I know exactly who needs to hear this...

June 20, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
I know exactly who needs to hear this...
Pyle USB Microphone:

Hello, Franz crystal here, your vibrant, BF, and welcome back to another episode. I'm sure you've seen those videos that start off with. I don't know who needs to hear this, but blah-blah-blah. But guess what I know just who needs to hear this today's episode is really just getting to the root of what the hell is this all about?? What is this? I'm talking about life, your life. What are you doing? What you should be doing, what you could be doing, what you should have done, what you could have done. All the loops. You know, all the things you need to do, this repetitive cycle. I want to give a disclaimer because I am all about. Becoming living in growing in expanding healing. I love self-awareness. I love growth mindset. But there comes a point where you become completely overwhelmed, bombarded, inundated by all the things you need to do. You should have done. You need to start now. Make sure you drink 20 gallons of water a day. Make sure you walk 20,000 steps an hour. Make sure you read 16 books a month. Make sure you get 72 hours of sleep a night. Make sure you it's just enough. Enough enough. Enough. We are constantly putting ourselves. Into a state of, oh no, I need to do this. Oh, no, I'm missing out on that. Oh no, I didn't do this. Oh, no. I'm behind on this. But who says, who says, who sets these rules? Society? Social constructs, patriarchy. Colonization imperialism. Capitalism more times than not. Are the roots. Of all these things. We need to do to become, to have to live, to be a quote unquote success. But guess what? You define what success is, you know, everything you need is all ready inside of you. And taking in more information. It's causing a lot of noise causing a lot of confusion. But let's talk about the clarity of it all. Let's get to the root of it. Let's just understand who we are as human beings. The root of what it is. Our individual unique blueprint is for our time here, earth side. It's going to look different for everybody. Everybody's not writing a bestseller. Everybody's not going to be Instagram famous. Everybody's not going to be world renowned. Everybody's not going to be fill in the blank. We went to a amazing. Kind of open mic night last night. It's this event they have here in Lisbon and it's just always a vibe. And if you follow me over on I G at vibrant BF. You will see some of the highlights one of the performers for the open mic night, talked about how she came to a realization that it is totally fine. To be average. And it was such a beautiful poem that she had written and expressed and her authenticity, her realness. And essentially she basically said. I can live a beautifully healthy, successful life. With only my friends and family, knowing who I am. And it's so beautiful because we've gotten so caught up in this world of social media, which I love social media. I think there's many pros that can come from. Having access. To the globe, essentially to different cultures, people, insights, knowledge, wisdom. But we sometimes get carried away and we lose focus of who we are as human beings at our core, who we are, what is our roots? Because we're taking on everything from everywhere else. And instead of looking externally to become quote unquote, successful. We must go inward. In religion. We're taught to look outside of ourselves to gain. Understanding to know the truth. We have to look outside of ourselves to whatever the God it is that you serve. But truly it's already in us. We are our greatest guides, our greatest mentors. Our higher selves, the ones that came in to this world. With clarity. Of what it is we're here to do. We were unfortunately, Inundated with a lot of fear-based thoughts, programmings beliefs. And we have to relearn reshift rewire out of a lot of these teachings and thought processes. To have our subconscious get back into alignment of our highest self of our truest self of our authentic self. The selves we are before the world told us what we should or shouldn't be. So I seen this quote and it said, I don't know who needs to hear this, but we've just already said, I think they know exactly who needs to hear it. You can't heal a body. You hate. You can't obsess your way into wellness and you can't shame your way into health. Now, this can be applied to so many different things. You can't force someone to love you or to see your worth. We have to understand. Who we are at our core being. We have to understand who we are first. What are you believing? What are you emitting out of your body? We've talked about this before. So. Around each human being we have what's called our ORIC field. Our org, our globe, It's like an egg shaped energy field that is expressed in all humans and it can extend. Four or five, six feet from us. And a lot of times we're going to feel people's energy before we ever hear their voices. And this is why you can walk into some spaces and feel like it feels so good in here. Oh, my gosh, you meet people. And you're like, I don't know what it is. I'm just so attracted to their energy. I'm so drawn into their light. That is their energy field. That's there. Vibration that they're emitting. ANd when we are tapped into ourselves, our true selves, we have clarity. We're rooted. We are internally secure. We are home within ourself. We don't need. A religious manuscript to tell us how to be a good person. We don't have to look outside of ourselves because everything we need is already in us. I'm grateful for the guides teachers, shamans. spiritual workers to help people clear the clutter. To drown out the outside chatter. And to get clear. On their own voices. To understand their own purpose. So, this is for you. The human that is learning to trust their intuition. What is your intuition? Do you know how it speaks to you? Do you know how it shows up? Do you actually listen? Do you lean into it? I tell people all the time to increase and grow in your intuition, your insight, your own understanding. Your higher self, you have to trust the little things. It could be something as small as. Grabbing an extra pair of socks or taking your umbrella or walking versus taking an Uber, all these little tiny nudges listen trust. The more you do that, the easier it will become for the larger things. When you get insights downloads. You'll be able to understand that it's your higher self speaking and that you're safe to trust, but you first have to trust the little things. So when you hear things on social media about what you should be doing, you can lean into yourself and see, does this align to me? warm lemon water in the morning. Great. Some people don't do that. I am a person that the warm lemon water in the morning is too acidic for my particular body. What are you eating? Some people are vegetarians or vegans and they shouldn't be, some people are carnivores and they shouldn't be. And when I say shouldn't, I'm talking about are according to their particular DNA, according to their blood type. Understanding who you are at your core. Understanding your ancestral lineage, your epigenetic tags. Understanding what it is. You're here to do understand your higher purpose, your mission. Your passion, your wisdom, whatever it is, understanding how that is expressed in your life. Everybody is on their own journey. And yes, we have guides and teachers that can come to us and share insight and wisdom. And clarity and things. Wonderful. I believe that we are all here to share and expand. Each other into a higher consciousness, but you first have to understand who you are at your root at your core within yourself. So no matter where you go, no matter who you with. You have a clear understanding, you have a clear channel of what it is that is aligned to your highest purpose, your highest self, your highest timeline. So now let's talk about that. Let's talk about how we are aligning into our highest purpose, our highest timeline. It's work w O R K work. It is intention. It is living by design. It is not living by default. It is taking everything you thought you knew. And opening it up. And getting curious and understanding the root and finding out. Does this actually apply to me? Or am I living this way? Because this is what my mother told me. My grandmother told me, my friend said, society said, You have to get curious about your beliefs. You have to break out of the boxes out of the boundaries. Out of the restrictions. A lot of what you're believing and doing and living, I can guarantee you. Is not going to serve you because remember a lot of our beliefs and boundaries are a fear base limited. Self-doubting self-deprecating insights and thoughts. This is not how we live and our highest timeline. This is not how we learn to trust and lean into our nudges and understand our intuition. We are purposely kept from. Our true self by society, because if we lived in a world, In a society that was to uplift into empower. We wouldn't have a lot of things in place, such as school systems. Now I'm always going to be speaking from a American standpoint because that is where I did a lot of my growth. And this is where a lot of my understanding and beliefs and constructs came from was the quote unquote American way. FOr example, the school system was not meant to encourage and expand children's mind. It was to create workers, they're not taught how to think outside of what is given to them within these parameters and all these languages and all the learning. Is taught from the narrative of a white patriarchal capitalistic colonized point of view. That is just the fact of the matter. You can have teachers that can show an impart, beautiful wisdom and teachings that could change your whole life, but more often than not, you are set up in a system in a society to keep you small, to keep you working, to keep you doing and being productive. To turn off your instincts, to turn off your intuition and follow the leader. As a black woman, I have personally did my own work on de colonization. And here's the thing it's ongoing as humans. We are always learning and expanding. And the more you learn and expand, it's going to cause. Friction. There will be resistance because you're going to be coming up against what you thought you knew. Some of our beliefs are very strongly rooted in lies into unlearn and to rewire. Can be very challenging. But to break out. Is where true freedom lies, true expansion lives. Whole hearted. Understanding of yourself. So no matter where you go, no matter who you are with, no matter who you talk to, you always can come back to self and say, does this resonate to my highest purpose? Or is it speaking to my fear or is it speaking to my limiting beliefs or is it speaking to low self-esteem low self-worth. Confusion. Distraction. Fill in the blank of whatever it may be for you, but you won't know that until you have a clear channel into clarity. This is why I started doing the work that I do. I consider myself a clarity coach because at the end of the day, I understand the lies and the mistruths and all the purposeful disinflation that is provided to keep people small, especially women, especially black women. In society. To keep people outside of their power to keep them weak, to keep them confused, to keep them sick in all capacities, sick mentally, emotionally, and physically. With the food with the music, with so many different facets that we are inundated with. And if you are not in touch with your highest self, it is very easily to become distracted and to believe that this information You're not going to be able to clear the clutter, the chaos, the chatter, the nonsense things that don't align to you. By osmosis. It's going to be intentional work. I created an interactive journal that is work. It's incredible work. It's empowering work. It's to help you to live in your magic, to trust your instinct, to understand how it comes to you, to get clear on what it is you believe at your core. How to live on your highest timeline, how to live in your magic, your magnetised aligned, guided, intuitive clarity, but it's work. Many people buy the books by the courses, take the classes, attend the masterminds, but are you applying it? Are you integrating it? Are you embodying this work? Are you questioning? It's not all these roses and sunshine free and Lisbon, Portugal, having beautiful meals and connections. It's deep transformational work. Being in the liminal space, the in-between and not knowing if you're going or coming. Not quite. Embodying who, you know, you could be, but not living in where you once were and it can be confusing and it can be hard and it can be unnerving. And it can induce anxiety but then having practices in place to root yourself, even in the unknown. Of knowing that everything is working out in your highest alignment because you are believing. And not just with lip service, but in your sales, you are trusting and saying, I don't know where I'm going. I don't quite have all the answers. I cannot believe I've been lied to. I can't believe I never knew this. But trusting and saying, but I am open. I am open to a new way of life. I am open to bigger, I am open to my greatest self. I am not afraid. I am no longer playing small. I am going to trust and believe and know. That it's only going to get better. I'm going to trust that everything is always working out for my highest timeline. I'm going to put myself in spaces that may feel uncomfortable. I'm going to get curious about. What, if everything works out better than I could even imagine. And again, this isn't going to come from just buying another course of buying another book or listening to another teacher, but this is going to come from. Your intuition, understanding what that means for you. How are you fueling your body? Who are you surrounding yourself with? What are you still believing that doesn't serve your highest timeline? What are you releasing? Have you cut the cords on things that are energy, vampires, people, places and things. Are you questioning? Where these thoughts are coming up. Are you thinking about what you're thinking about all of these things matter. How you're moving your body. What you're fueling your body. What you're telling your body. They're all taking cues from each other. Are you in your parasympathetic, your peace rest, digest state, or are you in your sympathetic nervous system, your freeze fight flight or fond response? Understanding what that means. Growth mindset getting out of what you thought you knew. And getting curious on, is this in fact true to me, does this in fact align to me, is this what my personal body needs is? This. My journey or am I mimicking someone else's path and comparing to what they're doing and feeling inadequate or feeling less sad or feeling behind. Or am I exactly where I need to be in this moment? And I'm excited for all the things that are to come and I'm excited for the journey and I'm trusting that everything is always working out in my highest favor, even when I can't see it. Even when I don't know the next step. I trust myself. That I'm always being guided from a place of love and not a place of fear. That is my desire for you. That is why I created living in your magic interactive journal. This is why I come on and do teaching Tuesdays. This is why I created this podcast. So this isn't me saying, I don't know who needs to hear this. No, I know exactly who needs to hear this. The mama who is tired, the woman that is tired. The human that is ready to live in your full expanded authentic self. We are craving authenticity. So for those of you. Who are craving your own authenticity to live in your magic, to know what that means for you, not what you were told, not what you thought, but truly what it means to you, what it means for you, what it looks like to you. And when we show up in our light, And our power and our magic. It shows others and gives others the permission to do the same. The world has enough critics. Let's all encourage each other to live in our light, to live in our magic. If you are ready to live in your authenticity. To live in your magic. I've created them living in your magic interactive journal. Be sure to follow me over on IGF. Vibrant BF. The link is in my bio and until next time, prince buh-bye.