Mummel Road - Podcast

The heart break that accompanies the phone call from your child's school

Emily Baitch Season 1 Episode 11

No parent wants to receive a call from their child's school informing them that they are not welcome in their classroom or in their school community. Unfortunately, these calls are not uncommon. Mostly, they are done with the safety and well being of all the students at the school in mind, which I completely understand. My quick hit today is simply a reminder for all carers, educators, and therapists to ensure that if they do need to call a child's parents, that they consider telling them one positive thing that occurred that day or even that week. I have been found crying at home by my husband after one of these calls and I understand the heartbreak that can follow these conversations. Please tread lightly with parents, please deliver news or reports with an anecdote of a positive thing that their child has done. Please be mindful that your words will remain with those parents for weeks or months to come. 
Thanks on behalf of all parents who are raising children with additional needs.