A time..a reason...a seaon...

May 30, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello friends, crystal here, your fiber F, now I do not consider myself a religious person though. I did grow up in the church and I was very active for many years. I consider myself a spiritual person, not a religious one. I do believe however that there are truths that can come from many different facets. I want you just to take the words at face value. And Ecclesiastes chapter three verses one through eight. It states. For everything, there is a season. Uh, time for every activity under heaven. Uh, time to be born. And a time to die. A time to plant. And a time to harvest. Uh, time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh, a time to grieve. And a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. Uh, time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search. And a time to quit searching. At time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to men. Uh, time to be quiet. And a time to speak. Uh, time to love and a time to hate. Uh, time for war. And a time for peace. I always talk about. That as humans. Our life is about. Seasons. The one constant in this life is change and there has been. Immense change that has transpired over the last four years. There are so many things that are taking place and our world right now. All over the globe. And I feel that this particular passage. Sums up. All the different times and seasons that are taking place simultaneously. What time are you in? The other day I showed my plant. On my Instagram stories and she's a beautiful piece Lilly with beautiful flowers and there's four different blooms. And each of those blooms are in a different season. One was just opening up and starting. One was mature. One was starting to get older and one was actually dying. This was all on the same plant. And this is a perfect representation of us. Humans, we can be experiencing joy. And grief. And sadness. And happiness. And horror. And peace. We are so multifaceted, and this is why I personally truly believe the importance of creating space. Of understanding your nervous system. On how to hold the gravity of this very heavy life at times. Cause life. Can really life. We know all the things that have taken place. Since October. regarding Philistine. But this has been going on for 76 years. Many of us were just really aware. In October. It's just one place in the globe. Of great travesty and heartache and sadness and war. But there is grief. All over our globe. And so many of us are awakening and I feel like those who have been sleep have. I've been waking up since 2020. And though we've survived a pandemic and we are. Literally watching a genocide before our eyes and whores and wars and gaslighting there is nothing new under the sun. War has always happened. Oppression has always happened. beyond many of us can even fathom. Has always happened. And in the same breath, there's been peace. There's been joy. There's. So many complexities to this life. And so I want to ask you. What time are you in? What season are you in? And I want you to know that you can hold multiple spaces at one time. You are able to grieve and be heartbroken. And still find joy. And nature. With loved ones. There is no blueprint. On how we are to truly live this life. And every journey is so unique to each one of us. Uh, but once we can collectively understand the humanity and us and how. We're all weaved together.. That each of us at our basic levels. Desire. Peace love. Joy. And that. No matter where you are in this season. You are still able to experience. Peace. In the midst of anger and sadness and grief and what that looks like for each individual person is going to be on a case by case scenario collectively, the world is grieving. With Philistine and Sudan integrity and the Congo. And collectively. We are awakening. Collectively. We are understanding our power. But when we joined forces, Of one we boycott of when we lift our voice of when we share. And we also understand the power of our love. Of knowing that collectively we can raise the vibration knowing collectively we don't have to sit back and watch oppression and watch wars and massacres happen in real time that we can use our voice that we can stand up because there are more of us. Then it is with them. I seen the other day a lady talking about the bug's life. It's an old children's movie. iT was actually one of my kids' favorite the ants are working to feed the grasshoppers. Their grasshoppers, as you know, are a very big, and I think some of them might've even been locust, but either way, these tiny ants, but great in numbers. We're harvesting food. For the grasshoppers And so the ants really had to work double time to make sure they provide enough food to give to the grasshoppers as well as provide enough food for them to survive through the winter. Well, long story long, the food gets dropped and they don't have the offering to the grasshoppers and the grasshoppers, needless to say, we're furious. They started to understand that they outnumbered, these very big grasshoppers. And that even though they may be small in stature, they were mighty with the numbers, with their beliefs. As they join together to say you will not bully us any longer. This is a beautiful Testament of where many of us may feel now. Many people may feel like, how are we going to rise up against the quote unquote machine? How are we going to fight back? What are we, who am I. But together we are mighty. And together when we understand the power that each one of us possess just on an individual level and how that is magnified. Even more so when we come together collectively, Especially for the same. Cause in love. And say no longer. Not in our name. No longer will we sit back? And watch you oppress. And murder, innocent people. We will not let this system. Continue to operate in this manner. Though there is nothing new under the sun. I do believe that this time in history is so unique. Because of all our advancements and all our technology. However, humanity at its core. Is the same. And I feel for many years, many people have been sleep. And like I stated earlier, there is an awakening. people are starting to regain their strength. Remember their power. And I am grateful to see an uprising. I'm grateful to see an awakening. I'm grateful. That we are going to join forces. For the collective. That we will say no longer. No longer will we operate in this status quo? No longer. Will the grasshoppers dictate and bully us. A message for those of you who have just awakened and maybe you've changed your opinion on everything that's happening. And Philistine right now. And if that's you, I congratulate you. And if you're still on the fence. I hope that you wake up to. And that you're on the right side of history. Because we are literally watching history in the making. One day. Your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren will ask you. What did you do? What did you say? How did you use your circle of influence? How did you use your voice? How did you help? What did you do? And as I would tell my children, Never let fear. Decide your fate. As we continually navigate. This very heavy season. I send love to all of you. All over the globe. That understand that we as humans. Basic fundamental rights is to have safety. Peace. Love food and shelter. Water and health. I believe that this season. Is a time to choose sites. I believe that this season. It is time for you to remember your power. I believe in this season. It is time for us to join together and remember our humanity. Join me. And a simple prayer. To those. Around the globe who have experienced traumas. And horrors. That many of us will never be able to fathom. I joined together, energetically with my sisters and brothers across the globe. To send. Love. To send. A piece. That truly surpasses all understanding. That those mothers and fathers and children. Who may not see one ounce of hope or light. That they know. That there are people. That support them, that love them, that will continually lift their voice. And to share and to donate and to operate by any means necessary. That they are not forgotten. Together. We can. Raise the collective consciousness and speak hailing. And speak hope. That we will. Choose. Do you no longer operate in fear? Or confusion. But that we understand the mission. Of humanity. The purpose of humanity. Together, collectively energetically across the globe. That we all. Open our hearts. Open our minds. And are led by our intuition. To encourage. To heal. To spread love. To stand in resistance. Of all that is of low vibration. I have all that as an opposition. And oppression. That it has no space in this new world that we are creating. And in the midst of horror and pain and heartbreak and sadness and anger. That we know that love always wins. And so it is. I hope you leave this. Episode feeling a little bit of hope. Uh, glimmer. And know that each day, each hour we get to choose. How we want to show up in this world. I am holding space for each and every one of you. Be sure to follow me over on IgG. At vibrant BF. And until next time friends. Bye-bye.