Straight Talking Doc Unhinged

Episode Twenty-One: The Sciency Song and the Voice of the Medical Religion


In my book The Great Stupidity, which chronicles the journey of a naive and gullible French boy who seeks to find a cure for the Black Plague and to speak with the Great Frenchie in Paris who promises to provide the scientific means of stopping the plague, from waving ones hands to other absurd but accepted rituals, I seek to show how dangerous it is when we use religion to combat a medical crisis.  When the boyh finally finds the Great Frenchie he sees that this man is misusing science for his own advantage and is in fact a charlatan, although the world refuses to believe such heresy.  In this blog I talk about the religiosity of health care through the lens of the Great Frenchie, showing how we are really no better than those who confronted the Black Death with similar medical deceptions and rituals all to the same devastating end.  I have included the Sciencey Song, although it can also be found on my website under songs at