PAVEcast: A conversation about autonomous vehicles

Global Perspectives: How Legal Frameworks and Safety Standards are Shaping ADAS & AV Development

Partners for Automated Vehicle Education

Around the globe, regulators are working to shape legal frameworks and safety standards that guide the development of ADAS and automated driving technologies. These efforts aim to strike a balance between innovation, safety, and standardization. Intelligent Speed Assist, the use of map data and sensors to help drivers maintain legal speed limits, is one such feature at the center of these discussions.

Tune in for a conversation on the current state of ADAS and the pivotal role of regulations and safety protocols in advancing technologies like ISA.  Speakers include Stephanie Leonard, Head of Government & Regulatory Affairs at TomTom; Giovanni Giancaspro, Senior Manager of Product Marketing at TomTom, and David Ward, Executive President at the Toward Zero Foundation and Global NCAP.