Rehearsed Realities

May 17, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone-1:

Hello, Franz crystal here, your vibrant B F. And welcome back to another episode. I want to talk about how many times we can get caught up in thinking that we know what's going to happen in the future. But I want to share some knowledge with you. Basically the past. Is the past and the future. Is what you create now. So what that means is everything that you hold in your brain now. Is mirroring back what has already happened? It's like a hologram that you're projecting into your future. So if you've had relationships that were very traumatic or drama field, That is what your subconscious is going to hold as true. And going to project into your future, your current reality, which will create your future. But you have the power to shift and create whatever you desire for it to be. So you don't have to keep repeating these patterns and keep living off a rehearsed reality. That's. What many of us will do is we will continually loop through patterns that don't serve us. Because that's what we know. That's what we remember. And that's all we have to go off of, but when you are elevating and expanding and rewiring your mind, It's going to have you. Reconfigure what it is you believe what it is that you think is available, even if you haven't seen it for yourself. Let's talk more about some rehearsed realities. Save you come from a home where you struggled financially. There was always, Conversations debates arguments about money. It never seemed to be enough. You're going to. Hold beliefs and truths. That money is hard and that there's never enough. And this rehearse reality will continue to project in your life. Giving you scarcity mindset. And lack mentality. When in fact that isn't necessarily the truth. We live in an abundant universe. Money is a resource. Wealth is a frequency, but if you haven't seen that played out in your personal life. It's going to be harder to create. That hologram to project, what you do want to see, which is. Expansion and resourced and financial stability. Another rehearse reality could be health say you. Struggled with your weight as a child and into adulthood you have family members that struggle with their weight. This is something that you have. Patterned your behaviors and thought processes behind. I use money and wait, because that is something a lot of people always talk about. That's one of the main. Like what do you want to talk about finance fitness? Like these are just things that are common. Especially coming from America. These are top. Topics that many people will struggle with or talk about. So I just want to share how rehearsed realities. Again are not necessarily true. It's what you've seen. It's what you used to know, but it doesn't have to be. Your reality now. And what we do now is what we are setting up for our future, because all we have is now. So if we start programming in now, what it is, we want to see what it is. We want to be what it is we want to do. That will set a new program that will set a new holograph that we can project into our future. It's similar to visualization when you are picturing yourself. On the coast of Africa. Traveling to Asia, whatever it is that you desire to do B or C. What it feels like in your body. You want to project a hologram. You want to envision, you want to embody this life, even though you may not have personally experienced it. And again, our subconscious does not know what's real or what's imagined. So holding this frequency, holding this energy. That this is available to you we'll make it so that it will come into fruition. It will be projected into your future and future. I'm using very lightly because. Time is another illusion. I'm just saying. Right in this moment, whatever timeline you're on, whatever you're living, whatever you're believing. Is what you are setting up and creating as you move forward. So if you are wanting to have more financial freedom, then you need to start living in the wealth frequency. Start opening yourself up knowing and believing. That we live in an infinite universe and we live in abundance and the only boundaries and. Constructs are the ones that we believe that there are, because abundance is our birthright. If you start believing that your body is healthy and it is whole, and it is strong and you start eating foods that are nourishing and moving your body and treating yourself as if someone who cherishes and believes and holds herself as valuable. That is also what your project.

Pyle USB Microphone-4:

let's talk practicality. What does this look like in day to day life? First thing we want to do is get clear. What is it that you are desiring? That is the first thing. And not only what is it that you want? Why is it that you want these things? Because more often than not, it's the emotion, it's the feeling that we think it's going to give us. So for example, some people are like, I want to lose X amount of weight because I feel like I will like myself more. And guess what? They will bust their butt get to this weight, but because they haven't done some of the deeper rooted issues, they still lack self competence. They steal feel. Unworthy so understanding what is it that you are truly desiring the root, the feeling? What is it that you want to feel? Get clear on what you want and why you want it without judgment. And then write it down. Writing down your goals is huge. Pen to paper. The reason for this is that it literally. Helps it to come into fruition by over 40% just by writing down. Your dreams, your goals, your desires, pen to paper, pencil to paper. So you are going to get clear on what it is that you want and why it is you want and how you desire to feel. Writing it down. And then you're going to think about what it's going to feel like after it's already achieved. You're going to actually envision embody, visualize yourself living in. And from these spaces. So for example, you desire to be financially free. What does that look like for you? How much income do you create? Is it monthly? Is it yearly? What do you do with this wealth? How do you spin this wealth? How does it feel in your body? How do you create more wealth? Hold that energy of how it feels in your body to be financially free. You desire to be a published author. What is it that you are writing? How does it make you feel to have your work shared with others? What would you write about. What does the cover look like? Really immerse yourself in whatever it is that you're desiring. The next thing is to put action behind it. What does a published author do? Day-to-day. Are you working on new things? If so, where are you writing? What's the spaces that you like to be in? What helps you feel most creative? What foods do you eat? What do you talk about? What events do you attend really start to embody and live from the frequency that you're desiring. iF you've never been a published author, you don't know, but you can envision what it may feel like. It may feel very accomplished. You may feel very proud. You may feel very excited, very creative. And what do you do to keep yourself in this state?

Pyle USB Microphone-5:

We have the power to create any life we desire. And just because the life that we have been leaving previously, doesn't feel aligned to our highest self. It doesn't feel authentic. Doesn't make us feel whole, or maybe we just feel like we aren't living to our full potential. We're not utilizing our talents. You have the power to create any life you desire. And the life you were desiring is already available to you. I talked to last week about what if I told you, and it was essentially about you living on the frequency and the timeline you're on is because that's the one you believe. There's multiple versions of you in different dimensions and different timelines. We went into quantum physics. That already has that life. So if you're designing to be a published author, it's because there's a version of you that is already a published author. There's a version of you that is at their ideal weight. There's a version of you that is financially free. There's a version of you, of whatever it is that you are desiring. There's a quote by Rumi that says what you are seeking is seeking you. the only Reason that you are not living in the vibration of your highest self to yet. Is multiple reasons. One could be that you don't feel worthy. That you can have that and that it's available to you. But it is. And the reason why you have this desires. Is again, because as a version of you that already has it, because it's already available to you. And to you who are still living from your perceived perceptions. You're living from your rehearsed realities. And you have not yet rewired and new programming and that you are still looping and toxic or low vibration and limiting beliefs. But those are lies. You don't have to stay in what you used to know. Or what you think, you know, But you can create any life you desire. So before you start thinking that couldn't be possible, it couldn't be me. I don't see how the, how is none of your business. It's just believing and embodying putting action behind the intentions, holding the vibrations, feeling into the energy that is the work feeling good. Is the work, listening to your intuition. Moving and leaning into those nudges, following the glimmers, leaning into more joys, doing things that light you up. That is what's going to move you from what you thought was possible into what actually is available to you. And that is whatever you desire it to be. It does take practice to get to a place where you understand that just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not available just because you haven't lived. It doesn't mean that you can't just because you may not touch it and feel it and see it now. It's available. And once you start holding that vision, imagining using that imagination, that powerful imagination. Using the power of visualization using your energy. To focus in using your senses. What are you smelling? What are you seeing? What are you hearing? What are you touching? What are you feeling? Truly immersing yourself into these spaces that you are desiring to be. Into the person that you are desiring to live into the life that you believe that you are wanting to be available to you. Is available to you. It really may seem like it can't be that easy and it's not necessarily easy because you have to keep coming up against the programming. Until you break, pass. And understand that. Yes, it is available for you. I hope that today you could understand the power of your mind. That you're rehearsed realities does not have to be your future and that any life you desire is available to you. So remember to get clear on what it is that you want. Embody the feeling and vision it live from that space. Write it down because remember it increases it by over 40%. And truly. Liv with intention. Live within the energetics of that vibration. Believing that it's already available for you. If this is something you struggle with and you need more help with living from a place that feels expansive and not living from a place of your rehearsed reality. I have an incredible interactive journal. That walks you through the journey of living in your magic and your magic is you and your highest timeline. It's your magnetised aligned, guided, intuitive clarity. That we all have. It's about unblocking and unlocking your true potential. De-colonize and deconstruct these low and limiting beliefs that are keeping you in toxic patterns. Please leave, me a comment on what you took away from today's episode. And be sure to follow me over on IgG. At vibrant B F until next time friends. Bye. Bye.