The cage is man made and the door is open.

June 14, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
The cage is man made and the door is open.
Pyle USB Microphone-3:

Hello, France, crystal here, your vibrant B F and welcome back to another episode. So there was a movie that Diana Ross did, it was called mahogany and she's saying the theme song for this particular movie and the lyrics say, do you know where you're going to do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to do? You know, It goes on to ask, do you get what you're hoping for? When you look behind you? There's no open door. What are you hoping for? Do you know, So I want to ask you today, do you know. What it is that you desire? Are you living a life by design? Or a life by default. There are so many different things happening in our world right now on this planet. It doesn't matter what country you live in. You are being affected by some way, shape or form. A few episodes back, I talked about how there was a scripture in Ecclesiastes CS that basically said there's a time and place for all things. Well, there's another scripture that talks about how there is nothing new under the sun. There's always been wars. There's always been famine. There's always been many different things that we're experiencing now. That have happened before. Now, of course, everything is going to run on a scale. So maybe not to this extreme. Or maybe not. So in your face because we have technology whatever the case may be. It doesn't negate the fact that there's so many shifts. There's fascist government dictatorships, laws being passed changes in legislative, so many shifts happening in our world. What many people like to call unprecedented times? Whether you believe that to be true. Or not we have what we see and our little 3d world. And then we have things that are happening in the spirit realm moving out of our little 3d realm and really leaning into. The bigger picture. Understanding what it is that we're desiring. Uh, understanding. Where we're going, what our life is looking like, and ultimately realizing that the limits and constructs and the beliefs. Are all manmade. And the cage that has been constructed around our lives. The door's open. And we can walk out at any time. Our brain is basically a holograph of what it has already been shown. Our perceived perceptions, our lenses and our model of reality. It only knows what it's seen, what it's been taught to believe. But the fact of the matter is we get to decide not only what it's projecting. But we get to program, whatever it is that we want to see. We get to decide the life we want to live. Let's just be honest. Sometimes. And our life, we go through seasons where we don't know if we are going, are coming what's up. And what's down. And like the song says, do you know where you're going to? Sometimes the answer is, hell no, I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing. And it's those moments that our brain really wants to go back into a safety and say, well, let's do what we've already known. Even if it's keeping us trapped. even if it's keeping us sick, it will put us into a position of what it thinks is safety. When it really is just keeping us stuck. And it's keeping us. Sad and it's keeping us limited. And not allowing for us to expand into our full, authentic selves. We all go through seasons where we ask these the big life questions. Why am I here? What am I doing? What is the purpose of life? I think we've all asked that at some point. Many of us multiple times. And I really believe that that's part of our human experience While we navigate all these different facets, all these different decisions, all these layers, all these levels. A lot of what we learn in the beginning of our life. Is through subconscious, like a hypnosis state. And then we go through the next half kind of unlearning and relearning and rewiring. Or we keep living in these patterns, these looping behaviors and many are not of a higher vibration, many are of negative and lower vibrations. Because again, it's what our brain has seen. It's what it believes. It's what it's been shown and it wants to keep us safe. It's going to always operate in the path of least resistance, whether that's for our betterment or not. It's going to keep us looping through these patterns. And it's up to us to decide, to live a life by design, to reprogram in new. Images new beliefs, new thoughts, so they can start projecting things that we actually desire. So when the song says, do you know where you're going to, you can put in places that you want to go to, what you believe is possible for you. And sometimes many of us don't even think it's possible because we're just stuck in our patterns and our constructs and our beliefs. But we get to choose again. You don't have to stay in the cage. Where the door is open. Even if the door seems like it's closed. I can promise you, it's not locked. Don't lock yourself in the cage. It's time to reprogram in. New experiences, new belief patterns. So let's take it another lyric of a song do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to do? You know, if you don't like the things that life is showing you. You have the power to be shown something else, but you first have to believe that it's possible. And start to. Visualize these other. Images. I'm sure you heard the saying about don't look backwards. You're not going that way. It's the same concept with our brains, with our minds, with our subconscious. We don't have to keep living from it's previous experience. We get to create new images. So. I want you to do this experiment with me. I want you to think of your dream location. It doesn't matter if you've never been outside of your city, outside of your state, outside of your country. The further, the better. I don't want you to think about money. I don't want you to think about time. I want you to think about a place you would love to visit. Maybe India comes to mind and you think I've never read about India? I don't know anyone who's ever been to India. I have no idea why India was the first thing that came up in my mind. More often than not. Things that are outside of what we've experienced or seen or heard. It's because a version of us already has lived. It is already there. So trust your instinct, trust your intuition. And I want you to write it down. I want you to write down. A dream trip. Would be to visit. The Taj Mahal, for example. And I want you to pull up some images. Because that's how our mind saves and holds things through images and sounds and smells. So I want you to start seeing places in India. Is it the tea farms. I want you to see the weather, look at the dress. Look at the culture, immerse yourself into whatever your dream location is. I want you to steady it. Think on it, read on it. Start. Programming in these images. So that your brain can start to see. More possibilities. Again, I don't care if you've never lived outside of your city, your state, your country. I want you to start programming in new images. And then write it down. We'll move, write down things that we desire. It increases it by happening by over 40% simply by writing it down. So write it down and then start doing research on it. Visualize yourself there. Look at the foods. Look at the sceneries, watch YouTube videos immerse yourself into this place. I'm goIng to be honest, it may feel strange at first you may feel, what am I doing? This doesn't make any sense. I'm struggling day to day. I'm in a very hard space right now. So me living in fantasy world or Lala land. Doesn't feel conducive doesn't feel productive. But this is how you start to rewire. This is how you start to shift. This is how you start to move outside of the constructs outside of the cage. Where the door is open. You have to start thinking outside of what you're used to thinking about you waking up and stressing over your job, your bills, your house. Is not changing your circumstance. When you can start putting yourself into new spaces, into new places. And having new experiences. This is what starts to move you from where you are to where it is you desire to be. So like the song says, do you know where you're going to do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to do? You know? Do you get what you're hoping for? This is going to come from being intentional. And then putting action behind your intention. Do you get what you're hoping for? That doesn't happen by accident. It's purpose, it's planning, it's design it's desire. It's intention. It's action. It's belief that you have the power to create any life you desire. It's living in your main character, energy. It's believing that if you have the desire. It's because it's already possible. Everything is created twice, once in the mind, then in reality, So once you can see it, think about it, you can bring it into your 3d realm. It doesn't have to stay in the ethers and then you're able to live on that timeline. Vibrate on that frequency. Trust that everything is working out in your favor, that you are creating a life that feels authentic and aligned to yourself. Now I know that all this can sometimes feel challenging. And hard, And that's why I created it living in your magic interactive journal. Magic stands for your magnetised align guided, intuitive clarity. It's a very in-depth journey back to self. It helps you to incorporate mind, body, and spirit. Learning how to trust your intuition and create resilience in your nervous system. You caN get it over on Amazon or be sure to follow me over on IGN. At vibrant BF, the link is in my bio. And remember the constructs that you feel. That you are confined by our manmade. Live in your magic. And until next time France, bye-bye.