Jacqui Just Chatters

New Year Changes, Stress Management and Stories

January 09, 2024 Jacquelyn Season 3 Episode 81
New Year Changes, Stress Management and Stories
Jacqui Just Chatters
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Jacqui Just Chatters
New Year Changes, Stress Management and Stories
Jan 09, 2024 Season 3 Episode 81

In this episode of Jacqui Just Chatters, host Jacqui Lents discusses new alterations for 2024, explores stress management techniques, and shares uplifting stories. Addressing the unrealistic portrayals in Hallmark Christmas movies, she shares her own holiday struggles with cookies and a difficult cookie press, underlining how real life is not as perfect as depicted on-screen. Additionally, Jacqui provides an update on her manuscript and encourages listeners to take a day off for themselves. The episode ends with a collection of positive news stories, and Jacqui encourages her listeners to maintain a balance of acknowledging the good and bad in life.

Do you have a story idea or thoughts about the episode? Connect with Jacqui at the following.


FB: Facebook

IG: @JacquiLents

YouTube: @JacquiLents

 Story Share Details
Non-fiction / Think memoir style
Must be about the theme: Books that Impact
Due Date: Feb 11th 2024
Length - 3-10 minutes when read out loud (140-150 words per minute)/ 1-3 pages (Flash Fiction vibes)
One of the hosts will read it out loud / or you can record an mp3 of yourself and e-mail it to be played on air.
Reach out about your interest in sharing a story using the contact link at www.jacquilents.com. You can also listen to previous Story Share episodes on Jacqui Just Chatters at the website. Good ones to check out are the 9/7/23 Moving episode and the 6/1/23 White Wedding episode. They will give you an idea of what to expect.


Latest ‘Walk with the Mayors’ features special guest (newsbreak.com)

Local firefighters and dispatchers receive lifesaving award (newsbreak.com)

Plainville teen donates money from pet sitting to USD 270 spec. ed dept. (hayspost.com)


Music used for this episode includes –

Ratatouille's Kitchen - Carmen María and Edu Espinalfound

Always - Nesrality

Indie Folk – Alexi Action

Beach Walk – Unicorn Heads


Special thanks to Emily Clarke for the creation of my logo.  

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode of Jacqui Just Chatters, host Jacqui Lents discusses new alterations for 2024, explores stress management techniques, and shares uplifting stories. Addressing the unrealistic portrayals in Hallmark Christmas movies, she shares her own holiday struggles with cookies and a difficult cookie press, underlining how real life is not as perfect as depicted on-screen. Additionally, Jacqui provides an update on her manuscript and encourages listeners to take a day off for themselves. The episode ends with a collection of positive news stories, and Jacqui encourages her listeners to maintain a balance of acknowledging the good and bad in life.

Do you have a story idea or thoughts about the episode? Connect with Jacqui at the following.


FB: Facebook

IG: @JacquiLents

YouTube: @JacquiLents

 Story Share Details
Non-fiction / Think memoir style
Must be about the theme: Books that Impact
Due Date: Feb 11th 2024
Length - 3-10 minutes when read out loud (140-150 words per minute)/ 1-3 pages (Flash Fiction vibes)
One of the hosts will read it out loud / or you can record an mp3 of yourself and e-mail it to be played on air.
Reach out about your interest in sharing a story using the contact link at www.jacquilents.com. You can also listen to previous Story Share episodes on Jacqui Just Chatters at the website. Good ones to check out are the 9/7/23 Moving episode and the 6/1/23 White Wedding episode. They will give you an idea of what to expect.


Latest ‘Walk with the Mayors’ features special guest (newsbreak.com)

Local firefighters and dispatchers receive lifesaving award (newsbreak.com)

Plainville teen donates money from pet sitting to USD 270 spec. ed dept. (hayspost.com)


Music used for this episode includes –

Ratatouille's Kitchen - Carmen María and Edu Espinalfound

Always - Nesrality

Indie Folk – Alexi Action

Beach Walk – Unicorn Heads


Special thanks to Emily Clarke for the creation of my logo.  

Starting 2024 Final Cut

Jacqui: [00:00:00] Hello my friends. I hope you had a happy holiday and new year. Today I'll be addressing some changes for 2024, stress management, some uplifting stories, and why I think Hallmark has a lot to answer for.

Welcome to Jacqui Just Chatters. Thank you for joining me. I'm your hostess, Jacqui Lents, and I'm trying to make the world a little better. One story at a time. Whose story? Anyone's. We've all got a story to tell. If you've got one, reach out via my website. Episodes come out every other Tuesday. Now let's get chatting.

Another new year. Another five months before I manage [00:01:00] to actually get the date correct. I'm terrible about this. Takes me forever to remember when the year changes. And just when I've got it down, we have to change it again. Yay! Am I the only one who has this problem? Or is it just me? You do it too? I don't know.

Hey you! How are you doing? Mmhmmm. Did you have a good holiday? New Years? Oh? Oh. Yeah, mine had some ups and downs. I want to segue here to talk about Hallmark and it's Christmas movies. Are they cheesy? Are they the same basic plot in every movie? Do these people have an unrealistic amount of free time, income, and energy levels?

Do I still watch them? The answer to all these questions is yes. All those Christmases looking at perfect and that can make the holidays a real challenge for us perfectionists because they make it look easy and oh, they just do it and it's all perfect and we don't have a [00:02:00] crew doing that for us. If you remember from a prior episode, I said perfectionism is for losers and I worked really hard to keep this philosophy this Christmas and I was challenged.

So, first, Kitchen Adventures, cause I like to have a kitchen adventure. I'm so good with them. I decided I wanted to try this new cookie recipe. It's actually not new. I've had this in a book for ages. But I decided, okay, I'm going to try it this year. And it used a cookie press. Which, that was new to me too.

I've never used a cookie press. And for those of you who have used one, you're like, oh, it's so simple. It's not. It's not. And especially when the cookie press you have comes with absolutely no instructions. So my niece came over and in my mind I am imagining this ideal bonding experience, right? It's just gonna be magical and The magic stopped right away first We could not the darn cookie press open like it would not budge and [00:03:00] we're pulling on this sucker Are we doing something wrong?

Do we not understand this? So we're going on YouTube. That was unhelpful Then I called my sister because it was her cookie press And she gave some suggestions finally. She's like, you know what? Why don't you put it in hot water? Maybe things are just stuck. And I'm like, really? Hot water? Seriously? But I did it.

She was right. That's, that's what did it. So we opened it and then we had to clean it out cause it was kind of gunky. Then we make the cookie dough and we put it in there. We are trying to use the gun coming out. Okay. So you're laughing cause you're like, Oh, of course we know how to use a cookie. But we had no idea.

So we went back on YouTube. Oh, you have to put it down and like you, you shoot it. That's how it works. Then we put it down, we shoot it, and then we look down, and there's no dough on the paper. It's all in the gun. So now we're [00:04:00] knifing off the star cookies, and that's like taken forever. We're like, I don't know, two hours into this process, and at best we're like halfway through the dough.

I don't even know what was that much. It was very frustrating. And I'm trying to remember perfection is for losers, and I'm like, yeah, but I still don't have my cookies. And I'm getting pissed off. So then I switch. We're going to take the dough and we're going to roll it into little balls and we're going to press three of them together.

And we're going to make, I don't know, like a little flower kind of thing. I'm desperate. I forgot that with this kind of dough, it's not like normal cookie dough. It doesn't. Like settle and mush together when it gets warm. And so we had like these three balls that were sort of attached, but not fully attached.

It was not what I was expecting. They tasted okay, but not amazing. And we spent so long on them and it was. It was kind of a failure. We're [00:05:00] just gonna put an X and say there was no Hallmark moment happening there. Kitchen Adventure's not over yet, though, folks. Let's fast forward to the next day. Because I'm still making cookies.

I'm having a cookie a thon. I'm making oatmeal raisin cookies for my dad. My dad's one of those men that he's like, you know, Oh, I don't need anything. Don't get me a gift. He, he really likes freshman cookies and then he'll put them in the freezer and then take them out. So that's what I get him for Christmas, for birthday, all that kind of stuff.

I make cookies for my, the first batch of the oatmeal raisin goes in and they look and smell amazing and everything's going right and I'm putting the next tray, the second half ready to go. I see there's a lined tray. Fantastic. That I had used for my no bakes to congeal on. So I grab it, and I fill it all out, and then I put it in the oven, and it comes out, and something is wrong.

Some of you may already be, like, coming up with an idea [00:06:00] of what happened. On the tray, I had used wax paper for the notebakes, and not parchment paper. The second half of the batch of the oatmeal raisin cookies was ruined, as well as the pans that all had to be thrown out.

My tradition of having cooking mishaps basically continues. I am kind of a menace in the kitchen, I'm starting to think. But things not going right that day wasn't over. So I'm walking downstairs with a basket of laundry in my hands. And the step cracks and sinks a little under my foot, just a little bit though.

And it didn't fall, nothing happened like that. And, but I'm freaking out and I'm looking at it. One of our stair treads broke. It cracked and it came out of the wall a little bit. I'm like, are you kidding? That one got to me. Like, the cookies, I was a little upset at the time, but, you [00:07:00] know, I managed to laugh because they're just ridiculous and I'm used to, like, crazy things happening in the kitchen.

But the stair, oh, that hurts. Because let me tell you, spend several days going up and down your stairs, but skip one of them. The same one every time. It's not fun. It is not a good time. Thankfully, we have a wonderful friend and he came over and he helped us get a new triad and put it in and oh my gosh. I was so excited going up and down stairs and I didn't have to skip one.

It felt amazing and wonderful. And I appreciate his efforts so much. Lesson here, don't compare yourself to the Christmas movies, because Christmas movies aren't real. This kind of crap never features prominently in a Hallmark movie. And I really think it should. I think we'd feel a little better about seeing more of these [00:08:00] disasters.

And I'm not talking about like an engineered cutesy food fight because that's not the same of like cookie disasters.

Right before New Year's, I managed to take a day off, which was really good considering I'd had some stress. And I was lazy and I only did what I wanted. That evening, I felt so much better. I know a lot of us like feel guilty about doing nothing. But honestly, we need To stop and rest and play and take care of ourselves like that stuff is important.

I felt so much more energized afterwards. It was fantastic. Teacher Jacqui is getting in her mode and she's assigning you some homework. Here's your homework. Take a whole day off and put it on the calendar. Block it off. Protect it. Do not let [00:09:00] other things encroach on it. You're going to take a whole day off.

Let me know. Were you able to actually do this? And how did it go? I'm curious. I want to hear everything.

Okay, so this is like totally a nerd admission because of what I find is fun. I'm sure most of you are like, yeah, that's probably not how I'm going to spend my day off. One of the fun things I did was I got into this really deep dive of finding fun historical stories. Which, I plan on sharing with you this year on the podcast.

It's one of the things I've got planned for 2024. You may have noticed that I've changed my release dates. The podcast is going to come out every other week just like normal, but now it's going to be on Tuesday instead of Thursday. I [00:10:00] mentioned this earlier, maybe you heard it, maybe you didn't, so I'm mentioning it now.

And I'm going to try and add some fun bonus episodes as well, but you know, case by case basis just depends on time, all that sort of thing. This summer I am planning on releasing a multi week radio drama like yesteryears. I'm having a blast putting that together. Oh my gosh, I want to share it with you guys like right away.

First I have to finish writing it. I've got to get my voice act. All that stuff has to be done first and it's going to take a little while. I am going to be continuing doing the story share in 2024. In fact, I am announcing the first one for the year right now and I am so excited to be co hosting it with Kara Infante of Bookish Flights.

We are going to select and read the stories together and we've got room for more stories as well because Half will be on her show [00:11:00] and half will be here on Jacqui Just Chatters So you're asking what is the theme of this story share? All right book lovers. This is for you Our theme is books that impact tell us how a book like Just hit you hard and it made a difference in your world to you.

We want to be moved by your heartfelt nonfiction book encounter stories. Lay it on us. You can find all the details for the story share in the episode notes or over on my Facebook page. The due date is February 11th. I'm hoping to find all kinds of fabulous books to add to my TBR list, which we're not going to talk about how much that's growing at a constant rate.

Writing is a theme this month. I will be taking the rest of the month off from podcasting and I'll be coming back strong in February. Don't worry. I'm not gonna leave you hanging. But I am [00:12:00] working hard on my manuscript about Bob and Ruth. I got the notes back from my editor and that's been a fantastic experience.

I've learned a lot of things and it's been really good. I've been making all kinds of changes and I've got way more to go. This whole experience has pushed me into all kinds of new territory. And that's thrilling and scary in the same breath, which for me, that means I'm growing. That's a good thing. Like, thrills and scares together is usually excellent.

Except, perhaps, rollercoaster, because I don't always do so well with those, but we don't need to talk about that. Well, I won't be putting out new episodes in the next few weeks. This is a good time for you to catch up on any previous episodes you've missed that have come out in the last few months. If you've got a great story to tell or an idea for one, head to my website and contact me there.

Help me get people's stories told. [00:13:00] I hope you are enjoying this episode of Jacqui Just Chatters. I would like more people to join our community here, and you can help. Most people learn about podcasts from word of mouth. So tell your friends, or post about the program on your social media. Also, shows with more positive reviews and 5 star ratings get wider promotion on apps.

Leaving a quick five stars or mentioning why you liked the show makes a difference. Together we can spread those positive vibes. Thanks again for listening. I'm grateful for you. Now back to the show.

I'd like to start off the year with some positivity. I've curated some uplifting stories from the news that you may not have heard. I will leave the links to all these in the episode notes. If you want more details. This comes from Bree Laughlin of The World. It's a political story that won't leave you pulling your hair out.

I apologize for getting any of these names [00:14:00] wrong. Monthly walks have been created for residents of Coos Bay and North Bend, Oregon, in order to make a personal connection with their mayors while getting some exercise. I love this idea of offering a chance to reach out, let people feel heard, and help all get the physical and mental health benefits of an outdoor walk.

This was a genius concept. And I applaud Coos Bay Mayor Joe Benetti. And North Bend Mayor, Jessica Engelke, for their willingness to partake in this non traditional engagement. On the December walk, they even invited a guest, Kyndall Ray Edwards, and Edwards talked on the walk. Edwards is walking through communities to share his message of mental health, addiction recovery, and knowing you matter, because you [00:15:00] do, you matter.

Our next story will hopefully dispel. Some of the thoughts about all kids these days and all the negative baggage older generations can lay at their doorstop. Cristina Janney of the Hays Post shared how a 13 year old in Plainville, no joke, that's actually the name, Plainville, Kansas, He wanted to get a job, but nothing was working out for Taylor Ayers trying to get that job.

And then thanks to COVID, he couldn't even get a volunteer opportunity. And yeah, he was going to volunteer if he couldn't find a job, but he couldn't find a job and he couldn't even find a volunteer thing. So what was this teen going to do? In May, he created his own pet sitting business. This is an industrious student.

Even better, he's also a compassionate one as well. Taylor began this enterprise with the goal of donating [00:16:00] 25 percent of his profits to the Plainville Elementary Special Education Department. Why them? His younger sister, Trissan, has a chromosomal disorder. She is served by the Special Education Department, which accommodates her being mostly non verbal.

and the use of her wheelchair. In less than a year, Taylor was able to donate 200 from his profits to the school. Then he offered up some Ayers Buddies swag. That's the name of his company, Ayers Buddies. And so the swag was raffled off. He raised 1, 400 on top of the 200 that he had already donated.

Bringing that up to 1, 600. Congrats, Taylor, for achieving so much at your young age, which is 14 now. Kansas is all the better for having you as one of its [00:17:00] citizens. Kudos, young man.

One of the reasons I like sharing these positive stories is that people should hear their praises sung. They're doing good deeds. Giving us hope and making the world a better place. People don't often get enough pats on the back. Thanks to WTWO of Sullivan, Indiana. This is a double shout out story. First, the heroes of the hour.

On November 20th, a 911 call came in. A house was on fire in Carlisle, Indiana. On the second floor, a woman was trapped. Firefighters arrived in time, and it was a good news day after all. Not only was a life saved, but the community [00:18:00] decided to recognize those involved in the heroic action. A life saving award was presented to multiple firefighters and dispatchers, and this came from the state of Indiana.

Those honored for their actions were four Sullivan City firefighters, three Carlisle firefighters, and two dispatchers. Many people give much of themselves in difficult jobs. They might get a thank you here and there. More individuals need official recognition of the work and sacrifices they make. I hope to hear about thousands of people getting the recognition they deserve, just like these fine men and women.

And it's, Oh, I love this door. Love it. The world holds plenty of sad, scary, and frustrating events. We all know that. And I don't want people to think that I'm trying to downplay the bad and the seriousness. I'm [00:19:00] not. But can we try not to forget that good things are happening too? You don't have to ignore the bad to see the good.

Be mindful. Notice them both. The world isn't perfect. But it's not so far gone that we can't have hope. Take care of yourself and those around you. Until next time, I wish you well.

Introduction and Welcome
New Year Reflections
Holiday Kitchen Adventures
The Importance of Taking a Day Off
Exciting Plans for 2024
Story Share Announcement
Writing and Personal Growth
Uplifting Stories from the News
Conclusion and Farewell