W.T.F. is going on?!

April 04, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello friends, crystal here, your vibrant B F and I'm feeling some sort of way. I'm feeling unsure. I'm feeling out of sorts. I'm like, what am I doing? It's making me not just second, guess my life and my contributions and my gifts and talents, but it's making me third guests and Ford guests, myself. Who am I. What do I do? What do I bring? What am I contributing to myself, to my family, to the collective. What the fuck is happening. Aye. Am I in this place right now where it's just. And then I start going into. The questions because as much as I live and share and teach on nervous system resilience. I want people to always understand that as humans, we are constantly evolving and growing and expanding. And being uncomfortable and coming up against challenges and rough spots and all the things that life holds. And in those moments, what do we do? It's those moments that our practices and our beliefs and our thoughts are so crucial. It's not when things are going great. And you're feeling very good and it's just easy. And life is beautiful and the sun is shining. It's when you don't know what is up, what is down? What is left? What is right. Why are you irritated? Why are you sad? Why are you angry? Why are you. So I start thinking. Have I eaten. Right. Let's just deal with our human first, the body, I think. Have I eaten? Have I drank water. How's my sleep been, how is my digestion. What have I done today? Where have I gone? Who have I been around? And then I say, where am I at? And the stage of my cycle. Am I in my luteal phase? Am I obviating? Am I After I check in with my human body. And I give myself a moment to really reflect. On one. When did I start feeling this way? Did I feel this way when I woke up. Has this feeling increased over the last hour, the last three hours, the last six hours. If so. Where was I, what was I doing? Because these are all indicators of things that may not resonate that may be out of alignment. If I've been around certain people. What were we talking about? Who were those people? What was I thinking? And then after I've done the physical things, as far as how I'm feeling in my body and where I've been in my environment. I start going inward and thinking. What have been my dominant thoughts. What is running in the background. Really thinking about what I've been thinking about. And then I start to pull words that feel like they resonate. I'm feeling doubt. I'm feeling scarcity. I'm billing, inadequacy, I'm billing, fear, whatever, maybe coming up. I say it out loud. I journal it. And then I start thinking about way outside of myself, way outside of my thoughts. What are the planets doing? And guess what folks we're in eclipse season, we're in mercury retrograde we're in spring. There's a lot of major shifts happening. And then I come back in and I'm like, What am I doing? Am I procrastinating? On things I really need to do. And my body's like stop getting sidetrack. Stop procrastinating. And what is that? What am I thinking I really need to do. What does that mean? Am I avoiding tough questions? And I think no, I'm asking myself all the questions. Is this the real work? Am I really doing the work? Or am I trying to avoid it? And then I think, well, for myself, I've been doing things that bring me joy. And isn't feeling good. The work. Or is that avoidance? And it just goes around in this cycle sometimes as I sit and process through. And I don't just stay in my head so I give myself time to process. I check in. Mind body and spirit. And I just go, oh, okay. There's so many things. Do I need a nap? Maybe just a refresh. And then I think, let me get myself some water. Let me do some breath work. Let me get out in nature. Let me watch a funny show because laughter is truly medicine. Let me put on some great music or maybe I'll listen to some sound vibrations or Maybe I just need a good cry, a good release. And then sometimes it's like, who can I talk to? And then that can sometimes take me into another space of, is there anyone I can talk to? Who's able to hold space for me. I'm usually the one holding space. Do I need to reevaluate who's in my space. And this folks is where I'm at today. I've had a beautiful day overall. I've gone out. I'm getting my house in order. I've been decorating, which brings me great joy. And I'm in such gratitude. That I can create a beautiful home and be surrounded by beautiful things. With good intentions and good vibrations. And the other side of that is like, well, how much money am I spending? And then the other side of that is, well, why am I worried about the money? And the other side of that is. Is there a scarcity? Are you living in fear or are you living in abundance? And. I just wanted to come on and share this very real moment, because I don't want anyone to think that. Oh, I always have it together. I've created these tools I practice modalities that keep me in the state of continue resilience. Because that is what resilience is. It's being able to understand. When you are in your sympathetic, which is your freeze fight flight or fond response. Because it's not always about living in your parasympathetic, which is your peace rest and digest state. And it's understanding how to navigate through it, how to transmute the energy. And understand that our emotions again is energy in motion. And the feeling. Is fleeting. And understanding where you are, mind, body, and spirit. Is going to give you more space. And what are the practices that you've been doing that is going to help you to get back into a baseline back into harmony? And to not stay in the sympathetic because the fact of the matter is I am not in danger. And understanding the difference between danger and fear, fear, false evidence appearing real. Danger at being an actual threat. There are no threats. In my life. So understanding what am I operating in? And what are those thoughts and where are those thoughts coming from and getting to the root. So let's talk about some of the practices that I personally do and share. On getting to the root. So I just kind of walk through how I go, mind, body, and spirit. I asked myself the questions. Start with the body and just deal with the basics. Am I tired. Have I drank enough water. Have I moved my body. Have I eaten? Maybe a nice shower is a great way to help your body get back into a baseline. Getting into nature is another beautiful way to get your body into baseline. Grounding. If you're able listening to the birds, having the sun, touch your skin, these are all great modalities. And you want to find what works best for you. Music. Another wonderful tool, things that uplift you have a dance party that helps to move any stagnant energy. Maybe it's a cry. It doesn't always have to be joyful and happy. Maybe you need to lay in the fetal position and have a deep cry. A deep release. And our tears. Actually have a pain reliever in them. It's incredible. So allowing yourself to really check in, to see what it is that you need. I journal a lot. I was actually journaling and decided, let me share this. For this episode. So journaling saying it out loud. Will also help to move the energy, to become aware and to think about what you're thinking. Allowing yourself space. To just be, it's not about the judgment understanding that this is just an emotion. This is a feeling, the feeling is fleeting. What do I need to learn from it? What is my body trying to tell me? Is my body trying to tell me anything. And of course, being a woman, understanding where you are in your cycle, you're going to feel. Heightened emotions during different seasons of your cycle. So understanding that, understanding what the planets are doing, all of these variables. Are going to help you better navigate. And understand everything is working out in your favor, even when you having these moments. Of doubt or fear or scarcity or the unknown or being unsure. Or whatever, feeling, heavy emotion, uncomfortable emotion you were feeling. The feeling. Is fleeting. So, if you are feeling. Like WTF, what am I doing? And you catch yourself going into a negative cycle. I want you to catch those thoughts because remember all of our thoughts are at a vibration. All of our words are at a vibration and what we believe and who we are is what we become meaning. You don't magnetize in things that are not in congruence with your vibration. So if you are in a negative, low vibrating pattern on a continual basis, You are going to bring in experiences to validate that. But if you allow yourself the space to really get to the root and understand what it is, you may be feeling and allow yourself to feel it while still holding the vibration. That even though I may be feeling fear, I know that fear is false evidence appearing real. And my body may be extra sensitive right now and that I am safe. I am safe in my body. And doing practices that help you to feel that way. Is it breath work? Is it meditation? Find what works for you. And understanding that if scarcity is coming up, why is scarcity coming up? Because we live in an abundant universe. So there's a root there. What is that root follow? The trail and allow yourself to feel expansive. One of the ways to feel expansive is if you're close to water the ocean and look at the great. Expanse of water, go to the beach and think about all the pebbles in the sand. Look at the sky and look at all the stars or the clouds. Go to a forest and think about all the trees. If you're able spend some extra money. Take a luxury, Uber, go sit in spaces that are of a higher vibration. Have coffee at a beautiful hotel lounge. Put yourself in environments that help you to feel more expansive. That will help to raise your vibration as well. Write out, things that you aren't in abundance with. Maybe it's your health. Maybe it's your loved ones. Find what works for you because we're constantly bombarded with, you need to do this and you need to do that but at the end of the day, understanding your unique blueprint is key. Understanding what resonates for you in this particular season is key. So I hope that no matter where you are in your timeline, no matter where you are in your cycle, no matter where you are in your environment. That you are a powerful co-creator. And even if your environment isn't reflecting where you want now start speaking the things that you desire start holding the vibration. Of what you desire and believing it is already done. And that you are a match for whatever it is you are calling in. Visualize yourself. Feeling safe, feeling secure, feeling, abundant, using your gifts and your talents to raise the collective consciousness, using your gifts and talents, to create the best version of yourself, to live on your highest timeline, to create the most impact for whatever that looks like Please leave a comment below with some things that you've been dealing with or you're struggling with, or that are challenges. And what is the vibration that you were believing and that you were holding and what are you visualizing? I hope this message has helped someone to understand that it is okay if you're feeling so-so. It is okay. If you don't feel okay. It is. Okay. To feel some sort of way and to understand the feeling is fleeting. Come back to the baseline that everything is working out in your favor. That abundance is your birthright. That your gifts and talents that the world needs your particular magic. Be sure to follow me over at IGF. At vibrant B AF and until next time friends bye-bye.