Sacred Airspace

Manifesting is Messy

Karrie Kirchner and Andrew MacPhail Season 3 Episode 47

As 2023 opens, so does Season 3 of Sacred Airspace. Karrie and I take a look at how the podcast reflects the indirect but ultimately profound process of manifesting our destinies; this includes how we've grown in the past year, the process of transforming thoughts into actions, and why we persist in the admittedly messy process even at times when it feels like exactly what we'd like *not* to be doing. Karrie introduces a new pen, Andrew shares two new poems, and the book discussed in the "spiral growth" illustration is Phases of the Moon: A Guide to Evolving Human Nature by Marilyn Busteed, Richard Tiffany, and Dorothy Wherein (Shambhala, 1974). A special shout-out to Laina, whose custom hats are featured in our Season 3 photo!

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