MindSet with Tom McNulty, M.S. - Behavioral Health, Neurology & Medical Integration
I'm a former health talk radio host (18+ years) and I want to create a behavioral health focus for my podcast. My shows may be 10-12 minutes up to about 30-45 minutes - depending on the topic and if I bring a guest in via online connections. The content will be clinically sound material, opinion, and topical headline issues (trauma, school shootings, workplace depression, bullying, parenting, etc). I have 45+ years in behavioral health. I'm the co-creator, and co-writer of Episodes-The Movie and The Episodes Project, including Spotlight on the Community. I'm a public speaker and I've written a column on Behavioral Health in the Workplace for City Journals' Business First for 10 years. Please tune-in! Thank you very much! Tell a friend, too!-A Program of Spotlight on Hope, Inc. Produced by Success Stories, Inc.- Sponsored by DENT Neurologic Institute, The Episodes Project, and The Buffalo Renaissance Foundation's Military Committee - Thank you!
Tom McNulty, M.S.
MindSet with Tom McNulty, M.S. - Behavioral Health, Neurology & Medical Integration
MindSet 2022 Gun Violence & Behavioral Health Plans with Tom McNulty, M.S.
Welcome to MindSet 2022!
This podcast, Gun Violence & Behavioral Health Plans, is a tough subject that requires much more attention than my MindSet 2022 broadcast can deliver. However, it is my hope, as with all my broadcasts, that it makes you step back, think, and move to action. We all know a great deal about gun violence because we live in its world, but do we really understand the depth of tragedy happening in our community every day? Maybe not. Listen and re-listen to this podcast. Ask these questions:
1.) Do I have my gun locked up safely today?
2.) Is anyone in my household at risk?
3.) Does my school district have a solid behavioral health plan? My community?
4.) What can I do to make my community safer specific to gun control and responsible parenting regarding guns?
5.) If I leave my gun unlocked and a child of mine kills someone, am I accountable?
Please share this podcast with family, fellow gun owners, neighbors, school officials, friends, and co-workers? Thank you! Be safe!
Tom McNulty, M.S.