More Than A Side Hustle

Balancing Hustle and Well-Being for Entrepreneurial Success

April 12, 2024 Anthony & Jhanilka Hartzog
Balancing Hustle and Well-Being for Entrepreneurial Success
More Than A Side Hustle
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More Than A Side Hustle
Balancing Hustle and Well-Being for Entrepreneurial Success
Apr 12, 2024
Anthony & Jhanilka Hartzog

Discover how to attract the right clients and prioritize your well-being for success in business and life. We share tips on authentic branding, making genuine connections, and finding balance between hustle and self-care. Tune in for inspiring stories and practical advice to lead by example and achieve your goals.

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Discover how to attract the right clients and prioritize your well-being for success in business and life. We share tips on authentic branding, making genuine connections, and finding balance between hustle and self-care. Tune in for inspiring stories and practical advice to lead by example and achieve your goals.

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Speaker 1:

If they don't know you, they can't flow you. And that literally means that if they don't know who you are, they can't support you, they can't see you, they can't be a part of your atmosphere. Now you may say I don't want nobody a part of my atmosphere and I'm not telling you to be a full-blown content creator either. But I'm just saying use the moments, Because we've mentioned a couple moments where it's like all right, you, you told me who you are, but what else?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would say this Like I do have people that I work with and I literally enjoy the hell out of it. Like I was telling him, telling you, you know you asked me questions. At no point did I have to go on the internet. I knew all this stuff, like it's very free-flowing for me, and one of the things is people are you know excuse my French people tend to be full of ish.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and I think one of the biggest things is your unwavering trust in me and me, knowing your work ethic to me. You were doing me a favor by letting me help you and that's how excited I was to help you, and I think that it's just attracting. It's like I don't want to be Walmart, I'd rather be Neiman Marcus, like this is a luxury service that you don't have to buy. That's true.

Speaker 2:

This is not a catch all, and I think that understanding that life is math, right.

Speaker 2:

So you know, you give consultations, a lot of like, oh, I'll hit you back up, and then you start training with people, a lot of excuses.

Speaker 2:

And my thing is that when I pray, I pray for personality traits patience, discernment, strength, courage Because when you pray for things, you don't know what the things you're praying for, what's going to come with that.

Speaker 2:

So, as I'm, you know, rebuilding my business, I said God, put the right people that I'm going to do the best for in front of me, right? And I think that that's the thing it's like if a thousand people saw me, maybe one percent of those or 10 percent of those might be people who I'm going to build a fruitful relationship, and they can fire me in six months and tell 10 other people. So now we have a referral funnel going in and I think the main thing here is I need to give and be OK with the inflow and then just sort through that, and I think that that's going to be the next step of the piece of the business for me. Is that all right? I just need to show up, be authentic. Don't look at the likes, don't look at the metrics, don't look at how many people. It's so hard because it'll have you questioning your self-worth because, for example, as I mentioned the Twitter days, I had my shirt off era Shirt off every day.

Speaker 1:

Hennessy bandana.

Speaker 2:

The first time I got abs it was in 2013, and nobody couldn't tell me anything. You know what I'm saying Actually 2011, but after I crossed and whatever. But at that moment, now that I'm past that point, I'm like that's not the most important thing. It might sell, but I'd rather someone connect with me because they're like man he's still in shape, he runs, he prays, he has a corporate job, he's co-parenting. Those are the things I want people to say, why they're hiring me as a trainer.

Speaker 2:

Not because look how ripped he is, and sometimes you don't get to choose why somebody decide to work with you. Because it could be the gateway. The abs could be the gateway to the conversation. But I think the biggest thing for me Is that I feel like I have a fiduciary duty To show up here in the world and being on the internet it will have you questioning that. The foo-foo stuff is doing well, the goofy stuff is doing well and the legitimate, valuable thing. If I post a shirtless picture, lights go crazy. I post a movement with a baggy shirt on, I get four people engaging with me.

Speaker 1:

It's tough, it can be demoralizing, and then you see the people in the gyms hanging from the light fixture with the barbells. Those are stuff. That that's the stuff that goes right, and I understand that. What would your ideal client be? To you? Like, give me your avatar of the clients you're looking for, because it might be someone. Listening to the podcast, it's like I love what he's saying, I love what he's about and I want to work with him on a deeper level. I want to weed out people who may not be for you.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to weed out anybody.

Speaker 1:

actually, you know what I'll let him do that, but who would your ideal client?

Speaker 2:

you know be my ideal client is someone.

Speaker 2:

It's like going on a date yeah, like my ideal client would be someone who has the utmost respect for themselves and they don't give themselves opportunities to weasel out unduly, like if you're injured or you, legitimately you know, something came up that prevented you but just having a commitment, being committed to your commitment, meaning that if you say you're going to do something, it would have to be hell and high water for you not to do that, and what I've noticed is it has to be someone who already has been successful at something else in their life.

Speaker 2:

Rather it be your career, entrepreneurship, your relationship, because at the end of the day, every time we flatter ourselves, we lose self-respect. So I want the clients to have high self-respect for themselves and don't speak in a deprecating way and don't make jokes about yourself in a negative way, because this is not a joke. I think that when people be like, oh, ozzy, probably lifting weights for breakfast, yeah, I am lifting weights for breakfast, I'm not. Don't want people to feel bad about their desire to reach their goals, because if you look good, you feel good and if you feel good, you can do good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think that that is what I'm looking for is, or trying to be available for those people who just need the additional information. I spent, at this point, 15 years reading books. I have fitness books, I've been certified, I'm listening to fitness books, I'm watching content all day, every day, because it's legitimately something that brings me joy. I feel like that when people say the body is a temple. You think if you're not putting something to defile your body, but you're defiling it by not using it to the full capacity at which you can use it, and I think that we sometimes do not equate how well you take care of yourself as a form of self-love because you like, oh, you're going to eat that fried chicken and that waffle and you're going to drink that alcohol and you're going to pop bottles. You think that's like somehow opulent. It's not, and especially in our community.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes poor financial decisions is a sign of wealth, but when I see someone who has money and they're not in shape, they're not serious to me. You might, you might be good at getting money, but that's one thing out of a myriad of things that are also important. So the thing to me is that someone who's willing to be a student and a beginner. Your trust for me shows me that, like when, when, when the connection is there, it's there. You text me any time of day, as soon as the first moment I got. I'm responding because I knew you were just committed. I can't be more invested than you are. You can't be sucking your teeth because I told you to go for a run that you asked me to tell you when to go run can you imagine you you hitting somebody else for advice?

Speaker 1:

you're like I don't really want to do. It's like, why would you hit them up if you're not going to take the advice?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm not that type of person, so continue, man.

Speaker 2:

I think that the the main thing for me is that you people just really going inside and thinking about what that? Why is so cliche, but it's so important. Like at the end of the day, if I say, tell someone I'm gonna do something, I gotta do it. Because I said I'm gonna do it now. If I said probably, maybe that's different, that's my way of saying, it's probably not gonna happen, but if things work out then I'll do it. So I think it's just someone who's going to be committed and it's not.

Speaker 2:

I want to look good for a vacation. I want to look good for the family reunion. I want to look good for my high school. It's somebody who's like yo, this is going to be a lifestyle for me, because if I can add an extra 7 to 10, 15 years to my dad life by being an inspiration to him, if I don't make another dollar, I did God's work. That's how I look at that. So this is an opportunity for me is to help other people feel more connected to their family, because we know it's a domino effect right their family, because we know it's a domino effect.

Speaker 1:

Right, our daughters are going to do what they see. They see us running in the bag.

Speaker 2:

Yo, daddy run, daddy run exactly okay, she's saying you running, so she don't got to go to daycare. You know what I mean. Like the thing is, I realize people do what they see and we become what we intake. So if you want to, let's say, work with me or someone like me, the best thing to do is text your mom or your dad or your homegirl about every single thing. Girl, I did 45 pounds on a goblet squat today.

Speaker 2:

Make it a moment, celebrate the journey so that you don't have to wait to a finish line to feel like you won. And I think that the biggest piece is the mindset. Cliche as it might be, but I already made a decision. I don't want to pay bills. I don't want to pay bills. I don't want to prepare food. I don't want to go to work, I don't want to run, I don't want to lift weights. But what's the alternative?

Speaker 2:

And sometimes it's like, literally, your back is up but you got to make a backup against the wall. Scenario in your mind Like I am going to get where I want to be no matter what, and if I don't stop, quit, you fail. Oh, something came up. Listen, everybody can go for a walk on their vacation. Actually, walk that liquor off. Walk that Bahama Mama Margarita off. That's it, you know. So, just knowing that, like you get ready to go out of town, you're like, hey, I'm about to go out of town, when should I run? I'm like, okay, well, you don't want to sit on a plane and do this? Boom boom, boom here, do this exercise. Then, when you get back, do this.

Speaker 1:

Yep ran five miles on that Friday before the flight.

Speaker 2:

But because that conversation was happening, you give me an opportunity to help you. If I give you, a'm even teaching people how to use chat GPT. If you want, sure, type your question in chat GPT and send it to me and I'll be like nah that's some.

Speaker 2:

BS. Look, even now, whenever someone's asking me a question, I'm like, hey, these are the things you search for on YouTube, because my goal is not to keep you deaf, dumb and stupid, it's to empower you to not need me to make better decisions 100%. So that's my avatar of my client, someone who is committed to being intentional with themselves and they're not gonna let small things block their big blessings. It's one thing you walk in a room and know that you're giving life everything you have and I might be quoting wrong, but I think it was john in the bible. He said at the end of his life he just want to say I fought a good fight.

Speaker 2:

That's all I want to be able to say at the end of the day is that I gave it everything that I had and my intentions were pure. I sleep well at night, not because I have everything I want or not because I was successful. I'm literally doing the best things that I think I have the awareness around. If I don't do something is because of awareness. It's not because I don't want to do it or I can't do it. It's awareness and meaning that there wasn't a strong enough connection to the thing and me actually doing it.

Speaker 2:

So if a person is the least aware of what they're aware and not aware of and they're operating from whatever context or box they're operating from, now you're in a position to exceed. You can't get someone else's body, you can't get someone else's time, you can't get someone else's access or money, and it's futile to think that you can't. So if you have a certain body type, how can I have the best body within the confines of this body? How can I have the best mind in the confines of my human experience thus far? And it's just asking these questions and I know my, my shortcomings and I know that when, when that iron strikes, it strikes. I hate it running.

Speaker 2:

Once I started, I was like, oh, this is why people do it and sometimes that's what it takes. So, like you said, I don't want to ask anybody out, but this isn't a cheering squad. I'm going to give you information that you can use. A hammer can be used to build or destroy, but you still have a hammer. You got something. You have an opportunity to change the way you see yourself going forward, and that's my only objective. And all the fads and the ketones and the vegan and the listen calories in versus calories out, effort versus excuses that's what it boils down to. My dad lost 10 pounds and he's 60 years old.

Speaker 1:

I did my job, so let the people know how they could find you man whether it's Instagram or email or website, so that they can reach out to you.

Speaker 2:

So my email is wellnessnomad at gmailcom. My Instagram is ozonitis. Please feel free to ask me whatever questions you have, but one thing I believe in reciprocity If you ask me a question and you know you're feeling motivated, actually DM me when you're not feeling motivated, because if you'll do it when you're not motivated, when you're motivated you'll do it. If you do it on a Monday when you're feeling good, and then by Wednesday I follow up. Hey, how's this going? Nothing, Nothing, right how's this going?

Speaker 1:

Nothing, nothing, right so?

Speaker 2:

this is the thing. Time is the one resource that we don't have, and you don't have to have unwavering trust in me. You can actually question everything that I say to you, but the trick is, by you going to try to prove me wrong, you're going to get hit with the learning bug.

Speaker 1:

Let's go. Let's go Appreciate you guys tapping into another episode of the More Than A Sci-O-Soul podcast. I'm going to drop everything about Oz. Below His previous episodes you can learn more about his background, his IG, his email and just tap in and don't waste his time. If y'all serious, get with him and we'll see you guys next time. Like, subscribe, subscribe. Leave us a five-star review, peace see you later, guys.

Attracting Ideal Clients for Success
Commitment to Wellness and Self-Improvement
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