Close Range Hunter

CRH Ep. 10 Trophy Hunters Anonymous.

CJ Dunn

They say the first step is admitting that you have a problem.  In this episode I do just that, and talk about my debilitating addiction to archery hunting for trophy coues deer.   

This quest has caused 30 years years of frustration and unfilled tags not to mention the paranoia that came with finding and pursuing a true world record class buck.  Yes, I spent six of those years attempting to match wits with and obsessing over a giant buck I called Big Fork.  After he died of natural causes in 2013 I was crushed and hit rock bottom.  Because of that I quit archery deer hunting cold turkey for ten years, but this year I fell off the wagon and picked up the bow and the bad habit again, just as bad as ever.  Yet another frustrating early archery deer season, complete with close calls, has me thinking about quitting again.  Maybe I need a Slump Buster and should go after an ugly carp deer.

In this episode I talk about hunts gone by and my eventful 2022 early archery season in an effort begin taking the first steps to kick this nasty habit.