dot, you are creating that. And I know it's a big pill to swallow. What do you mean I'm creating it? There are no jobs. What do you mean. My body is because of this. What do you mean? I can't just, I can't, you can. Guess what you can. Guess what I'm gonna say it again. You can. I've said it before, whether you think you can or you can't you're right. So if you think you can't, then you're right, but I'm telling you you're wrong. You're wrong. Any life you want to create, you can have, I seen a post on Tik TOK, one of my most favorite platforms, and the lady was basically staying if you have a desire for something it's because your future self already has it. And it's giving you like a glimpse into what is possible. You don't have these desires out of nowhere. Why do you want to have. A smoothie shack on a beach that didn't just come out of thin air. This because your future self has already lived it. Why do you desire to be a published author? It's because it's already available. Why do you desire to travel the world? It's because it's already here. Why do you see yourself doing a triathlon? Because it's all ready, available. And the only reason you don't see in your reality is one. You don't believe it. But what if I told you. By shifting your mindset. You can and we'll receive it.

Pyle USB Microphone-1:

This time last week I had the privilege of going to Chris Christie's soft opening of wheelhouse and what an incredible. Wellness space. It is. I mean. Not only is it aesthetically so beautiful, but the energetics is like nothing I've ever experienced. Everything is so intentional. The vibrations are so high. The energy is just absolutely top tier vibes. And it was an incredible experience. I was there Friday night and then I went back during the day Saturday and I went back again on Saturday. The night and by the end, I was best friends with everyone there. I'm kidding. But it was an incredible experience and I'm so happy to be here in Lisbon. With this beautiful space. And guess what folks. It is not by coincidence. I had been falling in Chris for over three years now. I was still in the states when I started following him and he was already in Portugal and I thought this guy is so cool. I love what he does. For those of you who are unfamiliar, he does tarot and astrology and he offers. These classes that he does these monthly horoscopes, and he does it all using ASL, which is even cooler. And as I'm following him, he's just talking about all kinds of different things. He does music. I mean, he's truly a multi-passionate entrepreneur and he was talking about creating the space and then he started doing the space and. There was lots of hiccups with this space and you just see this evolution. Of the space coming together and to see it. In person is just unbelievable. But also super aligned. So as we decided that we were going to move to Portugal, we were actually in another part of Portugal. And then we moved to Lisbon, evEn when I was back in the states, I knew that I was going to meet him. I knew that we were going to meet and I knew we were going to connect. And over the last several months. I could just feel it growing. And I was like, it's getting closer. It's getting closer. And sure enough, I was able to meet him, hug him, chat with him. And it was everything and more, but that is because I truly believed. That it was possible. He truly believed that he would create this incredible wellness space and he did. Whatever you believe. And so it is whether you can, or you can't, it's your choice. So, what are you believing? We are in lots of newness. New energetic gear. New spring Equinox, new eclipse season, like there's a lot of new newness happening. So, what are you believing? I want you to think for a moment. I want you to simply drop into the space of a life that lights you up. Uh, life that helps you feel ignited a life that feels passion driven. A life that feels expansive and joyous and peaceful and safe. What does that look like? What are you doing? Who are you with? What do you wear? I want you to really fill into this moment. Of this beautifully, expansive life, it's not to say that every single day is rainbows and sunshine. It's not to say that everything is perfect. And all you do is float through life because life is still going to life. But I'm saying on a whole, generally speaking. What does. Your most aligned life look like money is not an option. Time is not an option. What are you doing? Where are you at? How are you feeling? Now I want you to take those. Those emotions, that energy and apply it to how. How do you carry yourself day today? What do your mornings look like? How do you speak to yourself? What are you feeling inside? Hold that energy. Because here's the thing. Our subconscious mind does not know what is real and what is imagined. So if you hold that vibration, Of what it is, you desire and believe that it's already done and focus and feel into the energetics of that. Is going to come to fruition. I lived in the states when I first started following Chris I now have met him in person and his beautiful wellness space. Uh, his wellness space didn't just happen overnight. It is something he desired. It is something he believed it was going to be done. He could see it, he could feel it. And he moved in align intentional actions. I didn't know how, and when I was going to meet Chris, I just knew that I would. And I moved. In the belief that it was going to happen. I'm moved and aligned action That is what this life is about. What if. It was a simulation. What if we are in the matrix? What if you tapped into your magic, what if you tapped into your power? What would happened? If everything worked out even better than you can imagine. What, if you lived your dream life, how would you act? What would you say? What would you eat? What would you do? How do you feel. Start there. Small steps. You don't have to have the big grand plan drawn out the schematics, the dimensions, the timeline, all you have to do. Is hold the vision. Hold the energetics believe that you are worthy. Believe that it is done. And drop into this space as much as you can. And know that it's already coming to you. It's already here and you are moving as if it is. And before, you know, it. It will be.

Pyle USB Microphone-2:

Have you heard the expression, your vibe attracts your tribe. Environment is huge. Uh, where are you placing yourself? Who are you associating with? What are you listening to? Your subconscious is always on. It's always picking up things around you, words around you, people around you, thoughts around you. It's listening. So though you may be saying, this is already done. This is happening. What is your subconscious saying? This is where the work comes in, because you can believe, oh, I'm worthy of this and this is going to happen. But if your subconscious is playing a limiting belief in the background, that is what's going to come to fruition. So for those of you who are like, I do believe I write it down every day. I say it seven times. but do you feel it. And what is your subconscious saying? Have you listened and tapped into that because of that, my friend is what's running 90% of the programming. So does your subconscious understand your magic, your power? Is your subconscious in the belief cycle that it is already happened. That is what we're going into. That is what we need to tap into. How, how do we tap into the subconscious? How do we shift our subconscious, how to rewire our mindset? It's through. Breathwork. It's true. Meditation. It's through belief work. What does that mean? It means you start to untangle all the beliefs. So you have to first understand what it is you believe underneath what you are saying. And you're going to understand this through usually your body, your body is highly intelligent. What does your body feel like when you say. I live in Spain. What are the feelings that you get and where do you get it? Or if you say. I am a published author and I travel and do speaking engagements. How does that resonate in your body? Check-in with yourself. If you say. I make six figures a month. How does that resonate with your body? Do you believe these things? That you are actually petitioning and hoping or desiring. Do you actually believe these things that are inside of your mind and which mind your conscious mind? The lip service or your subconscious mind, the one that's actually putting into play. The one that's actually driving. The car, the plane. The one that's actually moving the needle, the subconscious. You start to visualize. What it looks like, and you feel it within your body. You say, I have a beautiful home. In Italy. And I have a chef. And she makes me fresh pastries and you start to smell the pastries and you can see the views and your body starts to resonate with that feeling. And it's like, oh, I guess this is what our new life is. I guess this is what we're doing. And then the subconscious with the help of your R a S your reticular activating system starts to search out things to make it so. That is the beauty of our magic and our power is that we are co-creating with the universe. There is no such thing as big or small. It just is. So, if you believe you are a published author with speaking engagements with the house in Italy, Where your chef makes you fresh pastries every morning. And you sit outside of your Villa. And drink your coffee and look at beautiful views and feel the sun on your face and taste the delicious, warm pastries. Then you will start to put into action. The steps, the alignment of living this life. It doesn't have to be. That it could be something as small as I have slow mornings I have a job that I feel appreciated in and that I have time autonomy I don't have a strict schedule. And my boss and I get along well and it feels easy and I'm proud of the work I do. You hold that vision. You hold that vibration. You hold that frequency. Those are the energetics that starts to rewire, but you have to understand, do you believe. That it is possible. Or do you think there's no way I can move to Italy? There's no way that me and my boss could be on the same page. Maybe there's no way for your current boss. Maybe there's a new boss. So. Like the saying says be careful for what you wish for, because you just might get it. So when you are believing and wanting and desiring. It's not always going to come the way you think. Oh, it's just going to be perfect. I'm going to get a dream job. I'm going to be able to give my two weeks and I'm going to move seamlessly over into this great career. No. It may be an unexpected firing. It may be this moment of, oh my God. I'm not ready. I wasn't repaired. I'm struggling. But hold the vision. Hold the vibration. One of my favorite sayings, everything is working out in my favor. Another one, show me how good it gets. And even when things feel like they're falling apart, understand that sometimes they have to fall apart to be put together properly or to get into alignment of what you are truly desiring. And you're going to say I'm trusting the process. I'm believing that everything is working out. And though. This isn't necessarily the way I thought it would be. I am so grateful. That I am co-creating with the universe, a life that feels expansive and. Aligned to my highest self, the self that feels peace, the self that feels safety, the self that feels joy, the self that feels the love. My true self. My subconscious. Understands what I'm desiring. We are on one accord. There is coherence in the body. When there is dissonance in our body, there's a rejection. There's a pushing away from what it is. We really want. That is when we are out of coherence. That is when we're out of alignment of what our subconscious thinks. We want or thinks is best for us versus what we are truly desiring. And then there's resonance. Resonance is when it actually is resonating we are in coherence. There is an agreement. With our mind, body and spirit that yes, we are worthy and we believe that this is already done and understanding the two. Is huge. So it's time. It's time to shift. It's time to rewire. It's time to reframe. We're already in eclipse season. We're already in mercury retrograde. I heard a beautiful message that said I'd rather have short-term discomfort. And set up long-term dysfunction. So you've been living a life of patterns or a season where you just can't seem to break out of the quote-unquote dysfunction or the chaos. It's time to get uncomfortable. It's time to go into the unknown. It's time to do what you usually don't do. It's time to believe different and check in with the belief systems and rewire those with visualization. And breathwork and meditation and holding the energetics of what actually feels aligned to your highest self. What does the next six months look like? What about the next year? What about the next five years? I mean, nobody really knows, but what you can do is live a life by design and not one of default. And when you are in the driver's seat and when you are living in your main character energy, and when you are holding the vibration and the vision of what truly lights you up and you feel. The resonance in your body? Not the dissonance, the resonance in your body and there's coherence. Then you can start moving. And aligned action. What is that for you? Drop it in the comment below what you are calling in, what you are believing. I love to hear from you. I hope today's episode has empowered you. I hope that you feel and understand that you. I can create any life that you desire. It's all about getting in to coherence is all about getting into alignment. It's all about living in your magic and remember magic. Is your magnetised align guided, intuitive clarity. Be sure to follow me over on IgG at vibrant B F. And until next time friends bye-bye.