Close Range Hunter

Close Range Hunter Ep. 01 Intro

CJ Dunn Season 1 Episode 1

This is the introductory episode of the Close Range Hunter Podcast.  In this episode I talk about why I started the podcast, tell a couple of hunting stories, talk about traditional bowhunting, javelina hunting, hunting in Arizona, and where I plan to take the podcast in the future.  It was recorded at the spur of the moment sitting in the front seat of my truck in Arizona after a successful javelina hunt.  It may not be perfect, but I have to start somewhere.  The episodes will improve over time.   I'm interested in feedback, especially suggestions on outdoor and backcountry related topics that people would like to learn more about.  It doesn't have to be about hunting.  I bet this is the first  hunting podcast that uses Funk music for the into and outro.  Gotta love the Funk!