The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast

Catharine Arnston: The Hidden Health Benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella

Catharine Arnston Episode 49

Are you looking to naturally increase your energy without stimulants? Have you tried everything but still feel exhausted all the time? There is hope!

Join me as I deep dive with Catharine Arnston, the founder of EnergyBits, into the world of algae (spirulina and chlorella) and their long list of amazing benefits including their capacity to fuel, protect, and repair our mitochondria.

If our mitochondria are damaged - through poor nutrition, toxins, lack of self-care, etc - they cannot produce the energy we need. Resorting to caffeine, chocolate, etc for energy becomes our default. Fortunately, algae have the potential to improve the functioning of our mitochondria - the powerhouse of our cells—and thus naturally improve our energy levels. In addition, algae have also been shown to support the detoxification of the body, balance our hormones, reduce brain inflammation, support liver function, and more.

Spirulina and chlorella are relatively unknown in the Western world but have been used as critical food sources in Asia for centuries. Most people do NOT know they are cyanobacteria and come complete with bio-available protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants.

Catharine shares her extensive research on these superfoods, discussing their alkaline properties, easy-to-digest nutrients, and beneficial impact on human health. We explore concerns about their safety and purity and learn more about how algae are grown and why not all algae are of the same quality.

If you're looking for ways to improve your energy, heal and detoxify your body (a common goal among those who have previously consumed excess sugar), this episode is a must-listen.

PS—Take advantage of Catharine’s once-a-year Cyber Monday sale. Get 25% off plus free shipping with code “CYBER”. Starts Sunday 11/26 and ends at midnight on Monday 11/27.

Got questions? I'd like to hear from you.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody to the Kicksugar Summit. I have with me today Catherine Arnston Arnston Arnston, sorry who is the CEO and founder of a company called Energy Bits, which promotes really clean sources of both spirulina and chlorella. She's here to talk about the science of how this is truly a superfood. For those of us that have been struggling with processed junk foods, over-consuming processed carbohydrates, this is a superfood we need to know about. She's here to talk about her years 13 years of deep diving, as a citizen scientist, into the science of what the superfood can do for our bodies. I have invited my daughter Sky. Never before have I ever had my daughter Sky on a summit interview, but she's newly discovered spirulina and chlorella. She is gaga about its benefits. She was like I thought this would be a really fun interview for her to join me and join us. Welcome Sky, welcome Catherine.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad to be here and I love the mother-daughter combo. It's really great Women power.

Speaker 1:

And Canadian power. Just to toot the Canadian horn.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm Canadian born and raised, educated and spend most of my life there, although I live in Boston now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Catherine. How did you get started? How did you discover the healing power of spirulina and chlorella?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I call myself trying to decide.

Speaker 1:

You can tell me?

Speaker 2:

what you like. Which moniker? I don't know whether to call myself the algae gal or the voice of algae.

Speaker 2:

But somebody needed to speak up for this stuff because it's been around for four billion years and it is especially you think. How could someone become an expert on algae and absorption? Oh wait, a second, I've got my microphone I forgot to set up for you. So, as I said, I live in Boston but my family is all in Canada still. And 15 years ago my younger sister in Toronto developed breast cancer. Now I want to assure you that she's completely healed and we celebrate her being cancer free every year. But sorry, I just dropped something. Oh good, I love to edit that out. So 15 years ago, as she was preparing for her chemotherapy, her oncologist, which is a cancer specialist, told her she needed to change her diet to an alkaline diet. Now they didn't tell her why or what it was, but she said it would be important for her healing. So my first thing my sister did when she got home from that appointment was call me her big sister who loves her.

Speaker 2:

I knew nothing about nutrition. I was an MBA from Western doing international business, but I love my sister and I'm a good researcher. So I said, don't worry, I'll figure this out. And I did, and it turned out to be mostly a plant-based diet because of the chlorophyll and the phytonutrients that have been proven for centuries really to build your immune system. So I researched foods for her to eat, ones to get rid of. She did go through chemo. She completely healed and I see her and celebrate with her every year.

Speaker 2:

But in the process of helping her, I started learning about plant-based nutrition. I read hundreds of articles on PubMed. I must have read 20 books, and this was 15 years ago and nobody, literally nobody, was talking about plant-based nutrition, not like they do now. So once I learned about what this stuff did, I thought, man, somebody has to tell the rest of the world, and I'm just a very proactive person. So I thought well, I have no idea how I'm going to do this, but I'm going to tell the world. So I gave up my career, went back to school, studied nutrition. Then I put a plant-based nutrition curriculum together and this is what truly led me to algae, because as I was giving my lectures at corporations and hospitals, trying to encourage people to eat more vegetables, I found out that it was just too much work for everyone.

Speaker 2:

Vegetables are heavy to carry home from the grocery store. They take a long time to clean to cook to eat. They go back quickly. Some people get gas from them. Kids won't eat them, husbands won't eat them. I thought, ok, if I can't get people to eat vegetables, I need to find a way to get the nutrition of vegetables into them in a way that was effortless. Once again, I had no idea what I would find or where I would find it, but I went back to everything I'd found for my sister and just did a deeper dive on the science and once I got to algae, the miracle happened because it turned out algae, first of all, is the most alkaline food in the world and we can address that why it's important for you in helping you get off the sugar train. It's also the most studied food in the world.

Speaker 2:

First of all, algae is a food. People think it's a supplement, but I'm going to show you something. It's a food. It's in all water bodies, but it's grown in Taiwan, in China, as a farm. Good, it's in fresh water. This is a spirulina farm, this is a chlorella farm, so it's a agricultural crop. It is not a supplement, and the reason that's important is because your body will absorb the nutrients better from food than from supplements. So it's a food 100,000 studies documenting its benefits.

Speaker 2:

It's a multi-billion dollar agricultural crop in Asia, where they have taken it drumroll, daily drumroll, for 70 years 70 years, by the way. The Japanese have the best longevity, lowest cancer rates, lowest obesity rates and great skin and hair. And why should they be the only ones enjoying the benefits of algae? Because guess what? 99% of algae is grown in Asia and 99% of it is consumed in Asia. The scientists and the consumers don't know outside of Asia don't know anything about algae, what it does, why it works, that it's a food crop. So I'm here.

Speaker 2:

Oh, by the way, it's also endorsed by the United Nations. It's been endorsed since 1974. That's 49 years ago. They identified spirulina as the answer to world hunger because it has three times the amount of protein as steak. There is nothing in the world with more protein than spirulina. And it's an eco-friendly, sustainable crop. So United Nations has endorsed it. And guess what? Even NASA has endorsed algae for 50 years. They feed it to the astronauts. Why? Because they say it has a thousand times more nutrition than any other fruit or vegetable. But I saved the best to the last. So it's scientifically supported, internationally endorsed, used safely in Asia for 70 years.

Speaker 2:

And the best thing at all is it comes in tiny little tablets like this that you can just swallow or chew. I eat them all day long. But spirulina we'll talk about the different algae. Spirulina satisfies your hunger and will really help you get off the sugar train. Clarella pulls out toxins and builds your immune system. But check this out Every single one of these tablets.

Speaker 2:

Look at how tiny they are. They're about the size of a baby aspirin. Every single one has the same nutrition as an entire plate of vegetables. But look, all you have to do is swallow them or chew them. Problem solved. You never have to worry about getting the nutrition that you need from vegetables ever again. You never even have to eat another vegetable again if you don't want to. But please do, please do exactly. But this we've had mothers writing us saying oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You've taken the stress out of dinnertime because we fight with our children to get them to eat vegetables and now they just have a couple of tablets and they love them, because their tongues turn green and they think that's really funny. So we'll talk to you about the nutritional benefits, how this helps you balance your metabolism, balance your blood sugar, stops your cravings, satisfies your hunger, because you could have 15 of these or 20 for lunch. One calorie per tablet and it will give you all the nutrition that you need for the day protein, 40, vitamins and minerals. And you didn't have to lift a finger other than to swallow them down with water or chew them, like I do. Not everybody likes the flavor, but the benefits.

Speaker 2:

I came up with the saying that the benefits of algae are too simple to believe, but too powerful not to. It's crazy what this stuff does and, by the way, it was the first life on earth four billion years ago. You can only be the first life on earth once, and it was cyanobacteria, which is like spirulina, and I have a really cool thing to show you at the end of the discussion that will blow your mind about spirulina. It's a gift to us from Mother Nature, but it's never been explained properly. And I tell people algae isn't new. It's just new to you and think about it. Up until about 10 years ago, you didn't know about matcha, quinoa, maybe not kale, collagen powder, cbd, but these are things that have been used and grown in other countries for centuries. Same with algae A. It was the first life on earth.

Speaker 2:

Four billion years ago, the Egyptians used it. 2000 years ago, the Aztecs grew it in Mexico. It was their main food 250 years ago. It's been used safely in Asia for 70, 70 years. It's a multi-billion dollar crop there. It's as big as the beef industry is here. And you scratch your head and you think, well, that's crazy. Why, why don't I know about it? Well, it's not grown here. There's no patents, because it's just a vegetable. There's no incentive for the food industry, the pharma industry, the biotechs to tell you about it, right? So that's what we do. That's what I've done. We are science-based, we educate people, we provide you the science, so you know exactly why it does what it does, and the list is endless. And I designed all the packaging to be friendly so you don't think it's weird. There's nothing weird about algae, honestly. And instead of saying to yourself, why should I take algae, you should be saying to yourself why shouldn't I? Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

And I can appreciate, because you're a CEO of a company and your background is international finance, that you might be the kind of person that has bias, that you have a vested interest in the success of the sales of Spiralline and Clarella, but I don't, and I can tell you that all of this hype is warranted and then some.

Speaker 1:

So stick with us through this interview, because this isn't just another ooh, a flash in the pan kind of product that's going to come and go and it's going to have the shadow side or these side effects that, ooh, we didn't know about it really at the more. And I've been researching this almost as long as Catherine, because I first got exposed to it when I went raw vegan about gosh sky you would have been in grade two, so I don't know like 15 years ago or so, right, and yeah, and at one point, catherine, I had sort of I used it a lot, felt really great on it Totally curbed sugar cravings gave me energy, but then I'd heard something about heavy metals and there was a little bit of negative media around it and it kind of drifted away. So can you talk a bit about because probably others have heard about that what's the deal with that?

Speaker 2:

So well. Thanks for asking, because that's what makes us so special. We sell our algae tablets on our website, energybitscom, but we're the only algae sold through functional medicine, chiropractors, biohacking centers, longevity centers. Because of our purity and our safety, because algae will absorb whatever's in the water. So you never, ever, ever, ever want to purchase algae that's grown in the ocean or lakes, because you cannot control the body of water when it's wild. And just like people get angry when they see algae blooms closing their favorite beach, I remind people algae only shows up as the cleanup crew. It actually will. It kills bacteria. And another thing people don't know is that every water treatment plant in North America runs their water through algae because it kills bacteria. So it shows up on your beach when there are already toxins there, but you can't see those toxins, so the algae will pull them towards itself and that makes the bloom toxic because it's absorbed the toxins that are in the water. So when you're growing it it's impossible to control the environment if it's a lake or river and there's a company that used to grow it in Clamathalake and I've got scientific papers that prove there's micro toxins there. So the way to protect yourself is to purchase your spirulina chlorella from a very reputable company and I consider ourselves one of the best, if not the best, because we go to great lengths to preserve the integrity of the algae so we can preserve the safety for the people who are using it. And you have to remember I wasn't intending to start a company. No, I just wanted to help my sister. That was it. And then I learned more about algae and I thought, well, I could help a few more people and then I just kept going and suddenly I got 13 years flew by and I hear I am with a company, but everything I did and continued to do is with the intent to be safe for people and give them the maximum benefit. So things like we grow our algae in triple filtered spring, not in water, so it's absolutely pure, absolutely no toxins that can be absorbed. That's number one. Number two, and I do want to talk about mitochondria health, if we can get to it, because it's very important for your health and getting you off the sugar or stopping the diabetic train wreck that we're on.

Speaker 2:

So one of the key things is that almost all the other algae companies are lower priced and higher volume, so they have to get to market quickly. So they use high heat to dry their algae. We don't, and the reason why this is so important is because there's some very important antioxidants. They're very long words, like superoxide, dismutase that are enzymes, and enzymes are are damaged and killed by high heat. So you're missing a lot of these nutrients in these other companies, with these other lower priced algae, because they, their enzymes, are dead.

Speaker 2:

Same with pigments. There's two important critical pigments in algae. The blue one in spirulina is called phycocyanin and has amazing healing properties, and the green one is chlorophyll, and both of them get damaged by high heat and nutrition in general will always be decreased by high heat. So because we we don't use high heat, our algae is raw. The only other algae I can frankly recommend, especially when it comes to spirulina, is frozen spirulina, because that's the only other one that has no heat. So all the nutrients are preserved. But the problem with frozen spirulina is that it's messy, it's hard to find, it doesn't travel well, expires quickly. I mean, we're talking to very expensive, very expensive ours, which comes in tablets and we have them in little pouches that you can travel with. Or we have these really cool canisters that come with a little travel tin. But we're talking to the apocrity center, about you know who will, who will hopefully use our product, as well as another great institute called the Gershaw Institute, and they heal people are very sick and they use raw spirulina. But after their clients or patients have moved on, it's hard to get raw spirulina. So they're thinking of recommending our tablets because they're raw, because there's no heat that's been applied to them.

Speaker 2:

So, and the third thing is with chlorella well, we'll talk about the two a different algae, but spirulina is actually a bacteria, it's called a cyanobacteria. The reason why this is important is twofold because there's no fiber, zero fiber, no cellulose wall. It gets absorbed into your bloodstream almost instantly if you chew it, like I do my green tongue, and within minutes if you swallow it, and so this helps balance your blood sugar, almost instantly if anyone's hypoglycemic, like I used to be. But chlorella, which we call recovery bits, has the hardest cell wall in the plant kingdom and that hard cell wall needs to be cracked at production or your body wouldn't be able to absorb all the nutrients. So the technique almost everybody uses is the original one, which is they tumble it with glass beads and the chlorella hard cell wall is technically crushed by the beating up with the, with the glass beads, but the glass heats up and led from the glass leaks into the chlorella. Now chlorella is supposed to be a detoxing algae, so the fact that it's getting led into it is not a good thing. So when I started the company, I learned that that might be a problem, so, but there was a new technique that had just been developed, more expensive, but that's what we use, and we pass our chlorella through a sound chamber, so it's the vibrations that crack the chlorella.

Speaker 2:

Somebody said from California, said, oh, you've got good vibrations in your algae, so, but this is just one. You know one more example? I gave you three, but there's plenty more that separates us from the traditional algae suppliers that you can find on Amazon or Costco or or Whole Foods, and all we do is algae. Almost everybody else who sells algae tablets honestly, most of them have anywhere from 50 to 500 other products. They don't spend the kind of time and attention as I do and we do, because this is it for us, like we're. I'm an algae expert, I like going deep and rather than broad, and so that that allows me the ability to provide a higher quality product that's safer for you. You can give ours to newborns, children, teenagers, pets, love them, grandparents, and never have to worry about the safety factor or metals or toxins. I mean we do micro toxin testing, we do nutritional testing, we do heavy metal testing. So because we sell to doctors and they have to, they have to know.

Speaker 1:

Incredible. Oh my gosh, the gratitude. I can imagine people are thinking oh, thank God, this kind of integrity in industry, right, that this is your one baby and you're getting it right, you're testing, and thank you so much for doing all this and bringing this to the world. I can vouch for the fact that my cat and my dog both used to give them sports Clorella I think was Clorella tablets and they would gobble them up Totally. Yeah, it isn't just humans and I do. I do chew them. I love the flavor of it. I do. I think it. Maybe it took me a while to get there, like, yeah, maybe not out of the gate, but over time there's something that the body goes. Oh, yeah, I like that. Let me pop a few in and before after a meal. Sky, do you have a question?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just wanted to say for me. I don't love the taste of spirulina, and so every morning I make myself a juice like a fresh green juice, a cold pressed, and I will add in just like a scoop of spirulina, and I find that it goes down no problems. Yeah, yeah it's easy peasy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, the great thing because of the tablets and again, they're very, very small. They're about the size of a baby aspirin. Most people do swallow the spirulina. That's the blue, green algae seal. It's darker because it has that blue pigment plus the green one. But the clorella, which we call recovery bits, it tastes like a soy nut or a sunflower seed and it tastes delicious with pistachio nuts. I have a flavor, salt and vinegar flavor and I eat these all day long. So if you were going to try chewing them, I would suggest starting with the clorella. But again and we'll get to the benefits in a minute when it comes to getting off sugar, I would generally suggest spirulina. If you can only choose one, I would suggest the spirulina because it's so satisfying for your hunger and will help you get off the sugar sort of spiral much quicker than the clorella will. But they're both and they both do amazing things for your body. So they're both equally powerful, but for different reasons.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's deep dive there a little bit. Tell us a bit more about the difference between spirulina and clorella, and when you might want to choose one or the other or both.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I have a funny story. We actually have two brands of spirulina. One is called energy bits and the other one is beauty bits. But they are absolutely identical and I'm not trying to trick anybody. It was just because when I first started the company, that was the energy bits was our spirulina and clorella was our recovery bits with it. But I found women didn't like the packaging or the name and I started the company because my sister, so women's health, has always been my number one priority and and Sky and I were talking about this earlier. The high protein, high antioxidants, high collagen build your skin and hair. So I made a second brand of spirulina and call it beauty bits. But they are identical. But I don't want, you know, people to be confused. So they this is what I would recommend in the mornings the spirulina and we we generally suggest 10 tablets at a time, but you know we feel NHL teams and they have 75 spirulina tablets before a game.

Speaker 2:

Remember it's food. Think of it like you would nuts. You know you never have just one nut. When you're hungry, you have a handful right. So take a handful of spirulina or later on, clorella, because that will satisfy your hunger, give you energy focus. There is one calorie per tablet, 40 vitamins and minerals, 65% protein and spirulina.

Speaker 2:

So it has always been used as an energizing, a source of energy. It gives you mental energy, physical energy and it also gives your mitochondria energy, so it's cellular energy. Now the energy you get isn't like you feel like you're going to jump off, want to jump off a tall building, in a single bound. It's very what I call quiet energy. You might not even notice it, it's just you just feel fresh. That's it. No drama with algae. It's not a stimulant, so it's no sugar, no caffeine, no chemicals. It's very steady. But how great is that? You feel like you just had a great night's sleep or a walk in the fresh air in the wintertime, and I know what that feels like, having lived in Edmonton for a while.

Speaker 2:

So spirulina is very nourishing, very energizing in the moment, but also energizing at the cellular level, which the mitochondria generate ATP, and ATP is your cellular currency. It's used for everything walking, talking, living, breathing, thinking. So everything you do is to protect your mitochondria so you'll have more cellular energy. I tell people cellular energy is like money. When you have more money, you have more choices and you can do more things. When you have more cellular energy, you have more choices and you can do more things. So that's spirulina very nourishing, satisfying. Have them in the morning. Zero carbs. By the way, for those of you who are doing intermittent fasting, it's ketogenic and I encourage you to try intermittent fasting. Usually, people don't like intermittent fasting or ketogenic diets because they get hungry and they get tired. Doesn't happen with spirulina, because it's an energizing, ketogenic, zero carb source of fuel and your body will absolutely love it. So how about?

Speaker 1:

throughout the day. So can I ask a couple of questions about spirulina then? Is it a complete protein?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it has 18 of the 22 aminos and it has all nine that your body can't make, so it is a complete protein, both of them spirulina and chlorella.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and what was my second question? I know why. Is it fuel for the mitochondria as opposed to other foods, like? What makes it unique to the mitochondria?

Speaker 2:

Well, that's quite a long conversation. I can, I definitely want to get to that, but part of it is because it has unique antioxidants that aren't found in any other food that your body will make for you from the moment you're born until you hit 30, and then it stops making them and they're long words like superoxide, dismitase and glutathione. But these antioxidants are the only antioxidants that can get into the inner membrane of the mitochondria to stop free radical damage. Vitamin E, vitamin C you can eat a room full of blueberries and not a drop of antioxidants will get into that inner membrane of the mitochondria. And I will explain why and where that inner membrane came from. Because it's and it's all again, science-based.

Speaker 2:

So spirit, because spirulina particularly contains the antioxidants that your body stops making for you after the age of 30, it can get into the inner membrane to stop that free radical damage. Whether that free radical damage is in your skin, your heart, your brain, doesn't matter where it is All. 99% of inflammation or 90%, is in mitochondria, and so you've got to stop that inflammation because if you don't, then your mitochondria get damaged, which means they either die or they communicate incorrectly, and this causes you to age, or it leads to chronic disease. So protecting your mitochondria. It also is why people have weight gain hormonal imbalances. It all comes down to the mitochondria. So spirulina is unbelievably powerful for protecting the mitochondria because it has these antioxidants that can get in there that no other foods contain.

Speaker 1:

How do we know that, like I know you say, this is science and I know you're a citizen scientist and one day you'll have your PhD and you'll be a world expert and you already are unofficially, and one day you will be officially with your PhD. But how do we know that that's happening with the mitochondria in the cell?

Speaker 2:

Well, there's 25,000 studies that have been done on superoxide dismutase that show this. So here's the problem with algae and the nutrients in algae. There's no shortage of science. In fact there's too much. It's so overwhelming. Only a crazy person like me would take 13 years to deep, do deep dives and connect all these dots. So it's irrefutable what superoxide dismutase does. The problem is it doesn't exist in any other food. So I think there's 0.0000001% in cabbage, but the problem is even that 0.0000001% in cabbage gets destroyed in digestion, so it doesn't exist in nature anywhere else, except it also is in chlorella, but there's more of it in the spirulina and it gets into the mitochondria for two reasons. One is that spirulina gets absorbed so quickly. It's 99% bioavailable because it's a bacteria. There is no cellulose wall for your body to have to break down to gain access to any of the nutrients, including the superoxide dismutase. And we even did our own clinical trial two months ago to test this very, very fact, and I mean I could tell you more about that. But it reduced inflammation in the brains of these people that we did EEGs before and after and we did the after EEG 30 days later. But we could have done it after seven days and we would have seen the same results. So the superoxide dismutase is highly documented.

Speaker 2:

The other important nutrient is called glutathione, which is an antioxidant. Now you can get IV drips of glutathione. It's a master antioxidant but you can't get medicinal quantities of it in food. Spirulina has, I think, 1,000 times or 2,000 crazy number more glutathione than meat or just virtually any other source. There's nothing in the world and we have lab tests to prove how much glutathione and superoxide dismutase or these pigments. So it's all documented. And glutathione is also something your body makes for you from the moment you're born until you hit the age 30. And it drops after 30, same with melatonin Drops. That's why, people, when you get older, you have a hard time sleeping because you don't have melatonin anymore. So and there's a little bit of melatonin not a lot in the two algae.

Speaker 2:

But the glutathione also gets into the inner membrane of the mitochondria to stop free radical damage, and basically what you say to yourself. Well, what exactly is it doing? And I have some charts to show you. Here's one. So basically what the superoxide dismutase does it turns the free radicals into water. It's like having a fireman in your cells just hosing down the free radicals because and we jumped into the mitochondria without me giving some explanation. Maybe I can back up a little bit to help people understand what the mitochondria are and why they're so important. But this is what superoxide dismutase does it turns free radicals into harmless water. So it protects your mitochondria and the mitochondria DNA in a way that's not done by anything else in the world, in the universe Crazy right.

Speaker 1:

That makes me beg another question then. So what struck me about the fact that 99% of this Berlin and Clarella is grown in Asia and eaten in Asia, but they've only been doing it for 70 years. Truthfully, that's not a very long time. Why does it not go back thousands?

Speaker 2:

It does. It does go back that, but I just referenced something that was more current, so people could see that it's a food group that's quite normal in other parts of the world. As I mentioned, the Aztecs in Mexico. They grew spirulina as their main food 250 years ago. And here's the sad thing that happened when the Spanish came to Mexico and conquered them, they saw all these things. They thought were swamps and they drained them. The Aztecs had been powerful, strong, healthy up until that point because they were using spirulina. Soon, as the swamps were drained, they all got sick and the Spanish took over.

Speaker 2:

It's all documented in science and before that, 2000 years ago, the Egyptians wrapped themselves in seaweed and spirulina for wellness benefits. Even in Africa they've been making patties of spirulina. They just grow it in big ponds. It's not the safest, but it's better than nothing as a main source of protein, as I said. So the fact that spirulina or algae, spirulina and chlorella have the highest protein in the world an edible protein wasn't discovered until the late 1800s by a Dutch scientist and then the Germans. Well, he discovered it had the highest protein. Then the Germans discovered that it had the highest edible protein and there was a lot of research that went on in Germany in the early 1900s using chlorella algae. Now there's a couple of interesting things that happen. There's a famous German scientist by the name of Otto Warburg who won a Nobel Prize in, I think, the 1930s or 40s for discovering that cancer could not exist in an alkaline environment.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm circling back to what got me on this whole crusade, right, so? And the reason for the cancer not being able to grow in alkaline environments is because there's a scale of zero to 14 of alkalinity, and 14 is high alkalinity. So healthy cells, their alkalinity is 7.1, just slightly alkaline. And when it's slightly alkaline there's more. It indicates there's oxygen in the cell, that the mitochondria are functioning properly, that there's communication that's going on. Once they become acidic, it becomes a place where cancer can start to grow and they start to generate energy anaerobically. So this, I think, is one of the reasons why my sisters oncologist wanted her to have an alkaline diet to help preserve the alkalinity of the cellular structure, so that cancer couldn't grow.

Speaker 2:

Now here's another interesting thing your blood needs to be even more alkaline. It's 7.34. Remember, your cell is 7.1, your blood is 7.34. And so your body is so intelligent that if your blood became too acidic. And it gets acidic guess what? From sugar processed foods, all these acidic foods. And if you became too acidic you would die instantly. So your body is so intelligent, so it goes like red alert, red alert, sugar processed food, too much alkalinity or too much acidity, it pulls minerals out of your bones and of your cells instantly into your blood to neutralize it. So that's protect you. But when that happens over and over and over again, it depresses your immune system. It causes osteoporosis, because your bones are where your minerals are predominantly stored. So again, my sister's oncologist was probably aware of this and wanted to ensure that she had a nice alkaline diet to protect that her immune system. And I haven't showed you this, but remember I said spirulina is the highest protein in the world.

Speaker 2:

Chlorella has the highest chlorophyll in the world. Check this out. The chemical composition of chlorophyll is identical, literally identical, to your hemoglobin, that's, your red blood cells. Chlorophyll builds your blood, it's the most alkaline thing in the world, which is why she wanted an alkaline diet. And it builds your blood. So when you have healthy blood, you're going to have more nourishment going to your skin, to your organs, to your brain, and there is nothing in the world with more chlorophyll than algae. Chlorella has 500 times more chlorophyll than arugula, 25 times more chlorophyll than liquid chlorophyll. And I tell people, why would you take liquid chlorophyll when you could take chlorophyll A? You get 25 times more chlorophyll, plus you get protein, 40 vitamins and minerals detoxing capabilities so it's really the full solution and it builds your blood and I haven't mentioned this yet.

Speaker 2:

But chlorophyll is a fat-based pigment. Why is that important? Your cells are made of fats, also known as lipids. This is why people use Omega-3, vitamin D, vitamin E, to ensure that your cell walls are moist, because when they have healthy fats because they're made of fats nutrients can get in and toxins can get out. Chlorophyll, because it's a fat-based pigment, behaves the same way. This is why, when you do cleansing people do lots of juices and cleansing one of the things that's happening is it's building your cell walls so that you can get those toxins out and put the nutrients in. I tell people sort of like think of chlorophyll and chlorella as window washers for your cell walls and you sort of like when you have dirty windows, you can't see out and sunlight can't get in. When your cell walls don't have enough fats, you can't get nutrients in and you can't get toxins out. So chlorella is one of the ways to do that.

Speaker 1:

Incredible. All right, sorry, I was going a little detailed on the spirulina, I know, I know.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry because almost whatever angle we go into or whatever topic I mean, I can give you so much detail. Yes, because it's there. But yeah, so generally spirulina is used for nourishment, hunger, weight loss, cutting your hunger or your cravings really terrific for intermittent fasting. And every single person in the world should be taking it because, again, it's effortless and ours is safe and pure, so that, and that's in the morning, afternoon, before a workout, boom, it's fantastic. But and chlorella is equally important, but for different reasons and we call ours recovery bits because it helps you recover your health. So what's so different about recovery bits or chlorella? It's a wellness, cleansing, detoxing algae. Spirulina, just to remember, remind you, is a nourishing, energizing algae. Chlorella is detoxing. Now we talked already about the high chlorophyll, how it is nourishing for your blood, nourishing for your cell walls. Only about five or 10% of chlorophyll actually gets absorbed and you stomach. The rest of it travels through your liver and through your colon. So very cleansing. It has the hardest cell wall in the plant kingdom. Spirulina has none. Chlorella has the hardest. And that hard cell wall attaches to lead, mercury, radiation, all heavy metals, alcohol, lactic acid and chelates them and pulls them out. So very, very detoxing. Chlorella also has a little bit of fiber, so it feeds the gut biome what it needs to generate those short chain fatty acids that are important for your health and your immune system. 70 to 80% of your immune system is in your gut. So when you are giving your body chlorella, with the chlorophyll and the 40 vitamins, minerals, you are helping to heal your gut.

Speaker 2:

Now, most people take the chlorella before bed. Now, we recommend you take it before bed. You can take it anytime of day, but definitely before bed. Why is that? Your body goes through, in your brain, a detox and repair cycle when you are in deep sleep, and so if you have chlorella in your body, think of it as like street washers. Your brain, by the way, shrinks a little bit when you're in deep sleep so it can pull out the aluminum, any kind of toxins in your brain and your body, and get rid of them. And so having chlorella before bed facilitates a much better cleanse and detox. It also stimulates peristalsis, which is also known as a bowel movement, and getting rid of I'd say getting rid of the junk in your trunk is equally as important to your health as putting the right nourishment into your body to start with. So, and chlorella also has the highest tryptophan in the world, which is a precursor to melatonin, so it does help you with a sleep.

Speaker 2:

Now to help people understand the differences, because, again, spirulina I'm recommending in the morning and during the day, and chlorella I'm recommending at night. I came up with this analogy because I speak a lot at hotels and when we travel we stay at hotels, everyone stays at hotels, and if maybe you're treating yourself, you get room service. So I have come up with this analogy think of spirulina as room service. It delivers all the nourishment that you need for the day instantly, instantly and effortlessly. That's room service, right. And chlorella because it cleans up everything in your body. Think of it as housekeeping Room service. Housekeeping Doesn't get better.

Speaker 1:

And so passive too, like such an easy, easy, yeah, yeah, on our, on our, and no washing, chopping, et cetera.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's truly effortless. And when you travel, I mean my security. People used to laugh at me because I used to travel with big bags of broccoli and I'd say I'm a nutrition meal whatever. But it's not practical and so you don't have to mix anything. We take powders with you. If the lid comes off, you got green all over the place. These come in little pouches that you can just tuck in your gym bag or your gravel bag.

Speaker 2:

It just ensures that you're gonna get the nutrition that you want, that you won't be migrating towards sugar or bagels, cause, let's face it, we're surrounded by sugar and carbs, and sugar is an addiction and it's so damaging. There is not a single redeeming thing about sugar, except the fact that people like the flavor. But it's inflammatory, it's addictive. It causes so much damage at the cellular level. It causes wrinkles, ladies, because you get. What it does is. It causes your skin, it causes your lasten and your collagen to become damaged and that causes wrinkles. So it's. I look at people with lots of wrinkles and I can almost promise you that they eat a lot of sugar. It's if you want to preserve your health and your youth and your looks and your digestive tract. Oh man. It causes so much candida in your gut. Which are the bad bacteria? You?

Speaker 1:

know there's a lot going on here.

Speaker 2:

Pardon me, fungi, fungi. So, and I tell people also you want to preserve your mitochondria. Your mitochondria are on your side. They want to generate energy which will give you the fuel for living and breathing and thinking, and they love algae. And I'll tell you why in a few minutes. Well, we've already talked about a few of the things, but I tell people, I never eat alone. I'm always eating with my mitochondria. Nice, they're happy with me.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Okay, I have so many questions, but let me just switch over to Sky and see she's been so patient. Do you have any questions? You want to jump in with honey?

Speaker 3:

Right now I have like a whole like notebook of notes based off of Clorella and spirulina, and I'm just so inspired by it Cause I'm like maybe this is like finally the answer to like healing some acne issues that I've had, or like hair loss from COVID or things like that that I can finally use to like kickstart my body and like bringing it back into like an alkaline state, and so I'm super grateful to be here and witnessing this and learning all about the powers of these two Super cool I guess like super foods technically. So right now I'm good, but I'm definitely like eating all this out quite literally, and right now I'm like chomping at the bit of like I can't wait to like go to our pantry and get our Clorella and spirulina and just like throw it back and see how I feel. So yeah, so far, so good too. I just recently started taking my own journey within spirulina and I've noticed a crazy impact, and that's been within a couple of days. So I'm just so glad to be here.

Speaker 2:

We talked about this at the beginning to share with what's happened with you and your skin.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I've definitely had skin issues, I think probably for the last like five years, and I've had like some weeks of like chronic acne, like huge inflammation, and then, over the last I would say week that I've kind of been taking it, my skin's cleared up so much. I feel like I'm glowing from the inside out, I feel like I smell better, which is like kind of a benefit for me and everyone around me. So you're not just helping out yourself, I guess you're also helping out other people. So yeah, I've definitely noticed that, and you were saying, I think, something about how there is collagen or something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I did an analysis of the aminos found in collagen. By the way, collagen is not a complete protein. It does not have tryptophan and I went through the entire list of aminos and in collagen powder and the entire list of aminos and the amounts in our spirulina and in some of our aminos we have 400% more than found in collagen. And just to help people understand about aminos. So your body can't absorb protein as protein. It has to break it down into amino acids, so animal proteins all bound up like that Collagen is in what's called peptides. They're clusters of aminos and so they get absorbed quickly. So it's kind of a fancy way of saying protein, but algae protein are already in individual aminos, so they get absorbed quickly. By the way, algae protein is the only sustainable vegan source, compared to collagen and animal protein. Collagen, by the way, is made from ground up and melted down animal skins and hides and tendons and bones, so it's not sustainable or eco-friendly. And, by the way, they don't tell you this, but they use chemicals to melt all that stuff down. So ultimately not good for you and not good for the environment, whereas algae is a sustainable, eco-friendly crop with gives you 200 times more protein per acre than animal protein. I mean, I'm not beating up on animal protein. I want people to eat good, clean, grass-fed animal protein. But when it comes to collagen, I'm grateful that people have discovered collagen because it really does help. But you can up level from collagen to algae because of the concentration of collagen and protein and the eco-friendly, sustainable nature of algae that can't be found in collagen. So it's better for you and better for the earth, for sure, and with your skin and your breath.

Speaker 2:

Like I said at the very beginning, algae kills bacteria. Doesn't matter whether it's in the beach, in your poop, on your skin, in your breath. Brad, breath is caused by bacteria. Food gathers in your teeth and bacteria start forming and that's what causes bad breath. A lot of people who are carnivores have terrible breath because they always have food meat stuck in their teeth. It's just the. So this helps with breath. So if you those of you who have dogs same thing, their breath will be fantastic. But the blemishes are caused partly by bacteria. There's also hormonal issues, but again, the spirulina and chlorella help balance hormonal issues.

Speaker 2:

We've had people tell us that it helps them with their periods. They don't have as much cramping because it's also what's called a vasodilator opens up blood vessels, helps with headaches. It also helps with your, with breakouts. So you know it's so funny because you may take the algae because you want to stop your cravings, but you're gonna end up with clearer skin. Or maybe you want to take it because you don't eat vegetables. Well, you're gonna end up with more energy because of mitochondria efficiency. It's really the gift that keeps on giving. It's amazing, and the only thing I would say is don't be afraid to take a lot of it. I'm suggesting 10 tablets just cause I don't want to overwhelm people, but people have 30, 40, 50, 60 tablets and if you have a health condition, you definitely want between 30 to 60 tablets. If you have cancer, heart disease, any kind of health condition, you want to double up or triple up until you get a clear diagnosis.

Speaker 1:

So I imagine that there are people who do not do well. Maybe this is universally agreeable to all bodies and all body types. And before I go there, actually let me just reiterate that on our summit we do not get into diet wars. I don't care if you're whole food, plant based I have. I don't care if you're carnivore, like I trust you to figure out what whole foods work for you. All whole foods are fine in our books, just so that you're not hearing this and thinking we're bashing up on carnivores.

Speaker 1:

Not, I have friends and I have clients that are thriving for whatever reason. That's working for them right now and I respect that. But I think your point about factory farms and the way we're pulling livestock off of farmland that used to regenerate the soil and it was part of the ecosystem and like all of that, like if you haven't watched Kiss the Ground, you haven't lived yet you haven't known what the word hope feels like, because it is such an uplifting, hopeful movie. So I just wanna clarify that we're not picking on any people who choose to eat meat, but the point still stands that doing our best to support the farmers who are creating regenerative farms and produce and quality whole foods for us. Back to the question. So are there people who should not take spirulina or chlorella or should go slowly Like? What sort of contraindications have you seen?

Speaker 2:

Well, the good news is there are zero contraindications for spirulina. There is not a single living entity on earth that would not benefit from spirulina Newborns, children, pets, teenagers, grandparents, any cultural organization. It's unbelievable and again I go back to the fact that it was the first life on earth four billion years ago. Stuff doesn't miraculously appear on earth without a reason. Nobody knows why it started growing, but, yes, it's so safe If you get it from a good supplier. I can't speak for all vendors, because not everybody is as careful as we are, but if you're talking about our products, yes, there's not a single living. Pregnant moms, nursing moms I have the science to prove it. It's instead of sending your kids off to soccer practice with a candy bar or protein bars they like to call them, which is usually full of soy and sugar anyways, it's just disguised sugar Give them a handful of spirulina. Honestly, their performance, their focus. We have coaches and parents who give it to their kids who are autistic, on the spectrum. What it does for the brain is unbelievable. And remember, it's food. This is not a drug, this is not a supplement. It's just very, very nourishing. I will get to the mitochondria in a minute, because I really want to show you something, but very, very powerful. So now Clorella. There are a small number of people that don't do well in Clorella, and also because it pulls out toxins and heavy metals and because there is a small percentage of drugs that have metals in them vaccines have them, for example. We just recommend, if you're taking medications, check to see if there's any metals in them and, if there are, take the Clorella two hours before or after the medication. Spirulina, because it's a bacteria, gets absorbed quickly, within minutes or seconds. Clorella, because it has a hard cell wall, takes about an hour and a half to get fully absorbed. So if you take it two hours before or after medications, you're safe. By the way, if there is anybody who is getting chemotherapy, clorella is unbelievable to take. You should definitely take this the day after your chemotherapy because it will pull the excess chemo out of your bloodstream so you're not as nauseous and sick. This has saved so many people because it pulls the radiation. The United Nations used it at Chernobyl to pull out radiation after the disaster. In fact, that's a very great story about how it also saved the people from Hiroshima who had radiation, and that's why, actually, the algae industry is based in Asia. It was related to that whole incident.

Speaker 2:

So very small percentage can't tolerate Clorella. So if you have any doubt about it, we encourage you to either come to our website and get a sample pack or just go to Amazon they're $6. Just take a few. You'll know instantly whether you're one in 10 million that can't tolerate it. But it's rare. But it still does exist. I want people to know it. But other than that, again, pregnant moms, lactating, all kids just absolutely love it. It doesn't matter. It pets Same thing. But if you didn't want to worry and your focus was getting off sugar and balancing your blood sugar and having maximum nourishment, stick with spirulina at least to get started, because it's a slam dunk. Not a single thing to worry about for sure Wonderful.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, and I'm glad you clarified that, because I was like I know that I do not want to do well with Clorella. I have to be so careful. Yeah, you can do two or three, but if I do more I get a migraine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I know I'm so sensitive. I'm always the one that's like the canary in the coal mine. I think I'm just detoxifying too quickly.

Speaker 2:

Too much.

Speaker 1:

Right, too much for my pathways to handle. I was glad you said that because I was listening to say please, let me not be the only person on the planet. So yes, and spirulina is no problem, but Clorella, for me, I've had to go slow and I love it and I prefer the taste of it and I still use it, but I'm much more cautious with it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just so you know, like I was saying, 10 tapas of spirulina or 10 for Clorella. So 10 of Clorella will give you the wellness benefits, but it won't detox, and this is probably what's happening to you. It's not enough to detox. You need 30 tablets at a time maybe 20, but closer to 30 to detox, because here's what's happening. This is probably why you're getting your headaches.

Speaker 2:

The Clorella naturally pulls toxins out of your cells, but if you don't take enough Clorella, it literally drops the toxins in your bloodstream. I think that's what's happening to you. There's a doctor by the name of Dr Klinghart and he's been using Clorella for detoxing for 40 years. He's highly regarded and he says the same thing. So you may want you know. I invite you to try and experiment sometime and one night take 30 of the Clorella and I almost bet you won't have a headache. Because what's happening is it's not the Clorella that's causing the headache, or other people get breakouts, or just it's the fact that the toxins have been hiding in your cells. Now the Clorella is pulling them out and trying to remove them through your bloodstream or your breath or your urine or elimination, but it doesn't get any further than your bloodstream. It can't chelate them all the way out, so you might just try that, see if it works. I'd be very interested.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. You wanted to say one more thing about mitochondria. You wanted to show us something. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

So, as I mentioned, like mitochondria, people learn. No, it's the powerhouse of the cell. It generates all the energy called ATP. I'm going to show you what's going on. So here's your cell, and in your cell is your nucleus, and see these little peanut shaped things. That's your mitochondria. That's where your ATP is being generated. By the way, you have 2 million of these mitochondria per cell in your brain. That's why it's the highest concentration of mitochondria in your entire body. The second highest, by the way, is women's eggs 600,000 per cell in your eggs. Basically, more mitochondria are where the greatest energy needs are. So it's your brain, your eggs, then your heart and after that your muscles. So here's the mitochondria, here's a closeup of it and this is where the ATP is being produced. But what you probably have never known is that your mitochondria have their own DNA. You have a regular 22,000 DNA, but mitochondria have their own DNA. There's only 37 of them, and the DNA is located exactly where the ATP is being produced. But here's the problem Byproduct of ATP are free radicals.

Speaker 2:

So your DNA is constantly being bombarded by free radicals because they're located exactly where the ATP is produced. So this is what causes your mitochondria DNA to get damaged because they are being fried every nanosecond. So there's two ways to stop the damage of your mitochondria. One is to reduce the number of free radicals. And how do you do that? By either a keto or low carb diet, because carbs and sugar generate the most free radicals. So another reason why you want to get off sugar it damages your mitochondria. But algae or fasting create virtually no free radicals. So the first way to protect your mitochondria is to remove or reduce the amount of sugar and carbs. The second way to protect your mitochondria is to remove the free radicals. But the problem is that mitochondria has an inner membrane and virtually no antioxidants can get in there to remove the free radicals, except glutathione, melatonin, superoxidismatase and chlorophyll. Now algae have the highest three concentration of four of these chlorophyll, superoxidismase and glutathione. So now they can get in there and remove those free radicals so your mitochondria DNA don't get damaged. And remember I mentioned that you are born with your body making these glutathione, melatonin, superoxidismatase from the moment you're born until you hit 30. And after 30, that's when they start decreasing and they get to almost nothing. And guess what? This is exactly the age when people start getting sick because their mitochondria are no longer being protected as they were when they were younger. And those antioxidants don't exist in food. You can't get them. Superoxidismatase just doesn't exist. So that's why spirulina and chlorella are so advantageous for protecting your health and your longevity, because they offer your mitochondria the free radical, the antioxidants that they need to stop free radical damage.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm going to tell you the final piece, pièce de résistance, about why you want algae. So you say yourself well, that's interesting that the mitochondria have two membranes. All the other cells in your body have one membrane, but remember I pointed out, the mitochondria have two. They have a fat membrane, lipid membrane, but they have that second one. It's like the ICE unit at a hospital Everything gets in there except these four antioxidants that you can find in mitochondria. So I'm going to tell you why and where that second membrane, which is actually the original membrane, came from.

Speaker 2:

Remember I said at the very beginning that algae was the first life on earth. It was a cyanobacteria. It's all documented in science. It was an anaerobic cell, which means it flourished without oxygen. Why? Because four billion years ago there wasn't any oxygen on earth. There was gas and water, no oxygen. Nobody knows why this cell started growing, but it did. And after a billion years it released enough oxygen because it generated ATP so that aerobic cells could start growing. But they didn't generate ATP as well. So the big aerobic cell said to the little anaerobic cell I can imagine hey, little guy, I see you're struggling there. How about we join forces, people protect you from the oxygen and you can generate ATP for us.

Speaker 2:

And that's exactly what happened. The little cyanobacteria like spirulina got absorbed by the big cell and guess what? It became mitochondria. No way, yes, way, wow. It's called endosymbiotic theory. It's documented in any document in PubMed about where mitochondria come from. And here's why there's two cell membranes. There's the original one when it was an anaerobic cell by itself. When it got absorbed by the bigger cell, the big cell just put a second lipid membrane around it but kept the original one. That's why everything remember spirulina is a cyanobacteria. Everything that's in analogy can get into the mitochondria and healing mitochondria because they're family.

Speaker 1:

They're buddies, they're teamwork, they're family.

Speaker 2:

Wow, by the way, another little fun little note All the mitochondria DNA control absolutely, absolutely, absolutely everything in your body. And guess where the mitochondria DNA come from? The women. Your regular DNA half come from the sperm, half from the eggs. Nope, the mitochondria DNA it's all from the ladies. We are the power. We are the power.

Speaker 1:

Oh right, which is why we need, as women, to get our poop in a group Like stop with the junk food, stop feeding it to our children, stop it, stop it, stop it.

Speaker 2:

Stop it. Your mitochondria are on your side and they you know, women like we're so strong and we're always working behind the scenes. And here's another example. By the way, gift to us from Mother Nature one of the gals right and honestly, go into PubMed. Google. I'll send you one of our presentations. I link everything to PubMed articles so everybody knows I don't make any of this up. By the way, that whole story understanding the history of mitochondria was discovered by a woman MIT professor in the 60s. I'm here in Boston, right, I can see my MIT right across the window. She was heckled for 10 years by her peers until they realized she was right. She was right, wow. So this has been known since the 60s. But who was going to tell you? Huh?

Speaker 2:

Fascinating, oh my gosh, so fascinating, unbelievable right. So your body wants to help you stay healthy. So stop eating the sugar and the protein, the stuff that's not good for you. Treat yourself with love. Self-care is giving yourself the nourishment that you need, the sleep that you need, the fresh air, the exercise. It's not selfish to give yourself self-care. You're only feeding the lining, the pockets of these huge corporations that want you to buy their addictive sugar. You are better than that. You deserve more than that. Don't do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, catherine. One last question from me, and then I'll see if Sky has a final question as well. And this is just because at the beginning of our interview, before we hit record, you said I'm going to tell everybody my age because I want them to know. So I wanted to give you that opportunity.

Speaker 2:

Sure, I'm almost 67. I'll be 67 in two months, so I'm inching towards 70,. Okay, I don't have any wrinkles and I'm not bragging about this, but it's because and I don't have Botox, so everything moves. Honestly, this works and I have had so many people tell me, just like Sky did, how their skin improved and it's all just, your skin is nourished from blood. I mean, yes, we put topical creams on, but the true cells in your skin, just like all the cells in your body, and you have over 30 trillion of them they are growing every single day. Now, when you nourish them with something that's healthy, they're going to grow back healthier. Just like when you build a building you can make it out of sand, or you can make it out of something, a structure that's going to withstand a lot of issues. You want structure, you want good, solid nutrition to feed your skin, which is also, by the way, it's fed by your blood vessels, and if you have nourishment in your blood, it's going to nourish your skin from the inside.

Speaker 2:

I tell people, beauty is an inside job. So, again, sugar smoking. They're very damaging to your skin as they are. You can't see the inflammation in your heart and your cells, but you can see it in your skin. It is an organ, by the way, so when you're younger, your skin turns over about every 24 days. As you get older, it takes longer to the cellular turnover as a longer one, but I look better and younger now than I did 10 years ago, and the only thing I've done differently is add spiruline and chlorella to my daily routine, and I've been taking it for 13 years.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, Skye. Do you have a final question for Catherine?

Speaker 3:

I do Not that I am promoting this in any way, shape or form. I personally do not drink anymore but I did catch your little sip of like oh hangover and I was like, oh, that got me thinking Like, if somebody does decide to like have a little bit of alcohol or something, would that be like? I guess chlorella would probably be more beneficial because it's the detoxifying.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Would that be good to conquer a hangover? And like when, would you recommend taking it before or after?

Speaker 2:

I would recommend you take it when you're finished drinking, so I would leave it on your bedside before you go out at night and because if you take it before drinking, it's sort of like a scrub adab it pulls the alcohol right out of your bloodstream. You are sober in an hour and a half and you will never have a hangover. So for a while, we were working with wine tasters. They were taking it before wine tasting because they didn't want to get drunk, so it kept them sober, but most people take it after they finished drinking. You will need the full 30 tablets, though, to pull it out, and you'll wake up fresh as a daisy.

Speaker 2:

My dream is in. You know it could take five, 10 years that these are made available at every bar. Maybe we can stop the damage, accidents, drinking and driving because, literally, you are stone sober in an hour and a half. We've had people go to Vegas and tell us that we saved their bachelorette party because they felt so great the next morning after partying. So it's unbelievable. And again, it's all natural. It does it because of the hard cell wall that's attaching, the alcohol converts into toxins in your blood. Also, chlorella is very high in glutathione, which is also a detoxing antioxidant, particularly in your liver. So, and the chlorophyll is very cleansing, but the chlorella is the only one that's detoxing, not the spirulina.

Speaker 3:

Right, okay, Thank you so much super cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is amazing.

Speaker 1:

Catherine, do you have any final words that you would like to share with our audience today before we wrap up?

Speaker 2:

Well, I just a couple of things I mentioned at the beginning. But algae isn't new. It's just new to you and so and it's been gifted to us by Mother Nature for a billion years ago and used safely in other countries for over 70 years. So that's number one. You're just not familiar with it because it doesn't grow here. Number two what do you have to lose? It's a food, and right now our food is so devoid of nutrition, our soils are so damaged it's impossible, even if you did eat vegetables, to be nourished properly. And this is people are getting sick because they're not getting the nourishment they need and there's too many toxins.

Speaker 2:

Spirulina gives you the nourishment and chlorala pulls out the toxins, and together they work very harmoniously with your body. No contraindications. So it's just give it a try. That's all I would ask you. And in fact, we have a 20% discount code if you want to visit our website. The code is Kicksugar and it works on everything. We have really fun canisters that we can leave at home. They have a little opening and you can just pour the tablets into your hand. We have travel pouches and just come to the website and learn, because we write a very comprehensive blog every month. But now that you know about spirulina and chlorala, you'll find out that it's coming. You can't keep it down much longer. The rest of the world is discovering it, so you might as well start learning how to use it now. Why cheat yourself? Why wait? I tell people it's never too late to feel great.

Speaker 1:

Yes, awesome, I love it. Catherine, thank you so much for your company, for your research, for your time and sharing your passion for this super food with us today. I appreciate it. You're very welcome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for everything you do.

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