What if, I told you...

May 10, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone-1:

Hello friends, crystal here, your vibrant B F. And welcome back to another episode. What if I told you that by the age of seven, eight years old, you have all your foundational beliefs in place. Seven or eight. What if I told you that most people don't even realize the beliefs they hold. Aren't theirs until their twenties. Sometimes thirties. And they start to question everything they thought they knew. You are not alone. Many of us are. In the process of doing the work and re wiring our neural brain patterns. So, what does that mean? When we say rewire? Essentially, it means that we rewriting our own story. We're going back in and checking the author and realizing we're not even the author of our own lives. We have been playing roles that have been ascribed to us by family and friends and society. And then we can go back and rewire. Rewrite our story that actually fits our narrative. We have to understand where the beliefs come from. So more times than not it's coming from our caregivers, whoever that might have been it's coming from our environment. It's coming in subconscious and conscious programming. And so we first have to understand what is our programming. Now, it's not to say that you don't think similar to the people who were your caregivers. Or maybe even your society. But what it does say is that you have to check in and figure out what that is. And does that actually serve your highest self? Now you hear me say this a lot, your highest self, your highest health. Your authentic self. The one that was you before you were told to fit into this paradigm, into this narrative. Into the societal construct, the one that came in open and free. And loving and giving and curious that person before the world told you what you were supposed to do. I can definitely understand that that may seem to be a lot, basically. You're learning all these things for the first half of your life. And then you spend the rest of the time undoing and relearning. So, first of all, let's just give a disclaimer, not everything we're taught and showed and believe. Is wrong or lie. It's just, most of it. I'm truly not a pessimistic. And I am being very honest and it's going to be different for each person. Some of you who are still on your yellow brick road may not see the man behind the curtain. So. Please. I'm not trying to do a spoiler alert. However, I just want you to give yourself a moment to think. Think about when you were small and I don't know if you can remember your personal experience or if you have children of your own, or you've been around children, but children are naturally resilient. They have a quick bounce back rate for the most part. for example, if you see a kid and they drop their ice cream, and then they're of course upset, and then you get them another one they're over it. They're not thinking about man. I wish I didn't drop that, man. I can't believe I dropped that, man. I wish I could go back in time and pick it up and not have never dropped it. They just get their next one and they move on. Or they're learning to ride a bike or they're learning to. Walk and they stumble and fall and they may cry a little bit and then they get back up and they try it again and they get picked up and try again. And this is what we are designed to do. We are. Designed to come back to baseline. And understand that we're doing our best. And we're not judging herself and we're not shaming ourselves. It's the world that starts to tell us, what do you mean? You're 25 and you don't know what you're doing. What do you mean? You're 13. You don't have a house. What do you mean? You're 35 and you don't have any children. These beliefs, constructs, and patterning that creates these blocks and conditioning that we start to judge ourselves and question ourselves and lose our true authenticity. But once we understand that, wait a minute, who wrote this book? I didn't even write this book. This is my life. Yet I'm not even the author. It's time to go back and do some edits, and some rewrites. That's when we start stepping into your power. That's when you start living in your highest timeline. What if I told you that your mind is just a mirror? That it's just playing back. What it remembers seeing before what it's been told before, what it believes to be true. Not necessarily the truth. What have I told you that everything you're seeing in your reality now? Is from a pattern that you hold in your mind. So this is where people really get tripped up. And once you can understand this concept, It's all bets are off. And you can truly understand the power. Of the mind as well as quantum physics. Now I'm not going to get too far in too deep into all that. We're just going to start pulling on that thread. So, for example, if you were to look at yourself in the mirror, You could probably touch your eyes and your nose and your mouth without having to see it, you can close your eyes and you wouldn't know where your mouth was. And know where your ears were. Just because you've seen yourself so many times. Well, that's the same thing that your mind is doing. It's basically playing back. What it remembers. If you're constantly in the pattern of toxic relationships, whether they be romantic or platonic, it's going to keep playing that back you decide to change. The software change the pattern and rewire. So you can start envisioning yourself in healthy relationships. Again. Platonic and romantic that you start seeing yourself. And spaces that make you feel expanded and you're not looping in the same toxic patterns. Or possibly a limiting belief. And just because you believe it doesn't mean it's true. There's a quote, whether you can, or you can't you're right. If you believe that every relationship you're in is toxic. Then absolutely that will become true. That will be the reflection that your mind will keep playing for. You. That will be the hologram, if you will. That's played in your reality. Change the pattern. So part of changing this pattern. Is what's called an NLP, is. Pattern interruption. It's literally called pattern interruptions. You're literally going to change the path that your mind takes to keep coming to the same conclusions. Because our subconscious. Is going to want to keep us safe and save to the subconscious is comfort. Now that is not one in the same, but this is how it's wired. So until you change that rewiring to say, just because something is new. Doesn't mean it's bad. Doesn't mean there's danger. Just because something's new doesn't mean it isn't true. Just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And this is all going to come with you. Pattern interrupting. Wiping the slate clean. If you will. And catching those thoughts that say, oh, here we go again. Another toxic relationship. So, how do we actually change this pattern? How do we actually pattern interrupt? What does that look like? I'm so glad you asked in your thought. It's becoming self-aware. It's catching the thought. It's thinking about what you're thinking about. You've heard me say this before. So if you find yourself feeling usually constricted small, tight, Or if you feel yourself repeating a pattern, you know, the cycle and you're like, here we go again. I want you to stop and say, what does that mean? Here we go again. What is actually happening? And then I want you to ask yourself, what would I like to happen? How would I feel if that was to happen? And start to embody that, which takes us to the next part. You have your self awareness and you break the pattern. You check in with yourself and stop the looping stop. The toxic patterns. Stop the limiting beliefs. And you embody what it is that you actually do want to feel. So what does that mean when you hear embodiment? Basically it's acting as if it's done. It's imagination. Think about again, being a child. A child has a stick. But that's not a stick to them. That's a wand. They believe it's so much. And this one can transform into beautiful castles and it can transform clothes into ball counts It can do all kinds of magical things because it believes it is, another way you can do this is if you can go back into a time where you felt very expansive or you felt very free, or you feel very safe and tap back into that image, and what you do is you literally just think about that time. What were you doing? What were you wearing? Who were you with? What did you feel like your subconscious does not know what's real and what's imagined. So if you go back into your memory bank onto positive experiences, And start playing those on repeat. It's going to be easier to embody. What else it is you believing to be done? Because with embodiment, one of the easiest ways to is to start thinking about things that are absolutely true. If you don't have an example to go to a feeling safe, feeling, abundant, feeling expansive, feeling, whatever it is you desire to feel. The next thing you can do. It's just to use your imagination. How do you think it would feel to feel safe in your body? How do you think it would feel to feel loved? Any imagine. If you never had a healthy relationship. And you're like, I desire to feel respected. And safe and seen, and you may not have already experienced it, but you can imagine what that would feel like in your body lean into that thought lean into that feeling. Another incredible tip. To get yourself into an expansive state. To get yourself into a state that helps you to further embody. What it is, you're desiring. Put on some good high vibrational music. Could be your song that really gives you excited and happy that makes you want to dance and it plays throughout your body. All your sales. Love it. Have yourself a dance party. What song is it that you love to sing? In the shower or you're driving. Think about that and play that dance scene. Move the energy. And get into a higher vibrational state. That will be easier to drop in and really start holding the vibration of what you want to embody. This is a huge tip. Many people don't talk about getting into the state first. They talk about, write it down, which is great. Visualize also. Great. But what about your physical potty actually? Elevating actually vibrating on a higher frequency, dancing is one of the quickest and best ways to do this. So put on one of your favorite song, that's high vibrational that gets you up, gets you excited. Start dancing, start feeling good. An incredible teacher. That I knew would say feeling good is the work. And it really is true when you feel good. You're going to start vibrating higher when you're vibrating higher, you're going to have more clarity. When you have more clarity, you're going to be able to call in what it is you desire. You're going to understand what you're calling it is already available to you. Now you just have to match the vibration. That's where a lot of people get tripped up. Is one. Believing that what they see is just true. Questioning and rewiring the patterns. don't have the self-awareness to stop. Have a self-awareness, but not sure how to do it, which I just talked about. And have a hard time embodying because they haven't actually experienced it. Or they're not in a high enough vibration to hold it. And to really amplify it. I'm going to do a little caveat here and talk about. That vibration. It's hard to keep clear on what it is. You're desiring when you're in environment and spaces that are very low vibrational. If you're with a partner that is very low vibrational, if you're in a job in relationships of any kind if you're any physical environment that is of a lower vibration, it's going to cause. Friction, it's going to cause resistance. It's going to cause a delay. So one of the things you can do is actually changing your environment. This is an easier way to help raise their vibration. If you're not able to. Leave the partner or cut off the relationship as of yet, or quit the job, whatever it may be. Put yourself physically in a new space. Go to a nicer part of town. Go to, a high vibe coffee shop. sTores that make you feel very expansive, whatever it is for you. A beautiful library. Is it to a beautiful museum? Is it to how showings of beautiful homes, whatever it is that helps you to get into a more high vibrational space, do that. And then start to think about what it is you desire and then understand that whatever that is is all ready here. And the only reason you don't see it yet is because you don't believe you're worthy of having it. You don't believe that it's already here. You are not matching the vibration, but what if I told you. That it's already available. The you that's in the beautiful relationship. They, you, that feels financially free and expansive. Living in your creative outlet, that version of you already exists. Just like the version that you are currently living in and the frequency that you're living on. Your doppelgangers, if you will. Your different doppelgangers are living different lives so that life and those things that you're desiring is because it's all ready, available. It's all ready in motion.. All you need to do is believe that you are worthy, that you already have it and raise your vibration into that frequency. And then you'll start living on that timeline. So here's where the other kind of component comes in. What if I told you, even when you do all of that, Belief visualization, knowing it's already here. Raising your vibration. What if I told you, you then have to detach you just attach from it and just act like it is. So for example, No one would have to tell me to act like a black woman. I am a black woman. It just is. I don't have to think about it. I don't have to ponder what it would feel like to be a black woman.. I know firsthand I've been in it. It's just who I am. That's the same energy that you should have for what it is you're calling in. You're believing it's already done. Of course you already live in your dream place. Of course, you already have beautiful relationship. And you're embodying it and yes,, you feel very high vibrational. You feel very expansive. You feel very safe. You feel a lot of peace. You have flow, you have ease. Yes. This is already available to you. What have I told you? That the script you're holding is your life story. And you have the power to write in. Anything you want. What have I told you? That you are one choice away from changing your entire life. What if I told you. Anything you desire is already available. What if I told you right now in this moment, think about the song that raises your vibration. Think about what it is you already know to be true. Think about the you that is on your highest timeline. Think about how it feels in your body. Think about the places you see, think about the people you're with. Think about the things you eat. And just act as if it's done. Move in that space. Go to those places. Now you could be saying, yeah, that may be nice. So say you're like, well, the high timeline for myself has me on a yacht in lake Como. There's no way I can go to lake Como, much less on a yacht. What about if you start. Going and looking at travel magazines. What, if you start Googling photos of lake Como. What have you started looking at houses on lake Como yachts? What, if you start thinking about the outfits you would wear and they'll spaces, the foods you would eat. It doesn't have to cost you the physical money. It's the emotion. It's the vibration. Remember? That's what you're leaning into. It just is. Whatever it is. Whoever you desire to be is already here. It's not this big, long ritualistic practices. Now, listen, I love. A good practice. The main thing is having self-awareness and understanding where you are limited. And your thinking and in your beliefs, because it is your subconscious, that is playing into your reality. So if you want a different reality, you have the power to change that, but that perse starts with understanding and rewiring beliefs that don't serve you in your highest timeline. After that. Then you want to start embodying by raising your vibration and living in the frequency of the you that already lives there. And acting as if it's done and you're doing this because you're going to detach you don't have to sit and ponder and think about how you're getting to lake Como. How are you going to get a yacht? How you're going to get a boat license. That is none of your concern. You are simply to embody and believe and know that it's done and carry on your life. What if I told you that you are co-creating your life. And I believe that we are all worthy of living that on our highest timeline. Let me know in the comments, what spoke to you today? Be sure to follow me over on vibrant. And there are some really exciting things coming. I've been doing some different teachings. So go over there and learn more about mind, body, spirit, nervous system, resilience, mindset as well as living in your magic, which is your magnetised. Aligned guided, intuitive clarity until next time friends. Bye. Bye.