CPM Sessions with Darryl Riden

Part Two: World Religions and Belief Systems: what do they believe about God, Salvation, Heaven, Hell, and Jesus Christ?

Darryl Riden Season 2 Episode 9

 Part 2: Hinduism and Buddhism 

Hinduism 1.35 billion worldwide / USA 2.5 million followers

They follow various religious writings that were mainly orally transmitted generationally. Some, like the Vedas date back to 1500 BC to 900 BC.

Hindus worship approx. 330 million gods. 

Out of Vedic teachings the Caste System of Hinduism was instituted.  4 classes among people rooted in the dharmashastra 

Brahmins: The priestly class that perform the religious rites and are middle men between gods and men. According to Manu, the law maker, a Brahmin is a reincarnation of dharma (meaning sacred tradition). He is the highest being on earth and entitled to all things.

Kshatriyas: the warrior class who are commanded by tradition to protect the people and bestow gifts on the priestly class. They are allowed to study the Vedas and dispense justice.

Vaishyas: They are the merchant and peasant class. They can study the Vedas, offer sacrifices, trade, lend money but cannot marry women in the upper classes.

Shudras: the labor class who exist only to serve the upper classes. They are not to observe vedic rituals or even listen to the ritual chants. They are not allowed to eat in the presence of the upper class or marry upper caste women. The lowest of the Shudras, called Dalits, the untouchables.” seen as impure and sub-human, having no rights within the society

The caste system is a spiritually constructed social system. The upper caste comprise  15% of the population but dominate the religious, political and business arenas.

 Hindus and Buddhist believe the individual identity is the source of all pain. Escape to Moksha or “self-realization” comes when the soul realizes the appearance of reality is an illusion.  through altered states of consciousness using Yoga, the enlightened one realizes they are identical to the Universal Soul, or Brahman

Then instructed in the path of knowledge  by spirit guides. They then may become One with the Universe

 Buddhism: 400 million worldwide-1.2 million USA- 

It is basically an atheistic branch of Hinduism- no Karma, etc ---btw karma is only bad results/ there is no such thing as good karma in the Hindu belief system. Good karma is a recent new age idea out of the 1960’s to the present---

This is the branch of Hinduism started by Siddhartha Gautama in the 6th century in China. He became the Buddha, the “enlightened one, or the awakened one.” 

later, Zen Buddhism was developed in Japan and seeks to discover the true self through meditation- and embracing existentialism...”being in the moment”.

the point of Zen is you realize that you are the One….and all the universe is connected –you are connected to everything living and non living. the ALL.

Gautama was so discouraged as a Hindu by asceticism, by the Wheel of Reincarnation and the Karma concept, that he began teaching his followers that there was no reincarnation, just the survival of consciousness, and that the universe is connected. 

His teaching is called “the middle way.” They believe you can manipulate objects around you with your mind if you empty yourself and become enlightened because everything in the universe is connected.

All music content written and performed by Darryl Riden, Taylor Riden, Caiti Riden (c) 2024

Contact info: cpmlife.org Christ Powered Ministries