CPM Sessions with Darryl Riden

Baptism and Denominational Structures

Darryl Riden Season 1 Episode 5

There is one body and one Spirit just as you were called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism; One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in you all. -Ephesians 4: 4-6

Greek: Baptizo (bap-tid’-zo) immerse, to submerge, to baptize

now let’s take a look at the 3 Governmental systems in place historically to bring more clarity to the baptism ordinance we will get back to in a minute…

...in no certain order, let’s start with

  1. Episcopal: Episcapolis/Latin meaning Bishop—this is an Overseer model- one main head/ example, the Pope of the Roman Catholic church and the Archbishop of Canterbury for the Anglican church of England.. (they uphold Sacerdotalism: Priesthood as mediators between men and God.../ confessions/ Latin Liturgy.) 
  2. Presbytery: Council elected as a ruling body---such as board of Elders, assigned pastorates.
  3. Congregational-Baptist: autonomous structure with democratic congregational representation, congregation led with pastors, deacons, elders, being chosen by the congregation.

 the other ordinance (also called sacraments) of the church, the Lord’s Supper / also called communion. Here are the 4 main views...


Transubstantiation: the elements actually become the body and blood of Christ. Roman Catholics hold to this view.

Consubstantiation: holds that the substance of the body and blood of Christ are present alongside the substance of the bread and wine, which remain physically bread and wine....Lutheran, Episcopal 

Spiritual Meal: there is a mystical presence and experience of Christ during communion. Methodist, Presbyterian, some pentecostal groups

Memorial Service- simply a symbolic memorial of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Most baptists, congregationalists, and non denominational groups have this view /and also of note, many will use grape juice instead of wine during the Lord’s Supper.

Our modern denominations take aspects from these categories and build their theology around these concepts, thus forming their individual structural formation. Numerous Non Denominational churches are all over the map with how they combine these governmental and ordinance structures today.

We see clearly in the book of Acts this process: 

The Gospel is proclaimed, The Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin, people repent of sin, by faith they receive Jesus Christ, forgiveness and salvation are given by God, and the redeemed person follows up with a public baptism. 

Historically when a person receives Christ he or she follows the conversion event with water baptism. This is not a part of the regenerative salvation experience. It is not required for salvation (example: the thief on the cross).

Baptism: 3 views

  1. Salvific- you must be baptized to have salvation.
  2. Grace impartation- this is a mystical view that speaks to a supernatural grace impartation at baptism/sprinkling. 
  3. Symbolic: water baptism is a symbolic public declaration of a Christian’s desire to follow Jesus Christ and that they have been raised to new life in Him.

All music content written and performed by Darryl Riden, Taylor Riden, Caiti Riden (c) 2024

Contact info: cpmlife.org Christ Powered Ministries