Playground Talks

#36 Beyond Sticker Charts; How to Wisely Use External Motivators and Rewards?

September 13, 2023 Tammy Afriat Episode 36
#36 Beyond Sticker Charts; How to Wisely Use External Motivators and Rewards?
Playground Talks
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Playground Talks
#36 Beyond Sticker Charts; How to Wisely Use External Motivators and Rewards?
Sep 13, 2023 Episode 36
Tammy Afriat

Why using external motivators are necessary for a child's development?
How to create a reward system that is effective and fair?
7  non-materialistic reward ideas

Today we discuss how to use external rewards to motivate your child to follow your directions, comply with certain routines, and develop good behaviors. We will cover the different types of external reward systems and address the concerns that some parents have about using external rewards, such as the fear that their children will become too dependent on them.

So tune in to this episode and the following episode (published in 2 weeks) when we talk about the transition from external to internal motivation.

Leverage the momentum, print, and USE those reward chart templates.

Featured episodes:

As a certified parent coach, I aim to help you set boundaries with compassion.
So grab your FREE Compassionate Parenting Guides now!

You can also:

Remember to treat yourself and your children with compassion and curiosity. 🫶

Show Notes

Why using external motivators are necessary for a child's development?
How to create a reward system that is effective and fair?
7  non-materialistic reward ideas

Today we discuss how to use external rewards to motivate your child to follow your directions, comply with certain routines, and develop good behaviors. We will cover the different types of external reward systems and address the concerns that some parents have about using external rewards, such as the fear that their children will become too dependent on them.

So tune in to this episode and the following episode (published in 2 weeks) when we talk about the transition from external to internal motivation.

Leverage the momentum, print, and USE those reward chart templates.

Featured episodes:

As a certified parent coach, I aim to help you set boundaries with compassion.
So grab your FREE Compassionate Parenting Guides now!

You can also:

Remember to treat yourself and your children with compassion and curiosity. 🫶