Close Range Hunter

CRH Ep. 16 A Broken Heart and Guiding Backcountry Coues Deer Hunt.

CJ Dunn

It's been a long time again.  So long I forgot what episode I was on.  I said 15 in the podcast, but it is 16.  This one kind of rambles a bit because I just had to get one done so I sat down without notes or a plan and hit record.  There's been a lot going on around here with the biggest thing being that I had a "cardiac event".  That story is intertwined with the recap of a rifle coues deer hunt I guided in November and a brief bit about my archery javelina hunting so far this month.  There's a good tip hidden in the coues deer story so listen up. 

I'm still amazed that I'm getting downloads every week even though I haven't made a podcast in four months.  I'm going to try to be more reliable and regular.  Hopefully about once a month.  Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy it.