Everything we need to know about this life_

June 26, 2024 Crystal Briscoe
Everything we need to know about this life_

Hello friends, Crystal here, your vibrant BF, and I am bubbling over with so many downloads and I thought, where can I put all this? Oh, I have a podcast. Welcome back friends. And if this is your first time, welcome, welcome. You are in for a treat. So where to start? Here's the thing, I don't usually write a lot of scripting before I record a podcast. What you hear, what I share is pretty off the cuff, I have an idea of what I want to talk about. It could be ideas that I have written down before, or it could be something that happened in the week, or it could be a conversation I had in my DMs. Multiple muses, if you will. This particular episode, I'm just going to be sharing some of the downloads that I've been receiving. So first off, what is a download? When I speak of downloads, I am basically saying a vision, insight. nudges, my intuition. It could be any one of those kind of facets. It's just these things that pop into your head, right? So some people call them uploads. Some people call them, just like what I said, visions or spirit. The language isn't what's important. It's what is the messages. I always tell people to hit me with the headline. I don't like a lot of background information unless I'm asking for more context, but usually. Hit me with the headline, but you know what's funny? I usually give a lot of context and background information that probably has no relevance. And so it's just this funny oxymoron that I catch myself doing quite a bit. So for this particular episode, I really feel like you need a little bit of background. Especially for those of you who are new here. I love movies. I'm a huge movie buff, and I used to have a shirt that was gifted to me, and it said I speak fluent movie quotes, and it's true. My family does it, my kids do it, and it's just kind of part of me. Now, with being a huge movie buff, over the last, probably, few weeks, I have found myself gravitating to a lot of time travel movies. So here's another caveat. Yuck. I'm a big believer that time is an illusion. I absolutely 1000 percent believe it is made up. I understand we need it to govern our planet, but it's not real. It's very relative. It's an illusion. And because I deal with a lot of quantum physics and things like that, I understand that there's just so much more that our little finite minds cannot take in. And there's so much that we can't physically see. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. So with that being said, I've been watching a lot of time travel type movies, and one of the movies I just recently watched, I cannot remember the name, but it was so incredible because in this movie, the main character was basically diagnosed with schizophrenia. And he starts the movie off by basically saying that, have you ever felt like you've had these visions and you think they're dreams, but they feel like you actually live them, but you're like, there's no way that could be true. And fast forward through the movie, you find out that he is literally not quote unquote crazy. And all these visions are actually past lives that he actually lived. So his current role, his current life, is that of kind of a hustler, right? He is struggling to make ends meet. And so he uses these skills that he has. He's really good at fighting because come to find out in one of his past life, he was this huge, like samurai warrior. And he just has this wealth of knowledge. And he doesn't even know why he knows so many things. And the people were like, this guy knows all these things. He's like, I know it's annoying. I don't even know why. I just, I have this large memory. They're like, you know, what's gunpowder made of? They would just ask him all these random questions and he would always have the answer. So, he gets in trouble with the law because, like I said, in this particular life that he's currently living, he's struggling, he's like, I've got bills to pay, I'm trying to stay on top of my medication so that I don't get, you know, into more trouble because I'm a schizophrenic. But he meets this lady who rescues him. And she's like, do you have dreams of speaking Russian or Japanese? She was basically saying, all these things you know, it's because you've lived them. They're a part of you. You're not crazy. And he's basically just justifies, he's like, yeah, that's what schizophrenia is. You think you're all these things and you're not. And she tells him, it's easier for you to believe that, than to believe that you've actually lived. These lives and your soul has just been reincarnated into all these different versions and he basically was like, yeah I just found it so fascinating because we will basically believe things that fit into our paradigm Obviously that fit into our belief system, obviously Which is why it's so important to really understand what it is that you believe Now, over on my YouTube, I actually downloaded this course of Living Beyond the Beliefs and it's part of my Living in Your Magic Interactive Journal I created, but I talk about the power of beliefs and what they are and how they really dictate our entire world, our own realities, and how you feel like some people live in this reality and other people live in this reality. It's true because of the beliefs. If you believe that everything is working in your favor and that you're so lucky, that is the life and the existence you will have. If you believe it. Now, I'm not saying with just the service, I'm talking about your actual beliefs. If you believe that you are always struggling and you will never get out of whatever predicament, that is exactly the cycle that you will stay in. So that's just a really basic fundamental statement. But, it was fascinating to see in this movie. Now, whether you believe in reincarnation or not is not the point I'm trying to make. The point I'm trying to make is how fascinating it is that we will so easily conform and try to fit into these boxes and these beliefs that are more often than not extremely limited and frankly, lies. Now, on top of me being a huge movie buff, I'm also a lover of quotes. And some of my favorites are, whether you can or you can't, you're right. And also, nothing is impossible, even the word says, I'm possible. My ultimate favorite by Nelson Mandela is, There is no passion in playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. It's something that I personally live my life by. So now that we've gotten all that context and background out of the way, and if you've been here any amount of time, you've probably heard me speak of the RAS, which is our reticular activating system, or what I like to call the Google search for the brain. It's basically where that quote says, what you focus on expands. So when we start thinking about something, we start to bring that into our realities. For example, if I was to start thinking about wanting a new car and say it was a white Mercedes. I would start seeing white Mercedes all over the place because my brain is like, Oh, this is a Google search she's put in here. She's obviously interested. It's a little sure more of that, which is why it's so imperative to know what you're thinking. So if you're always thinking about how am I going to pay my bills, it's going to bring you more of that to show you, Hmm, let's continually keep her in the cycle of how is she going to pay her bills versus saying, Everything works out in my favor. I am infinitely supported. I'm always in the right place at the right time. I constantly get downloads and insights and clarity on my next moves. When you start thinking like that, that is what your brain will start to show you. That is the reality you'll start to create because that is what you're focusing on. In conjunction with that is also being able to magnetize in what it is you want. And to magnetize in something you have to be at that frequency. Everything vibrates. Everything is at a frequency, and when you are aligned to that frequency, that's when you are able to receive it. If I'm on the vibration of joy, I'm going to bring in similar things on that same vibration of joy. So it's hard to be in a state of gratitude, and bringing things of shame. They don't align. So when you wanting to bring in things easily, you just have to raise your frequency, raise your vibration. I'm in a constant state of, how do I share this? How do I get it out? How do I share this? How do I get it out? And so I'll ask my higher self, I will tap in and I'll start focusing on that and then I'll go to sleep thinking about ways to share. And yes, this is why I have a podcast, and this is why I have my Instagram, and this is why I create reels, and from time to time I'll do TikToks. So my interactive journal I created of living in your magic, which stands for your magnetized, aligned, guided, intuitive clarity. I was thinking of creating a little mini guide, Easy Steps, because the journal, as amazing as it is, it's very dense, it's a lot of information, and it does require you to be in a certain headspace and mindset to even delve that deep, but I wanted something for people who were just maybe starting out and just entering the world of subconscious beliefs and understanding their programming and finding out what really aligns to them, how to trust their intuition, things like that. So I was given this download to create a little mini manual, if you will, going through magic, your magnetized align guided intuitive clarity. And in the midst of that, I ran across. This incredible download from Bashur, I'm not sure if I'm saying his name right, but he's this gentleman. He basically channels in these messages. Now, for any of you who are on your healing journey, on your spiritual journey, on enlightenment, on understanding your intuition, on expanding outside of your beliefs, we all have the ability to channel. Essentially, what that is, is having a clear download from your higher self, your spirit team, your guides, your archangels. Again, the language, depending on your beliefs, your reality is going to differ, but the source, the outcome, the results are the same. So this gentleman I was watching almost verbatim took what I had already written down and said it so beautifully. This is the thing about teachers, shamans, guides, healers. is that each of us have our own unique magic, our own unique lenses, model of reality, way that we share information. Your vibe is going to attract your tribe, your people, your soul family. So for myself, I used magic fully aligned to how I teach, what I teach, what I believe. Magnetized, aligned, guided, intuitive, clarity. So this gentleman, Bashur, Bashar, goes around and speaks and he was gotten to his channeling mode and for me what it looks like is that he is basically very aligned and tapped into his spirit team and they're able to give him messages past what we can see, right? It's very simple, it's very clean and he's going to talk in layman's terms so that the people that he's talking to and addressing can understand him. This message came through, something along the lines of, Can you tell me everything I need to know about my life? And the audience starts laughing, and the gentleman said yes, and I've already basically said it. I'm going to give you his response in my language. So the first thing he says is to choose excitement. I change excitements to joy. Choose joy. Choose what lights you up the most. Choose the joy from the options available to you at that time. Because you're not always going to be presented with rainbows and sunshines and cupcakes and things like that. So sometimes your options are limited for that particular season. But choose the option that gives you the most joy or that excites you the most. The next thing is to act on it to the best of your ability. And I think this is a really key piece. To the best of your ability. Because truly, we can always make excuses of why we can't do something versus focusing on why we can. He also says, so act on it to the best of your ability with integrity. I think that's a beautiful piece as well. Integrity. So again, we're not doing things with force. We're not doing things in manipulation. We're doing the best we can with what we have while still choosing what excites us or gives us the most joy with the options available at that particular time. And then he goes on to say, Do it with no assumptions. In other words, detachment. When we're going through our life, we usually have a lot of things of how we want it to play out and how we want it to go. But it's when we detach from the outcome, that's when things start to really get moving. I'm gonna do a little segue here and ask you to think about times where you were like, just forget it. And then it worked out. There are people who We're trying to have a baby and they went through all the channels and all the things and when they finally was just like whatever and they go through the route of adoption and then they end up getting pregnant or people who are looking for their partner and they're on all these dating sites and they're just like you know what forget it and they actually end up running to someone at the grocery store or friend has a party and they meet them there and it just happens organically it's when we stop moving out of force and manipulating what we think it should be and how it should look like is when we actually allow for the flow. you The magic to happen. Again, these are my words. So you act on the joy and then you choose from the options that you have available. Then you act on that to the best of your ability with integrity. And then you detach from the outcome and doing those three things is what activates the kit. Now, I love this because I actually wrote an article about our cosmic tool kit, but he talks about activating the kit. And what this kit is, is basically everything we need to be supported in this life. Understanding that everything works out in your favor. That you put you in a position to understand that you are infinitely resourced. That there are unlimited possibilities and options. If you move out of your own way, and then he goes into talk about the vibration and the energy of flow, because when you are operating from the place of knowing that everything is working out, that you detach on how it should come and when it should come, and that you know it is coming, and you can just sit in that vibration, sit in that frequency, universal law, is going to bring you things that are on that same vibration with ease. It's going to magnetize, which is the first acronym for magic that I created. You're going to magnetize what it is you desire, and it's going to be in perfect timing. And it's going to be the path of least resistance for your highest good. Because right now on this realm, in our little 3D world, our subconscious wants to keep us safe or stuck. It wants to keep us in our comfort zone and more times than not, it's very limited and it doesn't allow us to really live in our full expansion. But when we start to live in our excitement and our joy, we detach from the outcome, we trust, we believe, that's when we can move into the path of least resistance and start magnetizing in what actually does serve us. He then says, when we have activated this kit, it starts to bring in other things, like I just talked about the magnetizing, that are connected to the surface, even if they don't seem like they're connected. Like, oh, I happened to meet this person, and then it led me to this particular job, and this particular job allowed me to travel to this certain place, and in this certain place, I met these certain people, and these certain people, and you start seeing the connection of magnetizing in your highest timeline. You get to create that reality, regardless of anything else that may be going on. And here's the thing that many of us humans have been taught that we've been conditioned to believe is that it has to be difficult when in fact it isn't. When you simply start to surrender and trust and know that everything is working out for you and you believe, and you hold that vibration of joy, of love, of expansion, you're going to get more of it. So he goes on to say what you believe to be true. What you define to be true. is how you experience your reality. Your beliefs generate your behavior, your thoughts, and your feelings. And this is just subconscious building block 101. And this is why I created the course Living Beyond Your Beliefs, because the beliefs that you have been given and taught nine times out of ten are of low vibrations. He finalizes everything by saying, when we have operated in these practices, it brings us more into this present moment. Because truly now is all that we have, and you will always be fully supported right now with everything you need. And it's just a beautiful reminder that time is a non renewable source. None of us know how much time we have, and when we can fully immerse ourselves into this moment, we don't have to get so caught up and worried, which leads into anxiety, when we trust, believe, and know that everything is always going to work out for our highest good. So if you want a life of more peace, get on the frequency of peace. If you want the frequency of love, get on the frequency of love. If you want more wealth, get on the wealth frequency. Everything carries a vibration and we are going to easily magnetize in that which is on that same frequency. It was a beautiful channel and it really is everything we need to know about this life. We make things so difficult as humans when in fact, the more that we can, as I like to say, live in our magic, our magnetize, allowing for the flow, aligned, understanding the frequency and vibration you're on, guided, This is when we are able to channel and tap into our higher selves, our spirit team, whatever resonates for your beliefs. Intuitive. This is also going to come from our nudges, choosing our joy, choosing our excitement. Clarity. And that's what's going to allow us to live in our most authentic life. Life is now. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is your life. And the more you can be present with this moment, focusing on what you do want, creating a life by design. And not living life by default. I hope this message resonated with you and that you understand the power that you have and that you start living from your authenticity and that you break out of the boundaries and live life on your highest timeline in your magic. Be sure to follow me over on IG at VibrantBF and until next time, friends. Bye bye.