The Attitude of Play

Remodel Play: it's a nut, not a bolt.

First off, it's a nut, not a bolt. I've always mixed up those two words, and only get it right once here. (1) I've been falling to silence, in light of world strife and tragedy. It's been hard to speak on lightness of being when there's so much darkness in the world right now. Not meant as disrespect, indifference, or ignorance, we have to have light. In spite of darkness. In addition to it. Because of it. 

2) Sorting out which direction to take this podcast, my attention is turning toward finishing the remodel of my home. Putting all the pretty on. Cabinets, tile, baseboards, window casings. I've been writing a blog for years about the remodel, shared with friends and family, so let's experiment with that here, since it's certainly a big way to play. Did you play house when you were young? Setting up the Barbie dream home? Or as I once did, rolling around on the ground to flatten mustard plants to create rooms, and play house out the field with my friend Carol. I'm playing house now, unpacking (finally) from the big move into my dream home. As soon as I get the NUT unstuck on the table saw, will be adding rabbet cuts so I can put kitchen cabinets together. Look for accompanying pics on IG @kimberlyplayoflight. Thank you for listening as this podcast shakes out and finds its footing. :)