More Than A Side Hustle

Highlights from a Remarkable Event

April 19, 2024 Anthony & Jhanilka Hartzog
Highlights from a Remarkable Event
More Than A Side Hustle
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More Than A Side Hustle
Highlights from a Remarkable Event
Apr 19, 2024
Anthony & Jhanilka Hartzog

In Vegas, we joined Jobber's 'Masters of Home Services' podcast alongside industry greats. Still amazed! Amidst roulette spins, a solar eclipse, and a surprise family visit, we realized the universe aligns for those who reach. We share our journey to financial freedom and entrepreneurial success, including shaking off debt and building our empire. Join us as we discuss turning missteps into milestones and the power of adaptability in business and life.

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Learn how to start and scale a cleaning business without cleaning ANY Houses
Cleaning Business University Course

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In Vegas, we joined Jobber's 'Masters of Home Services' podcast alongside industry greats. Still amazed! Amidst roulette spins, a solar eclipse, and a surprise family visit, we realized the universe aligns for those who reach. We share our journey to financial freedom and entrepreneurial success, including shaking off debt and building our empire. Join us as we discuss turning missteps into milestones and the power of adaptability in business and life.

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Learn how to start and scale a cleaning business without cleaning ANY Houses
Cleaning Business University Course

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Speaker 1:

Well, we are going to talk about an experience that we just had in Vegas, about a week and a half ago, that we are very thankful for. That's really what the episode is about People knowing us for cleaning business and we got flewed out or axed to come to Vegas to speak with Jobber. Can you explain what Jobber is? For some people that may be like. What is that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we were invited to speak on their podcast called Masters of.

Speaker 1:

Home Services Got a hat back here.

Speaker 2:

And Jabra essentially is a customer relationship management system, one of the largest platforms in the local service business space.

Speaker 1:

One for them to even consider us was also inside, like you know what made you think about us? Obviously there's other cleaning business people out there. Obviously there's other people in the local service business, and I think this was was their third season that they're recording for if I'm not mistaken. So I think that that feeling it felt good to be recognized because technically, you know, we hear sometimes, sometimes not all the time, from students a progress that they've made from the course that we put out, but it feels like they are are.

Speaker 2:

These are people who are masters at their craft, masters at the very highest level, um, whether it be any local service business. So it was truly humbling to be considered for a platform where they're only talking to the top of the top, um, masters now I'm not saying we're the best or the only, but to be even mentioned in the same room as other people, which is absolutely amazing. So that would be number one. Number two there are talented people in this world and everyone has the ability to do what they're good at, and I say so many pieces had to come together to make that experience happen.

Speaker 1:

While we were there, we met other people. We met someone in the window washing industry in like the tri-state area of New York, new Jersey. We met someone that had a lawn Roofing Roofing. So it really was interesting because we always say this business model can work in any business, any service-based business, and so we just went out for fellowship tacos and just had conversations around what are you doing in your business? And oh, wow, didn't think about that and what am I doing in my business?

Speaker 1:

And that part of it is truly because when we speak, you know, factually we've had, we've had coaches, mindset coaches, you know we've had people that coach us on the coaching side of it. But really, when it comes to the business specific side of a local service business, we haven't really had people that we've had consistently. So this also feels like it just opens that door to have those conversations with people about what we're actually doing in this side of the business, because you know we have multiple business in this side of the business. When it comes to our cleaning business specifically, it opens those doors for us, which then can open those doors for our students, for the knowledge that we get and we decide to pass on as well. And so number three, timing. And we say only God, like God, really planned this, the event was not going to happen. If this did not happen, if they didn't ask us to come out on this specific week.

Speaker 2:

The eclipse made this happen.

Speaker 1:

The eclipse made this happen. Jabra made this happen Simply because, if you don't know, we're from New York but we live in Dallas. We don't really have any family here with us, and so now we don't have our full-time nanny. We use babysitters, which means we're not comfortable with our daughter staying with them overnight, even if they can do that, but not at this time. She's in school. We wouldn't be able to bring her, not because of school, because If, when we were recording the podcast, who's going to be watching her, that was the biggest thing.

Speaker 1:

Like what is she going to be doing? So it was a matter of figuring out if we had anyone that could come down to stay with her while we went to Vegas to do this recording. And one of my friends wasn't able to do it work reasons and so we're like we're about to have to tell them no, first opportunity where things are getting paper. We're like, oh, we're about to have to tell them no, first opportunity where things are getting paper. Like, oh, we're about to have to tell them no. And then realized that my godmother and her sons were coming down for the solar eclipse. So we were like really in passing of each other.

Speaker 1:

We were in Vegas Sunday to Tuesday. She was in town Sunday to Tuesday Between working her schedule of the plan she had with solar eclipse, I'm sorry and the babysitters getting involved helping to pick her up from school. That's what made this possible. And once again we said only God made this happen on this week, because if it was any other week the answer would have been no, we can't make it Absolutely, basically. Or we could make it, but somebody got to watch the child outside of the studio and she's going to cry.

Speaker 2:

I mean maybe that would have worked, because it would have been an hour or so. I mean looking back, it probably could have worked, just hang out.

Speaker 1:

Because there's no sound. You can't hear it.

Speaker 2:

You can't hear the sound. Looking back, it might have worked. We could have probably pulled it up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Luckily for us, the the solar eclipse happened and, you know, with the family coming down, we were able to make it happen. But also there was one, there was one gem about the solar eclipse that I don't even think about. Um, this actually happened in church the other day when they were talking about everyone was, everyone was focused on this solar eclipse. Right, they were planning for it, like your family came down, they were prepared for it, and some people were like you know what? You know what happened, is it happens? They was were talking about the different perspectives of that event happening. There were people who planned the entire year around being in the right place, which was Dallas.

Speaker 1:

Texas For years, because they knew from six, seven years ago where it was going to be.

Speaker 2:

Right place, right time. The location your aunt literally flew down to be in Dallas, which is going to be the epicenter of of it in the US. I guess right, and for us it was like we didn't really care, we flew out when she mentioned it to me.

Speaker 1:

I'm like what I never heard of this. She's like what?

Speaker 2:

Where are you living? I didn't know that people planned and they traveled and they made things like that and that traffic in Dallas was crazy, but we actually flew out. And when the eclipse happened it didn't happen the time, we didn't know when it happened, we didn't get to experience it.

Speaker 1:

We saw pictures.

Speaker 2:

We were told, like you can't really experience what was here, and that's the problem. We were talking about the perspective of just being a passerby in life. There were people who planned for that event, who showed up for the event to make sure they were in the right place, right time for an event that happens once in a lifetime, or once every, whatever the years are, and there were people taking in the sites that are around us, right. So that was another gem about the eclipse.

Speaker 1:

So God made the eclipse happen.

Speaker 2:

He also made it happen for us to get on that podcast.

Speaker 1:

He made it happen for us because, if not, baby, but yes, thank you. Thank you, god, as usual. The fourth thing that we had when it came to the experiences keep sharing your story. We were found just by sharing our story on social media for the last seven years. So, yes, I know, in this day and age it may not take you seven years, especially with TikTok, people go viral all the time, but sometimes they can't remain consistent with it, but we've been sharing for the past seven years, and so we asked them how did you find us?

Speaker 1:

And she said, well, we were looking because there was another cleaning business owner there. We didn't get to connect with her, though, but she was like we were looking for another cleaning business owner. She was like you guys weren't hard to find. I like searched, put you guys on YouTube and I found you guys right away. And we're like, oh, okay, cool, because we've been doing this podcast for over two years. But it's not like we have tons of accolades on the podcast and it's always, you know, thankful that someone is listening and not an award winning podcast.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's not an award winning podcast, but that in not yet but we know that you guys subscribe, we know that you guys write reviews and those are ways that we know that someone is listening or based on the downloads and things like that. But for them to find us in that way, it kind of is like just keep putting it out there, it don it out there. It don't got to be perfect. If you see our first video, youtube videos from when we started to now, and then when we look back in a year or two, so on and so forth, it don't got to be perfect, but the information is is just the same that we're saying, regardless of how it looks. So shout out to them for finding us and shout out to us for being consistent for seven years on social media.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, keep sharing your story people. It's funny because I just recently posted a video one of our first YouTube videos on a podcast and it was about us paying off our debt, because you realize there are people out there who don't even know where you started at. Yeah, and I always say, find out more about the person where they started versus trying to find out where they are today. Where did they start before you followed them? What were they doing before you followed them? What were they doing before you bought something from them? Find out more about the person, the individual, the family, the coach, whatever it is. Find out what they were doing before you decided to work with them so that you can see more of a well-rounded view of them so I posted that video and that was one of our highest viewed videos, like recently.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh, this video had was was on the iphone looking down and if you guys are on youtube, we got a three camera setup here right now and we have a three camera setup. We got a three camera setup here right now and we have a three camera setup.

Speaker 1:

We had a one camera set.

Speaker 2:

We had an iphone sitting in front of us and we're recording a video and I really released recently posted that video because my friend andre was like yo post your old stuff like you never know who's gonna find it. So remaining consistent, but then also keep sharing your story super important, guys, that you never know where it may take you. There is some someone out there that's looking to find out more about something that you know, something that you've gone through, something that you've accomplished, something that you've learned, but you don't know until you get there. So stop being selfish with the information that you have and start sharing yeah, I agree, just keep sharing your story.

Speaker 1:

And the last thing we had here was just, it's really mind-blowing of the little we say little little idea that we had of the cleaning business, how, what it's allowed us to do and where it's brought us today.

Speaker 1:

Right, we would have never considered that when we started this back in 2017 about six, six and a half, seven years ago that we would be on any platform first of all let alone this platform like Jobber, but any platform speaking about the cleaning business, that we would be anywhere teaching people how to do this and changing their life and generational wealth, or that we would have rental properties because of this, so on and so forth, that we would be traveling the world because of it. So, that little idea get started on it and do it as you, as you grow right, a lot of times we want it to be perfect before we get started and things like that. Yes, there may be some things, some foundation you want to have or need to have in place, but make the mistakes. That's part of the process, right, that's part of you growing, that's part of the business growing, that's part of you learning and that's what helped to bring us here today.

Speaker 2:

I happy you keep looking at me.

Speaker 2:

No, I was um listen to you oh, okay get started, get fancy later, don't don't try to figure it out all and that's. And that's me just putting my own advice out there too, because I think at this stage it was a lot easier to get started at when we was earlier, because it's like nobody's looking and then you get some people looking and then you start holding back more because you want things to be perfect and it kind of slows you down. But I would rather you guys, I would rather us do something, take the action, figure it out along the way and then, if it doesn't work, hey, you go back, you make adjustments and you learn as you grow. Some people call it building the parachute while you jump out the plane. Now I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Let's not take that if the plane is, listen don't, don't take that I ain't doing that part now, literally but that's what they call it building a parachute. You know, as you jump out the plane so that you are more, you're gonna be more, you're gonna move faster, you're gonna react faster, you're gonna make adjustments faster when you're out the plane and you're trying to figure it out, versus we just sit on a on a plane and you've got all the time to build a parachute, how are you going to know if it works or not until you jump out.

Speaker 1:

Let's change this analogy, but we do just want to thank Jabba for the opportunity and when those podcasts come out, we'll be sure to tag it. We'll probably put it on our platforms ourselves and to any other company that is listening. I think we are great candidates to speak on the cleaning business and anything else.

Speaker 2:

Really, we have a lot that we speak about not just the cleaning One episode was mainly about the cleaning business and the other was about generation building, generation of wealth for your family. Some things we're doing for Lonnie and our second kid on the way.

Speaker 2:

So one was about the cleaning and one wasn't. We can talk about. We talked about marriage, talked. We talked about marriage, talked about relationship, talked about all of that stuff. So make sure you guys check out our podcast If you are new here. We thank you for providing any value. Leave us a five-star review. Subscribe to the page. Share it one person. Write a review. We like those. Comment below what was one of your takeaways. If you got any inspiration, we appreciate y'all being here and we'll see you next time. Thank you, peace being here and we'll see you next time.

Speaker 1:

Thank you peace. Thank you for tapping in with us again. As you know, we always ask if you guys can, please, please, go ahead and leave us five star review. Go ahead and write something. If you're enjoying what we speak about, if you listen to us week to week, please be sure to let us know that helps us to continue to grow and for other people to listen to our show as well.

Speaker 2:

We appreciate it.

Mastering the Local Service Business
Sharing Stories and Building Wealth