Unpopular opinion, "Bloom where you are planted?" I don't agree.

May 17, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Unpopular opinion, "Bloom where you are planted?" I don't agree.
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Hello friends, crystal here, your vibrant B AF. And I have an unpopular opinion. Bloom where you're planted. We hear the saying a lot. We see the little bumper stickers, the signs, the quotes, all the shirts, bloom, where you're planted bloom, where you planted. But my question for you is. Do you understand how important your environment is? And not all things bloom where they are planted. Journey with me for a moment while I get very literal about the blooming process. So, I'm not sure if any gardeners are out there or those of you who enjoy beautiful flowers. That there's a science behind this. Not all flowers are native or are able to bloom in all environments. Bloom where you planted is not actually accurate. Let's look at some reasons as to why there would be no blooms, some of the reasons our age now, sometimes a plant is simply too young and I thought this very fascinating because let's look at it as us humans. We have to go through and learn certain things before we're even able to see our full potential before we're able to actually put into practice. What it is. We have learned from our environments. Another reason why a plant may not bloom. Is the environment or cultural issues. Now we're talking about the importance of our environments and for us to make such a simple statement overall of saying bloom where you're planted, but really breaking down and understanding what you're saying. I'm going to put a little caveat in here. And help you to understand the power of words. The power of self-talk. The power of what you are ingesting, even if it may seem innocent, the phrase itself. Bloom where you're planted. Is a beautiful adage. Of being able to still do your best and to shine and show up even in not the most ideal situations. However, the undercurrent of it is actually very harmful. Because environments are crucial and it's not a fair statement when environments can. Differ greatly. So back to. Environmental or cultural issues. For example, light can play a big part in it. And I thought. That is beautiful because. There may be situations that some of us face that it's very dark and there is no light. And we're going to use this light in the example of hope or making a way out and not even being able to see. The light at the end of the tunnel, if you will. And you may feel like. How am I going to bloom in complete darkness? There are some plants like poinsettias that require a prolonged periods of darkness. And I think about the phrase that. They buried you, but they didn't know you were a seed. So it's funny the symbiotic. Relationship we have with plants and people. But most. Plants need at least six to eight hours of sunlight before blooming can take place Another deterrent of why there may not be a bloom, is temperature, temperature affects the blooming. So low temperatures can quickly damage or kill flower buds, which will result in obviously not having flowers and in some cases, Plants need to go through cold periods to provoke flowering. And I just think it's so incredible. How as humans, we're all built so differently and how the different environments can affect each person we're no different than plants and what plants need certain things, but temperatures. So what is your, not only what is the environment? But how is it? Is it a warm, loving home that you're in? Or is it a very cold home where you feel like you have to walk on eggshells? Another deterrent is poor pollution. Now I thought this was very interesting. Because lack of adequate pollinators can inhibit both flower and fruit production. Who's in your environment? Who are you listening to? What are your peers saying to you? Are they speaking life? Are they slowly poison you with different toxic. Verbiage and beliefs and thoughts. It could be your family. It could be friends. It could be whoever is in your environment that can also. Provide poor pollution, which would alter the blooming process. Another one is nutrient imbalance. So if we're not treating our bodies properly, the nutrient and violence, isn't just what we're intaking. And our environments, but what we're taking into our bodies, what are the foods you're feeding yourself? How are you moving your body? And then another one is improper pruning. soon as I seen this, I thought. There are environments where we are put in situations where we have to learn very hard lessons. And very cruel ways. And this can obviously affect how we bloom, how we develop, how we see the world, how we can forever be altered by. Improper pruning. When we understand. The literal blooming process we can apply this to our own physical human lives. We don't get to choose the environments. When we are young, unfortunately, and there are many people that are environments that are not conducive to blooming and to having proper soil, if you will, they don't have environments that are loving, that are positive environments that aren't. Nourishing to their soul, or should I say soil? As we continue to grow and expand and learn. And we get to decide what environments are best for us. What environments actually feed our soil. For those of you who may not have had a good environment when you were younger. And that is not your fault. You didn't get to pick your environment. You did the best you could with what you had. And now that you're older, you can do even better. I want to share something with you about how important our environments are. My daughter sent me this Tik TOK video of this beautiful black girl. She was dark skin and she went to a predominantly white school. She was discussing how she was so ugly. She never got dates. You know, she would talk about how our friends were dating all these different people and she hadn't even had her first kiss. And the comments were like, you're gorgeous. You're beautiful. Come to Georgia. Come here, come there. And it just goes to show. Her environment isn't conducive to her blooming. Her environment is not nurturing to her soil, to her soul. And she obviously is still a youth and in school she doesn't get to choose. Where she's at at this moment, but how vital it would be to even have peers around her that would impart love and beauty and speak positive affirmations into her life. Because she was stunning. Truly stunning. Like as soon as I seen her. I thought she was getting ready for a model shoot. And then as you listen to her conversation, you're actually so sad. Because her. Uh, soil is not nourishing. Another story I seen was about Gillian, Lynne. She's an amazing choreographer for cats and Phantom of the opera. But when she was younger, she was told. By her teachers that something was wrong with her and the mother took her to a psychiatrist. This is back in the thirties. ADHD was not a thing. And the psychiatrist listened to the mom and all the concerns. And he was like, you know what? Let's step out for a moment and chat and leave Julian, the young girl at the time. And the office. But before they left the psychiatrist turned on the radio. And close the door and immediately the girl got up and started dancing and the mom and the psychiatrist looked at the window and seen this. The psychiatrist basically told the Palm your daughter, isn't sick. She's a dancer enrolled her in dance school. Until the mom did. And it literally changed the trajectory of Jillian Lynn's life. I mean to go on and choreograph or cats and Phantom of the opera. And she started her own studio. And it was all because her environment was conducive for her to truly bloom. So I want to take this moment to ask you, what is your soil? What is your current environment? Are you in an environment that is conducive to you? Blooming? Ask yourself that. Who are the people in your groups? What is the conversations that are spoken? How do you feel about yourself? How do you feel when other people speak to you? I want you to do an inventory. On. Your environment. First, starting to write down, physically, write down with a pen to paper, all your attributes, your traits. What makes you, you, what makes you beautiful? It makes you smart, intelligent now, if you have trouble doing this, I don't want you to judge it. We're going to work through this. Probably almost a decade now. I posed a question of asking on my Facebook page. That's how I know it was a long time ago. Cause I'm rarely ever on Facebook. I posed a question that said, describe me and three words, I think, and the amount of beautiful words that poured onto my feet now I did this because I had seen somebody else post and I thought that's cool. That's fun. I wonder how people see me. And so I did it and it was a beautiful outpouring of love. Now for myself. I've really never suffered whole self-esteem. I've had family that talked about how beautiful, how smart, how intelligent, how great I was. For the most part, a pretty conducive environment to bloom. And to shine. Now. If this isn't your story. This may be a great way to start getting the ball rolling. So that you can see your beauty and your light and your blooms, so to speak. So write down a list of all your wonderful attributes. If you need help, put a post, it's not arrogant. I promise people love doing this. I love when I see it, describe me in three words. Describe what you think of me. Describe me in one word, whatever feels good to you. Post the question and see what you get back and see how you're viewed. And then if you haven't already then write down your own list, hopefully that will get the ball going. After you have a list of all your beautiful. Attributes a cheat sheet, if you will, of why you are amazing why the world needs your magic. I want you to think about your environment. All your environments. If you're in school, your school environment, if you're at work, your work environment, your home environment. I want to think about the environment that you inhabit within yourself. How do you speak to yourself? Because people can say all these beautiful things all day, but if you don't believe them, That's going to be another issue. So I want you to write down what environment you're cultivating for yourself in your mind. What are you speaking? What are you thinking? And then I want you to see areas that maybe aren't conducive for you to feel nourished. And ways that you can alter And maybe provide more sunlight. If that is a work environment, that feels very toxic. Is there people in that work environment that you do enjoy? Do you have work friends? Is there a special project that you can work with? People that are of a more higher vibration. I want you to think of ways that will create a more conducive soil for your soul. I want you to think about your home life. What are their systems in place? Is there systems in place? Are you articulating your needs? As mothers, especially, we can just take on the role of just doing it, just fixing it, just handling it. But I want you to set boundaries. I want you to articulate what it is that you are needing from your partner, from your children. Maybe it's contributing meals, I personally enjoy cooking. But sometimes I would get stuck and think, well, what would you guys like to eat? And so it had my kids write down their favorite meals to help me plan out the meal plans. Or maybe it's asking your partner to contribute more. Hey, can you provide dinner once a week? So I don't have to have to think about it. I want you to think about ways that you can nourish your soul. So that you can make your environment more conducive to blooming, to flourishing, to thriving. I hope this episode has been encouraging to you to really start to think about what you're thinking about and what you're taking in. And a phrase as innocent as bloom, where you're planted, how it could really be toxic in a way for those of you who did not have environments to bloom. And once we broke down, how. The different factors and how you can apply that to your own individual life. Now, if you need help with really understanding what it is that sparks joy in your life. I've created an incredible interactive journal. That walks you through a journey of how to live on your highest timeline. Which is essentially living in your magic. We all have different aspects of us that makes us uniquely beautiful. There's all types of flowers in this world, and they're all unique and distinctive with their colors and their sizing, and they all need different environments. And what can unlock your magic? Which is your magnetised

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guided, intuitive clarity. Which is going to help you thrive and blossom and bloom into your most vibrant self. Be sure to leave a comment on what you took away from today's episode and follow me over on it at vibrant PF. And until next time France bye-bye.