The Future of Human Performance

Redefining Your Belief Systems

Bradley Baker & Joshua Bonhotal

This impromptu episode emerged out of a conversation Josh and Brad had while debriefing from an earlier-released episode with Renee. This is ultimately being shared because it sparked powerful real-life stories, practical takeaways, and touched on a lot of important topics:

  • Without going on our own ‘heroes journey’ how will we ever know what life we are actually intended to lead?
  • We also talk about goals, and is goal setting even practical when we humans are so terrible at predicting the future or predicting what we really want in life?
  • The topic of identity comes up, and the separation between roles/jobs/titles vs. your true identity as a person.
  • Finally, Josh ends with a real-life athlete story that might make you rethink your own process to reaching success.

Hope this provokes some thought experiments of your own, sparks some ideas, and provides enjoyment!

Please share with somebody who you think would benefit


Hosts: Bradley Baker & Josh Bonhotal
