LAF Life (Living Alcohol Free)

Recalling some of our favorite LAF Life Episodes, Season 3 Ep. 11

LAF Life Podcast Season 3 Episode 11

Your hosts are excited to be back with you, after their long Winter break! We are starting off 2024 with reflecting back on some of our most memorable episodes. Come reminisce with us as we take a trip down memory lane. Although we found it hard to narrow down our favorites, we manage to come up with a list of 10 standouts with a few honorable mentions. Stay tuned until the end when we reveal what our most listen to episode has been. This is a perfect place for a new listeners to start or to share with your friends as we guide you through some great recommendations of what episodes to listen to next!

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**Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this episode are not professional or medical opinions. If you are struggling with an addiction please contact a medical professional for help.

Music provided by Premium Beats:
Song: Rise and Thrive
Artist: Young Presidents

Wellness Togethe...


Welcome to the LAF life podcast, a lifestyle podcast based on living alcohol free and a booze soaked world. My name is Kelly Evans and together with my friends, Tracey Djordjevic, and Lindsay Harik. We share uncensored. Unscripted real conversations about what our lives have been like since we ditched alcohol and how we got here by sharing our individual stories. We'll show you that there isn't just one way to do this, no matter where you are on your journey from sober, curious to years in recovery and everyone in between, you are welcome here, no judgment and a ton of support.


Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the LAF Life podcast. Tonight, we are reconvening after our long winter break. Or so it seems. It seems like I haven't seen you girls forever. Officially, tonight is episode 11. We're just gonna have a catch up and we thought it would be fun to start off the new year. With kind of a recap looking back and reflecting on some of our favorite episodes from previous seasons. We're going to do a top 10 of our favorite LAF Life episodes. The ones that really stood out to us and some that we know have been very popular with our listeners and maybe there'll be some here that you guys can consider listening to if you haven't listened to already. Hello, ladies. How was your holidays? Really good. It's nice to see your beautiful faces.


Good to be back on. Yeah, it feels weird to be back on. I miss it when we take the breaks.


Yeah, me too. It's just getting re energized, right?


We've got some guests that are pretty interesting that I'm super excited about coming up. So


yeah, we have some guests too that I need to share with you guys that I haven't told you about either that came through randomly one that came through actually when I did the post asking for guests and one that came through our website. So that's very exciting that we're getting some through our website. That's pretty awesome. That is awesome. I'm glad we have that option.


Do you guys have any alcohol related memorable things happen during the holidays or anything? One thing I wanted to mention was 1st, happy sober anniversary to Kelly, which was just the other day,


6 years, Kelly


years. Thank you. Yeah.


And on that note, I wanted to mention that my brother and his fiance. Actually, the day after Kelly celebrated their 2 year anniversary as well, and I know I'm super excited and proud of them. And I loved absolutely loved my sister in law's post. Just to speak to that, I wanted to mention that I did have a beautiful evening with my sister in law for her birthday. I took her on December 30th. To you would have really enjoyed this Kel yoga studio here. They had a 2 hour session. That was like a, reflect on the previous year and make kind of goals and aspirations for the year to come. They had a journaling exercise for both as well as yoga. And then they serve like a nice tea. It was really nice. Wine. Now, no wine was great. I love it. And then we went out for an awesome dinner at a local restaurant here that my sister in law had never been to. That's very good. And we just had an amazing conversation. About her and my brother's journey and how she had been feeling and how grateful she is to be living. alcohol free how much it's changed her life It was just so touching. It was just a really amazing conversation. That is definitely something that stuck out to me. That was a very feel good moment.


I love it. Yeah, I love it. So happy for them both. Yeah, me too. Yeah,


I don't think I had anything that really stood out. Just another. Alcohol free Christmas and New Year's and I just loved every minute of it, not being hung over, not being under the influence and just noticing the change in people around me who are also choosing not to drink alcohol during these seasons. So I don't know, I had a really good Christmas and a awesome New Year's and yeah, I didn't need alcohol for any of it.


That's good. Yeah. I noticed, I think after the fact, I was just reflecting on all the things that I did over the holidays and I was at three different events where the majority of the people were not drinking. Wow. So I thought that was pretty significant. Like we talk about, we've talked about it on the podcast about how, the people that you're meant to be around, they start to pop up and pop into your life. And then also how things are changing and people are more and more people are quitting. So I'm hoping it's like a combination of both of those things that was part of my experience, but I thought that was really cool. To be in those situations and not be, surrounded by alcohol, it's really nice. This to you girls off camera, I think on our previous episode, how I had connected with someone locally here who opened up a boutique gym and the gyms called Free2B wellness. in alignment with meeting people when you're on your journey. That kind of align with where you're going. I really connected with the owner of that establishment right off the hop because we instantly got into a conversation about the fact that I did a podcast and then she asked me what it was about. And I told her it was about living. alcohol free and then she shared with me that she had given up alcohol during COVID as well. And hadn't been drinking for the last couple of years. So that is another cool thing I did just a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I did a talk there about living alcohol free, talking a bit about the podcast and how it came about, but also giving people some tips on how to tackle a dry 30. Oh, based on the episode that we had before the winter break there and the tips that we gave out to our listeners on social media. So that was really good. It was a really good conversation and well received and yeah, that was great. That's so good. I love it. Yeah. Do you guys want to dive into some episodes? Yeah. Yeah. Whoever wants to go first, go ahead. So one of my very favorite, so I picked kind of three, but then I have two, so really five, but very favorite topic episode that we did. It was in season one, episode five, real self care. Ooh. Yes. I loved the conversation that we had about that. I wanna go back and listen to it again. But I think that helped a lot of people because self care, people think, oh, you self care. You take time at the end of the day after the kids go to bed and have a glass of wine. And we had a real conversation about that and that's not what it is. Yeah, I loved that episode.


You know what? That episode, and we did that self care challenge, that has inspired me in many other areas of my life. And it's something actually that I brought up in the talk with the people at the gym, was that they could actually utilize something like that for a dry 30. Instead of having your wine every day, do One of those self care items on that challenge and replace that with your wine and make it really about self care for the 30 days. And it's actually also something that I implemented with my team for the month of December, because it's our busiest month of the year and with Christmas and everything else going on it also is a very stressful time for people personally. And it's a time where people don't take the time to take care of themselves. So I actually did a 30 day self care challenge for my team with an advent calendar. Oh, that's so cute. It was really cool online. So every day they had a calendar thing to open. And then every day there was a recommended thing to do for themselves. Yeah, There was a self care prize at the end of it for everybody who participated in and did the most days. So they absolutely loved it and it was really well received. I love it. Yeah. So I think it's interesting that you picked that up. So it was a great one.


I think, the self care thing in the beginning, you definitely, like you said, trace, have replacements for those things over time. And being six years in now, I see that I've created a life where. There isn't a lot of things I need to wind down from like I had to before and stuff like that, but that's a long process and it's like recreating your life. But yeah, to have those, you're not going to eliminate all the stress from your life ever. I don't think anybody can but to have those replacements of healthy ways to. Wind down or reward yourself yeah, to start, I think, yeah, it's very important. And you're right Kel over time you're just in a different place emotionally to manage stress anyways. Even when the stress comes, you're just in a better place of managing it. And you're not using alcohol to ignore it. I think in general, you just. Can balance things out a lot quicker and bounce back from those stressful times and navigate them better. Yeah, it's not like the stress goes away, right? We all have stress in our lives, right? Okay, Linds, do you want to throw one of yours?


Okay, so Mommy Wine Culture episode 9, yeah, that was a really good one because I remember chatting about how women have this pressure to be it all and do it all and then, unwind at the end of every one of those very stressful days where you We're super hard on yourself because you didn't meet all these unrealistic expectations on how you're supposed to mother and look and work and take care of the house and then you drown it all and numb out with wine. We had a really good chat. I think that was just an episode with just us. If I recall, I don't think we had a guest on that one, but yeah, we had some really good conversations about that. And I got some good feedback from listeners friends who listened to the episode that were like, Oh my God, this is so relatable because yeah, I think it's one of those things that affects, every aspect of your life. You wake up the next day and you're exhausted. Why? Cause you're hung over. You didn't sleep well. And then it just compounds.


That episode, I think personally really spoke to Kelly and I, because we felt we were definitely caught up in that.


It was like ingrained in me. This is just how we do it. Like


the traveler going to do whatever with our kids, trick or treating, walking around Disneyland, fireworks at the park.


Yeah, it's normalized. We laugh about it now, but really, that makes me so sad that, I wasn't present. And that was my, it was such an obsession for me that I wouldn't do anything unless I could have my little Traveler


and all the memes and stuff about wine and the throw pillows with the sayings on them and the socks. If you can read this, bring me more wine. Yes. Yes. You know what I mean? Like it's everywhere,


but they don't do it. Those cigarettes. They don't. Oh,


I had those. Socks


But they don't do that with cigarettes. How come? I hate to admit that, but I did. How come cigarettes aren't glamorized like that?


You can read this. Give me a cigarette. Give me, bring me my smokes. Yes. Yeah, no kidding. It should be the same. That's my opinion. But it's changing.


I had that conversation with someone over the holidays too. It's the only drug that's promoted, right? Or you're shamed for not doing nobody would do that with a line of Coke. I've had that conversation on here too. Yeah.


Somebody was saying like, stop showcasing your drinks on social media. Stop posing with them. Yeah, I was like, oh, that really made me go. Oh, my God, because I totally used to do that. So did I literally take a picture of my champagne and be like, yeah, I'm on vacation or whatever.


Still makes me sad because I still see a lot of people and know people that are. Doing still there. Yeah, enjoying that. Yeah. Okay. I have season one, episode seven, the socials. Oh, yeah. And I remember being so proud of us at the end of that episode, just because remind us about the social stigmas. We really dove into the stigmas that are around, not drinking and drinking, like all the labels and stuff like that, that came out of that episode. Speaking of how, we really need to stop labeling things and


yeah, that was a good one. That was


social. Yeah, I remember having, one of those just wow moments afterwards, right?


If you guys haven't listened to it, you know what you need to do after this. Season one, episode seven. Seven. Yes.


And Real Self Care is season one, episode five. And do you know which 1 years is Linds? Did you say,


let me see here. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. It's episode 9. Okay. Season 1. Yeah.


Okay. That was a good 1. Okay. Kel


season 2. You want me to season 2 next.


I feel like this one is gonna be the same for all of us.


I know. Martin. What a beautiful human story of just an overcomer. Humble. And, yeah. Yeah, I still get goosebumps when I think about him.


Shockingly realistic.


Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. It could happen. It could have happened. To


anyone. Yes. That's the part that got me. Same here. And then just like the perseverance and resilience he's had. For anybody out there, go look at his social media and all the things that he's doing because he's doing some amazing things and


dedicated his life to being of service. And you guys, dude spent 17 and a half years in federal state prison. They don't give it all away. They got to go listen to season two, episode six. You have to listen. It's insane. Yeah. I just remember sitting there listening to the story being like, this can't be real. Even there's no way that like, I can't believe we're talking to somebody that this has happened to because it's so insane. And he's so open and so honest and so humble. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. He's a beautiful human. I'm really, I feel honored that he came and did our.


It was an awesome episode. It was one that I will never forget


and very controversial at the same time. Yeah. But yeah, just really incredible as far as stories go. That is 1 to go down in the books.


And like, Lindsay said important for people to listen to because it could have happened to any of us. Oh, man. Yeah. Okay, girls. That can be our number 10. I know. Kells got extra anyways, because that's the 1 we all had the consensus on. So I have my extra now too. Okay, go. Okay, let me backtrack because my extra is going to be. Season 2 episode 24 high functioning alcoholism. Oh, yeah, that's a good 1. And I think if we looked at Kel, did you ever get the data on what are most listened to 1 was of topics. Let me look. Okay, keep talking because I want to say that 1 was a pretty popular 1. I know there was 1. we had. Almost 200 downloads of in a week, and I think that might have been the 1. Okay, let's see what 1 is that episode.


It's episode 24 and season 2. 196. I think the messaging on that one was just so strong about the fact that it's such a facade to say that you're a high functioning alcoholic or a high functioning drinker


or bragging or saying it as a positive, like I was a high functioning, but there's a lot of shame in that. Like I wasn't proud of being high functioning.


You're not really living like that's


no, you're functioning. That's it.


You're like, you're not living like you're prisoning and killing yourself and saying you're doing it. That's not something to be proud of. No,


I was thinking Linz could go.


I was already looking at season three.


Go ahead Linz, I have one for season three too.


Okay, so the one that I feel like I would, I mean there was a few, I'm gonna go with a guest one, the Ava, season three, episode two, is it? That's mine too. Honestly, that woman. The moment she opened her mouth on the podcast, I was like, oh my god I couldn't stop listening to her, but just the way she spoke about trauma with addiction and how, we all have stuff that we've got to work through made me do a lot of reflecting. Tracey you had a session with her, didn't you?


I did. And just how she approached a little mini session with Kelly on the. Yes, that was really cool too. I highly recommend. Anybody check out her episode and then contact her if they think it's something they'd be interested in. I got so much out of one session with her, which she was so generous to offer all of us. She's kept in touch with me since she checks in on us. There is something just about her energy that's so calming and makes you feel so safe in your vulnerability. As you're speaking with her.


I feel like I would ball the whole time.


I was pretty emotional, but I was shocked what came out of it because she brought out things that I hadn't even thought about, which for me, I know Kelly's been in her journey for a lot longer than us Linds. So she's done a lot of self work and I know me and you are on that path and do as well, but we're not to where Kelly is. So for me, that was like, Really pulling stuff out of me that I hadn't thought about.


I'm still I'm going to have to cut that out. But my gosh, there's still I didn't show him a manic.


Yes, she's, what does she call herself? An emotional resolution practitioner. I was like,


I've used what I learned from her. I like every single time that something has come up for me, I've used what I learned from her that day or that evening that we were recording, because it was so eyeopening to me when she said, okay, think of this event and, walked me a little bit into the event. And how did you feel? And so then I got into it, like I felt it in my body again. All it was can you sit with that? And then I was waiting for her to tell me something else. What to do next? Nope. Can you sit with it? I don't want to. Because it passes. And that was just like, that changed my life. That's just what a gift she is. Yeah. Ava. Yeah.


She's a beautiful person.


I highly recommend you still take her up on because yeah, she same here, Kel. I've utilized what I learned through that session myself in certain situations as well. So definitely worth For me, my season three was Our very last episode we had before the holidays, how to tackle 30 days af that to me, that episode. What I loved about it most was that I think all of us just beamed how beautiful our alcohol free lives are


we're glamorizing living alcohol free. Yeah. Yeah. I felt like we just exerted. Beaming energy about it and that really came through in that episode, how enriched our lives have been since we gave up alcohol. So I was super proud of us just because I think we were an exemplary example of what it's like to live alcohol free. Yeah. Yeah. And I think we just made some really great points for people that are trying to start out and trying to reassess their relationship with alcohol. What about you Kel? Oh, I was just gonna say it reminded me of this is off topic. But what you just said there about us sharing about our lives, like making that post the other day, but my six years, I do it every year, but my God, the vulnerability piece is still really hard for me. And, I feel it all day. It feels very anxious, putting myself out there like that. And I think some people are surprised Somebody in my life was like, wow, you really put yourself out there. But I do it because I want to be of service. I want people to feel like it's okay. It's okay to say, Hey, I can't have this thing in my life anymore. So just reminding me of that. You know what, Kel? I was looking at it, your post and then my sister in law is this is something to be celebrated and so proud of you guys sharing that because it is, it's something that you should celebrate and be proud of, and there shouldn't be any shame around it. Yeah, no shame. No, just anxiety and vulnerability. That's all. Yeah. No, I'm super proud. I wouldn't change a single thing. It's just. It's still, I'm not a huge social media person. Like I don't put a lot of my life on social media. So just doing something like that and that big once a year, it's okay, there's that. Just hit post and here it is. Yeah. No going back now.


I always. Used to look at your like, cause you post the side by side pictures or a picture of you before and after. And I'm just like, God, you're totally different person. I am. Yeah, but you are too Linds. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. You are. That's shocking. I don't know. I still see like the eyes. It's always in the eyes for me. Of course my face was way more round, but the eyes, the dead eyes. I think though, you've been such an inspiration, Kel, so thank God that you do that because that is why, right? That's why people have found you so inspiring. Your episode is the most listened to on the podcast as has been your story. So that's because you've been vulnerable and putting yourself out there and inspiring other people since before starting this podcast. Thanks. But yeah, Lynn's your transformation is unbelievable too. I was showing the girls at the gym. Because I was yeah, because I was talking to them about the program you do the girl that runs the gym here that I'm going to. It's very open, right? And it's a new business. So she's always open to ideas and stuff like that. So I was telling her about the program that your gym runs because there is not that program anywhere here. No, I think that program is unique to your gym. It's a unique program, but I think it's unique to your gym because it's not anywhere around here. So I don't know where they established that program or got it from, but. I think he created it. The owner did. Yeah. Yeah. And it's not a big chain gym either. It's, he has, I think it's just the one location right in our city here I think that's what I liked about it. And there are other people at that gym that are sober and who don't drink any alcohol. And it's funny, you find those people when you're out and you don't, you're not even looking for them but yeah we're all over. When you come across somebody, you're like, Oh, my God, you don't drink alcohol either. And it's amazing. It's becoming more popular. But you don't really notice the physical transformations because you see yourself every day. But then. When I notice it is when those frickin Facebook memories pop up and I'm like, holy shit, who is that? It's mortifying sometimes. Oh, but yeah, it's just crazy to see it because I was like what's the one thing that's different now compared to before it's The substance, the absence of it. So


yeah. And everything catapults from there, we had our own little recap when we got on before we started recording, but look at us, you guys, like none of this stuff in our lives, like Tracey got like a massive award at work. Do you think that would have happened? Trace, if you were still getting your bottle of wine every night after work, no, like all these beautiful changes we're going through and, sometimes difficult changes, but none of them would, I know for a fact, for me, none of it would be happening if I didn't decide to stop.


Yeah, no, it's that. And speaking of another great episode, living at a higher vibration. That's what I feel my life has been and that I was talking about that when I was having the talk at the gym as well. That it's just like everything falls into place and starts happening in a way that you are aligning with all the things you want to be doing. And, but you just, for me, I have so much more motivation. That is really what has driven me to get to where I am and be successful in the things I'm doing because I'm way more motivated because I'm not numbing myself with a substance, right? Killing my motivation or waking up feeling half assed every day at 30%. Instead, I'm waking up at 80 and by the time I have my coffee and get out the door, I'm ready to go at a hundred and then I'm straight on till bed pretty much, right? Yeah, so that is the big difference. Yeah, it's incredible.


Yeah. Yeah. The level of energy is incredible. And that's what I wish, I could help people see is oh my God yeah, the amount of energy I have in the day and I'm turning 50 this year. That's great. Feel. Yeah, this is the year I feel better than I felt when I was, mid twenties and drinking,


that's exactly how I feel. I feel better than when I was in my twenties.


Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty sweet. Pretty sweet. So I had two more episodes that I wrote down that I loved. Yes. I really loved at the end of the year when we did season three, episode two. Is that right? What was that one? Jesse from the Sober Market. Oh,


okay. That would have been episode nine, I think. Okay.


I'll look it up and get the right one, just so I'm not saying the wrong thing here. Holiday. Yeah, season three, episode nine. That's right. Oh, I love Jesse. I love their business. But what I really loved hearing was, and she's. I'm guessing she's in her 30s, which is, I feel like a generation younger than me and just the attitude towards drinking and they've got this little store, but it's like a community and people are coming in and telling their stories and talking about why they're giving up alcohol and all the different reasons. And there's. No judgment in there. And it's just, yeah, I love seeing that type of change with a cool and she's cool. And she's, she's glamorizing what it's like to be alcohol free. Yeah. And I love it. Yeah.


I love her twist on the bar thing too, when you invite people over for the holidays. Her attitude about don't ask people what they want when you get them to drink when they walk in the door, be like the drinks are over there and then have something set up where it's. Alcohol free stuff available, alcohol stuff.


I think that's really important. It was an important episode. Brilliant. Yeah I had that conversation with a couple of people over the holidays too. And people were like, oh, yeah, you're right. To have that. Where you're giving people the option and not making it their choice and not forcing it upon them by asking the question, what do you want to drink? Yes. The other amazing thing that I got out of that episode and I had a light bulb moment when I was having that beautiful conversation with my sister in law is when she said her advice to other people was someone always has to go first. Yes. And not answer. So resonated with me because one of the things that my sister in law said to me in our beautiful conversation was she remembers me having a phone conversation with her and my brother when my brother had his moment and I said to her, you have to stop drinking too. And she's like that. I think about that moment and those words coming out of her mouth all the time. So that statement ended up really resonating with me and I think about it all the time because it's true and I think about the fact that after I gave up drinking and I look at my whole family and I'm just so grateful and it is true. If I even look at, what we're doing, sharing our stories here and how many people have reached out to us, right? Say that they are looking to stop or, considering their relationship with alcohol. Yeah it's so true. Yeah, so true. And if I think about the inspiration you've been, even for us, cause you went first, you guys, I know, but you guys inspire me too. This is so important to me, like this friendship and what we're doing and being of service and having our conversations recorded like this. It's really. It helps me a lot. Yeah. Stay on the path. Yeah. So the other one I wrote down, I had to season two, episode 15, my sweet Carter.


I wasn't here for that one guys. I think traveling for work and I couldn't be on the call.


So proud of him and he's still living alcohol free. He hasn't tried. He doesn't want to. He has no desire to have alcohol in his and I was just proud of him for coming on and. Talking about it. And he's always so supportive of everything his mama does. Like he's just,


yeah. And it was a great example of a younger generation and the approach that they're taking. Yeah. But. Yeah, in saying that, it's so hard to pick favorites because you're just making me think like the episode with Dan White, too. Oh, yes. Yeah. Yeah, there's just been so many great ones we've had.


God, or even one thing that I'll never, it's silly, but one thing I will never forget is when Eleanor was on and talked about The barf in her hair? The barf in her hair? Yes! And I was like, you're talking about me, like it's just wow, I look so good. And she's puking her hair. I'm like, Oh God,


like people just come on and they're so honest. And they tell I feel honored that they pick us to come and tell their stories and I've been definitely inspired or learned something or, yeah. With every single episode that we've done, I feel so lucky. And Steve McDonald with his poem. Yeah. And I remember having so much fun with you girls when we did the summer special episode and it was just the three of us, were we talking to girls? Girl talk one. Yeah,


we had a girl talk one. That one was fun because, it was our first episode without Mike. And yeah, it was, during the time he was still hosting with us. So


Yeah. And our dating. Yeah.


So many dating stories. A lot of our dating stories didn't get recorded. That was pretty fun. Yeah. Talk about all that. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome, guys. I think that was a great list.


Good reminder. Yeah, do this and why we show up and record and I just feel really excited for some of the people that I know that are going to be coming on the show. So yeah, guys, don't forget new episodes every Tuesday.




Our most listened to topic episode is season. Our season 2 finale was the laugh 12 and that was a really good discussion too. I really liked that episode too. Yeah,


that was a good conversation. You're right. That makes sense.


I remember. Yeah, that's right. I remember that one. I think we were also feeling really good about that episode, too, after


We should repost that.


Yeah, or like clips of it. We could do clips of our past episodes. In our stories or something.


Yeah, I think it's good sometimes to repost some of those things because they have specific points on them, right? That are relevant and can speak to people. Same with we had, we have one that was 17 signs that you might have. I'm just looking at that right now.


Yeah, Season 2, Episode 13. Was it 17? Season 2, Episode 13. There ended up being 17 things. Yeah, 17


things. Holy


smokes! We put on there. Yeah. Hair of the dog, number 8. Having to have a drink to make your hangover feel better. Been there. Physical changes. Weight gain, puffiness, glossy, MTS.


Yeah, you guys touched on that tonight. Yeah. Unexplained injuries or bruises. Yep. Every scar I have on my body is a result of alcohol. Wow. I know, and Lindsay's got a big one.


collarbone scar because I had to have surgery to fix my collarbone.


I got a good doozy one on my knee myself. Yeah, that's a good one.


Yeah. That was a good episode too. That was. Fights and waking up with shame, not remembering what you did and then feeling shame and anxiety and instant sweating and a red face when someone tells you what you said.


Don't miss that. Oops. Sorry. Yeah. As we've said many a times, you never miss the hangovers. You're never going to say that I regret not having a hangover today.


And I just got back from a trip and that's one place I, feel so grateful. I get it's almost like I get flooded with gratitude when I'm on a trip because there's no obsession over where and when happy hour is. And there's so much time and so much energy to see things and do things and wake up early. Yes. It's so it's. Oh, I love. Traveling alcohol free. Love it. Yeah. So much more present really experiencing. The experience, all of it,


the place you're at and the people you're with.


Yeah. That's awesome.


All right, everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in, listening to our episode today. And we will see you back here on Tuesday with a brand new episode. So until then, you guys know what to do. Keep laughing.


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