The Elite Nurse Practitioner Show

Episode 139: Talking Telemedicine

Justin Allan, FNP Episode 139

Monica is a midwife, family NP, and psych NP who works part-time at a mental health clinic while running a psychiatric side practice. As an expectant mother, Monica is in search of an income stream that is flexible, time-efficient, and low overhead. Her new path in psychiatric medicine led to the startup of her independent business that is supported through a popular telemedicine platform. While she enjoys the “hands-off” nature of the site, Justin poses some important questions that Monica should consider before
 taking the plunge full time.  

In this episode, Justin outlines the pros and cons of practicing through online third-party healthcare corporations—including the specific terms of insurance credentialling, patient retention, charting, and more. This serious brainstorming session gives Monica inspiration for new ways to become more independent, including the integration of more providers and an expanded service menu.