Blondes Living Boldly - A snapshot of life in Italy

The Universe is for you

Jade and Emily Season 2 Episode 17

In this week's episode we are talking about 'The Universe', spirituality and our inner saboteurs. 

I think it's safe to say the majority of us struggle with negative thinking. We are no exception to this and have shared with you before our struggles with these inner voices. We know how hard it can be to ignore them, so we have been looking into some alternative ways to combat these limiting thoughts/beliefs.

Thanks to some fellow podcasters, Francesca Amber in particular and her podcast: Law of Attraction Changed My Life on Apple Podcasts we have been learning about manifestation and how/if it really works.  Are you a believer? Something else we are trying out that we had never heard of before now is EFT tapping. Poppy Delbridge and her rapid tapping (Rapid Tapping — POPPY DELBRIDGE/RapidTapping | Tapping Into Your Best Life) have totally opened our eyes to a whole new way of unblocking those negative energy channels. We would highly recommend.
Now it wouldn't be a talk about the Universe if we didn't mention the moon, and more specifically how it affects us depending on what stage it is at in its cycle.  Calling all women; check out Stardust app for a 'lunar' experience when it comes to tracking your own cycle. 
If like us you are down to trying new things, check out this episode and hear our experiences so far, you too might just feel inspired to give these new practices a chance.

If you want to get involved or let us know what makes you a bold bitch, find us on instagram, sign up to our newsletter, check out our website or better still, do all three!


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