Sliding scale of success.

June 06, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello friends, crystal here, your vibrant B F. And welcome back to another episode. So last week I went to my old stomping grounds. For those of you. Who've been here for a while, know that I am in Lisbon Portugal. But when we first moved to Portugal, we were in the Southern tip or the all garb is what it's called. Now we were there in the all guard for a year and it was a really tough year. It was a lot of transitioning. We had left the U S and then stopped in Mexico for a few months and then made our way to Portugal. So there was lots of transitions and adjustments and. Acclimating to life abroad life in Europe, life in the Algarve life with kids and all the many facets that, that encompasses. So I went back last weekend to visit a friend and we had a great time and the Airbnb was adorable and the location was great. However, I started to realize that as the days went on and I was only there for three days, but as the days went on, Energetically. I was feeling depleted. I was feeling almost like an energy leak and I'm really in tune with my body. And so I'm able to recognize it fairly quickly. So by the second day, I was like, I had thought about actually extending my trip another day so we could take a tour. But I said, you know, I think. I'm getting depressed. This place be all. Garth is making me sad. During all the acclimating into the new space and Portugal. I had actually tore my meniscus and was basically on my back for a few weeks. Um, as it healed. And that did not help the already kind of. Depressive state that I was in as I was acclimating and adjusting to life abroad. Now, of course there were beautiful moments, but overall it was a really hard year. So coming back to this space, really kind of exasperated and brought up. Not happy memories. And I felt myself getting really sad and my body was really heavy and it's just so ironic how, smells and sounds and sights can bring back to memory things that you didn't even know were there, or that were laying dormant. And then that were reactivated. So. I did not extend the trip. And the day before I left, I actually felt like my body was getting sick, full on sick. Like body chills and headache. And it was so bizarre because I felt completely 100% fine when I went. Needless to say. I came back and was a little off kilter. And it brings me to the point of when we are in spaces and places and environments that are out of alignment of our vibration, where we're wanting to go, what we're desiring. It will have an effect on our physical bodies. And a lot of people don't realize how much our environments and our thoughts and people and spaces can affect us on a physical level. So more often than not, people will ignore. What they're feeling. If they go to a party and they just feel a little off or a little awkward, I'm not talking about. You know, in different spaces and you're trying to figure out kind of, you know, what's the vibe and things I'm talking about actually. Out of alignment in spaces that are not in sync with you. And a lot of people will ignore it and think that just must be my anxiety. That just must be me. That just must be when in fact, it's your intuition talking to you? Through your body. So when you can get into spaces and check in and say, Hmm, How am I feeling? And do a quick body scan starting at the top of your head. And go down other spaces in your body that feels dense. That feels tight. Does your throat feel like it's closing up? Is your heart beating a little faster, check in with yourself and see how you're feeling? A lot of people don't realize our bodies are incredibly intuitive and they will usually tell us faster. Then our brain can more often than not. So when you can listen to your very intuitive body, you can get a better read and be able to react appropriately. Now it could be a person you could be doing fine at the party, and then all of a sudden. Uh, some people walk in and it shifts the environment, shifts the energy and you start feeling some sort of way. Have you had an altercation with that person or maybe that person's energy and your energies just don't mix. It's not to say they're bad. It's not to say you're bad. It's just being intentional about where you are. And checking in with yourself and being honest with yourself and then listening and moving in the direction that does feel more aligned. It would be similar to ordering a salad, for example, and say, you start taking some bites and it tastes a little off and you start looking at the ingredients is the meat bad. Is the vinegarette off? Is there some kind of weird seasoning that you're maybe not familiar with. So. Once I came back home, I. Rested. I usually rest when I'm out, when I've been out with people or events or away from home, I need time to reacclimate back into my space. And recalibrate myself if you will. But I was already feeling not the best physically. I felt like I was getting sick. And I just thought this is absolutely insane. How I went from 100%. Till about 70% and a matter of just like 72 hours. So I also was thrown off of my routine. I do my meditation. That's just an app on my phone. And I missed a day. I was on day, I think, 74, 75 of consecutive. Now there's days in between. I may miss here and there before, but I was on a street. 74 day streak that I then. Missed and had to start back on day one. And so that was a little discouraging and it made me think about how, you know, we could be in different spaces and feeling good and doing good. And then something knocks us off balance. We become off kilter. And the thing is just to have grace for yourself and to give yourself space to heal. It's not perfection. And when you release. Uh, you know, not having your a hundred day streak, which is what I was going for. Being grateful that you had over 70 day streak. Like that's incredible that you have been so consistent. Right. And so I would set up. Judging myself. I had my moment, but instead of judging it, I was just grateful for what I had done. And I picked right back up now in total transparency, I was consistent for a day and then I fell off a day. Then I got back on. So now I'm back on my pattern, but I didn't beat myself up because I said, you know, It's okay. And life is going to have curve balls and life are going to have setbacks in life is going to do life. And it's how we respond and react. And how we keep moving forward. Or even having a pause. I'm back in Lisbon. I've been acclimating this week. The weather is a little weird. It was nice. And it's not. So there's just a lot of shifts going on and I just thought. These are the moments that we really have to allow for more space and our life you know, I look at success as a sliding scale because what may be your example of a successful day may not be someone else's. Or what may be successful day this week may look different next week for me. So a successful day, if my body isn't feeling well could be that I was able to rest, and I was able to sleep longer that I was able to nourish my body. That's a successful day. Days that I feel very good. And I have a lot of creative energy. May look like getting a lot of behind the scene, work done, maybe recording videos that may feel like successful day. But the fact of the matter is success as a sliding scale and only you are the one that gets to determine what that looks like. We get onto social media. We can get very caught up on what success is and what it may look like. But what does it feel like to you? A successful day could be resting on a beach, a successful day, maybe closing a. Large ticket client. A success may be. Spending time with family and friends, success can be many different things and you get to decide what that looks like. So as I've acclimated back into Lisbon, back into creating a new schedule back into giving myself grace. I just wanted to let you know that. Sometimes you just have to sit in the surrender. I've said this to a couple of friends, just in the last 24 hours to sit in the surrender. And the surrender is releasing. All of these should have, would have cut us. And what you need to do and what, and it's really focusing on what is aligned in this moment. You can have your agenda, your plan, your scale, but sometimes things take a turn. And allowing yourself grace. To be able to flow with that new information. It's sometimes better and you never know. Where sometimes a reroute may take you. Are, you might not know what giving yourself a pause may do, and the clarity it may bring. So wherever you are today, I just wanted to give you a reminder that the only rules are the ones that you create and that you are right where you need to be in this moment. I just want to give you a couple tips. So before you go to bed, I highly suggest that you give your RAs, we've talked about it before you were activating system. Something to do. It never shuts off. So instead of watching crime movies, Are scrolling, Tik TOK, AKA me. Um, give yourself some time to think about what it is that you want. What is that you desire? What are their emotions you want to feel? What does a beautiful life look like? It could take two minutes, five minutes, seven minutes. But just visualize how you want to feel in your body. Maybe you've been sick and you want to feel healthy again. Maybe you have a dream of traveling to this beautiful destination, whatever that is, visualize it, hold it in your thoughts. Jotting it down will help to solidify it even more. And then ask yourself, ask your higher self, what are ways to achieve this? What does this look like? Give your RAs. Something to do by asking. What are the next steps to move closer to this goal, to move closer into the space, to live in this timeline, what does this look like? And then when you wake up. I highly, highly, highly encourage you not to reach for your phone. Give yourself just 60 seconds. Two minutes. Four minutes, just a couple of moments, just to sit in gratitude, to think about. Did anything come to you in your dream? Jot that down. Give yourself gratitude that you have another day, another day to make a choice more authentic to you aligned into your higher timeline. And then start moving and going about your date and routines. So wherever you are, whatever you're doing, no, that everything is working out in your favor, holding that vision, believing that speaking, that really sets into motion, everything working out in your favor, even if you can't always see it. If you're wanting more guidance on how to truly live and trust your intuition and live in your magic. Your magnetised aligned, guided, intuitive clarity. I've created an interactive workbook that goes into the work of how to integrate skills, techniques, mind, body, and spirit. You can grab it on Amazon. The link is in my bio. Be sure to follow me over on IgG at vibrant BF. And until next time France, bye-bye.