One Dark Fright

S2 Ep. 7 - Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) Vol. 1

Ainslie, Rebecca, Tim Season 2 Episode 7

It's officially time to polish those black leather boots in the back of the closet because One Dark Fright is rocking out for this latest chapter in our season of sequels as we shimmy, dance, and shake our way through the first part of the finest driller killer follow-up - SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE II (1987)! In this episode we touch on some of the changes made from the first film to its unconventional sequel while digging through some of its unique quirks. Along the way we discuss the contents of Courtney's trauma scrapbook, Kevin Costner's connection to the film, dreamy accountants, antacid buffets, and a totally '80's slumber party! We also try to avoid pushing one of our characters off a high ledge into a shallow pool and assign a proper rockabilly name to our new and improved driller killer. Let's buzz!

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