Blondes Living Boldly - A snapshot of life in Italy

Fitness Blues

Jade and Emily Season 3 Episode 3

After blue Monday we thought we would use this episode to get some things off our chests. Mainly having a little moan regarding stigmas surrounding January and fitness.

Why does Jan have to mean the start of a new fitness journey? or a new 'Diet'? 
We know its the beginning of a new year but we feel its better to start when you are ready not when someone deems it the 'best time' to start. Also what if joining a gym or new fitness app isn't for you, why should we feel the pressure to follow this trend?

Join us for our moan/rant if you too are also struggling with motivation at this moment. The dark mornings/afternoons are really not helping! 

If you want to get involved or let us know what makes you a bold bitch, find us on instagram, sign up to our newsletter, check out our website or better still, do all three!


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