Stop over complicating your life and keep it simple.

April 11, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Stop over complicating your life and keep it simple.
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Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant B F. And I'm here to say stop. Stop. Over-complicating your life. And keep it simple. We have made it past the eclipse Brava. Congratulations. Some people didn't feel much of a change and others felt like they were going on a rollercoaster, whichever camp you may be in. We are now in motion to decide what and where and how and who we are going to live our life. Like. I'm going to say it again. Stop over-complicating your life and keep it simple. One of the biggest issues I see with. Women especially is that we don't listen to our bodies. Part of the reason why most women aren't listening to their bodies is because they don't feel safe to trust it. They don't feel safe to listen to their intuition. They don't think that what they're feeling and hearing intuitively is really them. And they keep going and listen to more of the outside noise outside. Commentary outside projections, constructs, beliefs. And that is a big problem because what we need is already inside of us, it's just the fact of quieting, the external voices noises, belief systems, and really looking in and checking. With our highest selves. So we have these different indoctrinations and programmings that are running our subconscious mind. So it's important for us to understand what we are thinking about. On a cellular level. What does it feel like in our body? And when we understand what it feels like in our body, and we actually listen to our body, we can start to shift and rewire our thought process. Our belief systems. Which is ultimately going to change the trajectory of our life because life is truly meant to be lived on your highest timeline. If you can dream it, if you desire it, if you think about it, it's because a version of you. Already has that life. Are you living on the Riviera, you out in the country, you owning your own business, you writing the books, you having that family, whatever it is, you're desiring. That seems big and scary you think are these make-believe fantasies? They are actually. You on different timelines, different dimensions. And the only reason you don't see and live and be, and do what it is you desire. No matter how extreme or grand it may feel. It's because you don't match that vibration. So when we stop the looping of the negative beliefs and all the things that could go wrong, And start to focus on what if it all works out? And not only works out, but works out bigger grander greater than I could even envision. So when we start thinking about what it's going to feel like when it does come to pass and what it feels like in our body and how we can neutralize that and hold the frequency of that person who lives that life. Because a version of us already has it. So we're going to stop the looping and start to trusting. And we're going to listen to our intuition by tapping in. To what it is. Our higher self is saying. So there's a technique called the freeze frame technique. I've talked about it before I created a real about it. And essentially it's tapping into your higher intuition. It's moving past the indoctrinations the subconscious that may be living in fear. And goes to the higher self that already is the person that you desire to be that already is living the life that you believe in. Wish it hope to have. And you're going to seek that advice. It's not the one that's been programmed. It's the one that's healed. It's the one that's expansive. It's the one that trust. Everything is working out on her favor. It's the one that believes that the universe is on her side. It's the one that speaks life and says, show me how good it gets. And thanks the universe with deep gratitude and joy for the life that is beautifully aligned. Here are some simple steps to take for you to stop overcomplicating your life and keep it simple. You're going to one, listen to your body. I want you to think about this in three different arenas. I want you to think about your physical body, your emotional body, and your spiritual body. So the first part is our physical body. I want you to keep it simple by doing the basics. How is your sleep? How is your digestion? How is your water intake? How is your movement? Our physical body needs sunlight, it needs water, it needs rest, and it needs living, nourishing food to function at its highest level. Then we're going to move on to the emotional. Where are you at emotionally? So first things first, we know that emotion is just energy and motion. Our emotions are going to ebb and flow. And when we allow ourselves the space to feel all we need to feel, but still trust and move in the direction that is in our highest alignment. When you go out into spaces, I want you to be mindful do you feel frustration? What is it that you're feeling on an emotional level? Do you feel nervous? Do you feel anxious? What is the titles you're giving it? And then I want you to think about where. You're feeling it. And then understand that you have the power to relabel whatever it is that you are feeling. The emotional aspect is really going to be determined on how you have treated your physical body. If you have given yourself space and adequate attention you're going to be able to have a more emotionally regulated and a more emotionally expansive space to hold the duality of life and the ebbs and flows. And then I want you to think about spiritually, what is it that you are believing about yourself past your physical body, past your emotion? What is your relationship with your highest self, do you feel that you are a co creator with the universe and that even if your physical body isn't what you desire or even your emotions at the space that you want them in, do you believe that your highest self, is capable to align all these other areas, to work in tandem with your physical and emotional, to raise your vibration. Where are you feeling energetically? And it's not perfection, it's progress. These are simple ways to create resilience in your nervous system. It's intentional baby steps the more you start moving in the direction of you trusting what your body is needing, Your highest self is telling you and showing you and actually following that is going to start creating more of a ripple. Right now, I want you to think about your day. What is on your to-do list? Now does this aligned to your highest self? Let's just take a couple steps back and I'm going to ask you, do you know what it is? You actually desire? Because this season, the spring Equinox, this mercury retrograde this eclipse. All of this energy and the cosmos. Is telling you it is time to release and it is time to receive. You want to live in your most aligned timeline. It is going to require you to shift the narrative. It's going to require you to release anything that is not in the correct vibration, because you can only receive what you are a match for. So I want you to look at your day and ask yourself, Does these activities align and match to my. My highest self. Is this getting me closer? Are these intentional steps? If the answer is no remove it. As simple as that, if there's a party that you're supposed to be attending and that does not align. Maybe it's the people. Maybe it's the atmosphere, whatever it is. If it doesn't feel like it aligns with your highest self. Disclaimer, if you know what it is, you are truly desiring. Remove it. And replace it. What's something else or use that time to get clear on what it is you want. You need to get clear on what it is you desire. How is not an issue? It's simply, what do you desire? What do you want? What do you believe you have been placed on this earth to do. What lights you up? What brings you joy? And then start following those steps. So that's the first part getting clear on this upcoming day, but then I want you to look at what does the next three months look like? We're in spring now and before, you know, we're going to be in summer. What does your ideal summer look like? I want you to visualize it. I want you to visualize how your body feels. I want you to think about how you're doing emotionally. Physically financially, spiritually. And I want you to write down three things. That are going to help you achieve this. What is it that you need to start doing today? To prepare you for this next season. Maybe it's starting to get out and move your body more. The weather is getting nicer and many parts of the world. So maybe it's just getting out in nature more. To create more safety in your nervous system. Maybe it's adding one more class of water. Maybe it's adding another helping of vegetables, whatever it is. I want you to really check in with yourself. Maybe it's time to release friendships that don't feel aligned. It's not to say that you're bad or they're bad. It's just not in alignment. Maybe it's time to stop procrastinating on the poetry you want it to write, or the art you want it to create. Whatever it is. Make a small step this week to start putting into motion. ONce you have gotten it written down clearly what it is you desire. I then want you to visualize what that looks like and feel it into your body and the key to create coherence is neutralizing it in your body so that it feels normal. What is something that is very easy for you to believe about yourself for myself? It's very easy for me to think of myself as a black female. It's just is, it's just what I am. Use that same neutrality and belief. To things that you also desire. It's very easy for me to create six figures. It's very easy for me to bring in. Multiple streams of income. It's very easy for me to travel first class. It's very easy for me to fill in the blank. So we're keeping it simple. We're getting clear on what it is we want, we are writing it down. We are visualizing it and resonating with it. We're going to visualize what it is we desire until it resonates in our body creates coherence and alignment. And then we're going to start making intentional steps into that direction. That is how you stop over complicating your life and you keep it simple. I have created an incredible interactive journal. That is called living in your magic. It's magnetised online. Intuitive guided clarity. it takes you through a journey back to self. It helps you to learn how to trust, understand, and listen to your intuition. It helps you to navigate through with somatic techniques, there's video lessons, there's QR codes throughout the journal. So you're not only writing down what it is that you are moving through and learning. But you have QR codes that you scan that will take you to the teaching. So the videos I would go even more in depth, there is different modalities, such as EFT that you can watch a video course on. There is information on hormonal health. It is an incredible interactive journey that takes you mind, body, and spirit so that you have a deeper integration. Of living in your magic. You can find it on Amazon at living in your magic interactive journal or click the link in my bio on Instagram at vibrant BF. I hope that you are feeling that you are capable of making and living any life you desire and just keeping it simple. Taking intentional actions daily. And before, you know, it, you will look up and be, and do and have everything and more Be sure to comment below and let me know what has resonated with you. I hope you feel empowered. That there is something that you can do today. Use this powerful energy. That is taking place in the atmosphere to set your life on a trajectory that brings you complete joy and helps you to live on your highest timeline and your magic. Thanks so much for listening and until next time friends bye-bye.