Dead Drifters Society: A fly fishing podcast

From Hairdressing to Fly Fishing: A Tale of Passion, Pets, and Pursuit of the Tug with Katie Dowe

September 15, 2023 Andrew Barany Season 2 Episode 92
From Hairdressing to Fly Fishing: A Tale of Passion, Pets, and Pursuit of the Tug with Katie Dowe
Dead Drifters Society: A fly fishing podcast
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Dead Drifters Society: A fly fishing podcast
From Hairdressing to Fly Fishing: A Tale of Passion, Pets, and Pursuit of the Tug with Katie Dowe
Sep 15, 2023 Season 2 Episode 92
Andrew Barany

Picture yourself knee deep in a river, fly fishing rod in hand, with the sun just beginning to set. This is where we find our guest, Katie Dowe, a seasoned hairdresser turned fly fishing who shares her journey of passion and courage. Katie opens up about her career, starting from her days as an aspiring hairdresser to finding her calling in the riveting world of fly fishing. From keeping up with the latest beauty trends to mastering the art of casting a fly rod, Katie's story is sure to inspire.

Our conversation doesn't end there. We dive into the adrenaline-filled tale of my first steelhead fishing adventure. From the thrill of casting the first line to the heart-pounding excitement of catching my initial steelhead, it's a journey not to be missed. Katie and I unravel the intricacies of steelheading, emphasizing the crucial role of timing and the unique challenges encountered when pursuing summer run steelhead.

Ready to take a breather? We shift from the river's edge to the comfort of home, discussing our personal lives and hobbies. We share our experiences with pets - from Andrew's aging dog Cosmo's recent accident to the potential dangers of pets eating edibles. As we explore her method of smoking salmon and plans for a winter steelhead fishing trip, Katie and I underline the importance of responsible pet ownership. Join us for this enlightening episode that's not just about fishing, but life, hobbies, and the love for our four-legged friends.


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Picture yourself knee deep in a river, fly fishing rod in hand, with the sun just beginning to set. This is where we find our guest, Katie Dowe, a seasoned hairdresser turned fly fishing who shares her journey of passion and courage. Katie opens up about her career, starting from her days as an aspiring hairdresser to finding her calling in the riveting world of fly fishing. From keeping up with the latest beauty trends to mastering the art of casting a fly rod, Katie's story is sure to inspire.

Our conversation doesn't end there. We dive into the adrenaline-filled tale of my first steelhead fishing adventure. From the thrill of casting the first line to the heart-pounding excitement of catching my initial steelhead, it's a journey not to be missed. Katie and I unravel the intricacies of steelheading, emphasizing the crucial role of timing and the unique challenges encountered when pursuing summer run steelhead.

Ready to take a breather? We shift from the river's edge to the comfort of home, discussing our personal lives and hobbies. We share our experiences with pets - from Andrew's aging dog Cosmo's recent accident to the potential dangers of pets eating edibles. As we explore her method of smoking salmon and plans for a winter steelhead fishing trip, Katie and I underline the importance of responsible pet ownership. Join us for this enlightening episode that's not just about fishing, but life, hobbies, and the love for our four-legged friends.


Speaker 1:

You know what, like I tried steelhead fishing but like I definitely went through like all the salmon season, all the trout seasons, like a few times, before I actually like landed a steelhead. I had. Like I did go up like to Northern BC to try and catch steelhead up there, like I did hook into them and everything, but I just never landed them. And so finally like yeah, one, I think it was when was that? Maybe three years ago, four years ago I finally I was like okay, we're getting a steelhead this year. I was like it's happening.

Speaker 2:

And then, yeah, I finally finally got mine and I was just like Welcome to Dead Drifter Society, a fly fishing podcast to share information, our adventures and our opinions. We want to see where everyone is at in life and on the water. We'll ask questions and get answers so we can learn everything there is to learn about fly fishing. And now here's your host, andrew Barony.

Speaker 3:

Welcome back, dead Drifter. On this episode we're heading back to Vancouver Island to catch up with Katie Dow. She was on the last episode, the group podcast that I did and, yeah, I just wanted to get her on so she could share her story. We talk about how she got into fly fishing, what she does for work and so much more. So I hope you really enjoy and I'll see you down at the end. Welcome, katie, how's it going?

Speaker 1:

Good, how are you doing, Andrew?

Speaker 3:

Not too bad. Not too bad. Thanks for coming on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, anytime.

Speaker 3:

So I know we did the group podcast last week, yes, so we talked a little bit about your adventures and stuff, but I guess we might as well learn a little bit more about you.

Speaker 1:

Sure. What do you need to know? What?

Speaker 3:

do I need to know? Well, I've already found out that you're a hairdresser, yes, and that you can't fix my balding head or my thinning out hair. So what got you interested in that?

Speaker 1:

I actually was really interested in hairdressing ever since I was like probably a young teenager. I used to go like all the time, like with my mom or like when I used to go get a haircut as a kid, and I just thought it was so cool that these, this one I was at was all women. I thought it was so cool. All these women were just like making people feel so nice and confident and different. And then when I was probably about like 13, 14, I remember saying I was like I'm gonna be a hairdresser, that's what I'm doing. And then grade 12 kind of rolled around and you know, like high school, it's like what are you doing with your life? And I was like I guess I'm going to beauty school. And I went and here we are, like 18 years later.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So that's cool because, like you knew from a young age and then like grew up still knowing yeah, and then, like I would do all my friends hair for like the school dances and or, if they wanted their hair colored, I'd do it and like it. Just, it was kind of like a natural progression over time.

Speaker 3:

I remember that like well, like grade 11, no one really like talked about nothing. And then grade 12, everyone's like I'm doing this after you know. Yeah, exactly, I was just there, like smoking weed, like uh, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, don't worry, Andrew, I was there too doing that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you just you already knew though.

Speaker 1:

I had no idea.

Speaker 3:

I was like what there's more to life than high school? Right, and I'm supposed to know this shit by now. Holy, I don't think anyone.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anyone knows what they need to do when they're 18 years old Like period.

Speaker 3:

I wish I went into like a fly shop when I was young and like saw a guide walk out and like go down the river. I'd be like that's what I'm doing when I was young.

Speaker 1:

You're like, that's what I'm doing.

Speaker 3:

And I think that yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I was gonna say, I think that's what happened with hairdressing. I just saw people doing it and I was like that's super cool and I was just like I'm doing that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't remember who it was, but I just remember being on the river bank and a guide coming by and I don't like I knew guiding was a thing, Like I had been on the ocean but never seen it down a river, and so I saw a raft going by and then my buddy was like, oh yeah, that's a guide. I could have very well been Ray or someone I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3:

And that's when that dawned on me. So the same kind of thing, but you know, I was still a child of my 20, it was probably like 25 or something.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But yeah, that's pretty sweet. So the beauty school? How long that take, how, what's the program like?

Speaker 1:

Well, when I went to school because they've changed it now, I think, but when I went to school it was 10 months and we didn't have like a, we didn't have a reading break or anything like that Like we did a continuous 10 months and I think we were the first class to go through the 10 months program. The one prior was 12 months, so I was kind of like shortened by two months, but I I don't know I didn't really feel like after the 10 months I felt like I had my basics pretty good, but I did a lot of other courses and classes like throughout the years, throughout my whole career, just to like keep up with skills and like new trends and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I guess it's kind of always evolving with styles and things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just like with any kind of trade work, whether you're a carpenter or electrician plumber like there's always new things coming out that you need to learn, or like there's new materials or new products that you have to work with or learn about.

Speaker 3:

So and now do you have like threads or something that you follow, that like keep you updated, or just like your shop gets these like new products into it, or how does that work?

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah. So we have like, so, each, each product, like products that we order from. They have distributors and they're the ones that let you know about education, new products, what's coming out, blah, blah, blah. But I think a lot since COVID they kind of stopped doing like in-class education and a lot of it was just like online, and I think TikTok really went off like sky high with all of that as well. But I'm kind of, I was kind of taught in sort of like the old school way of hairdressing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before TikTok style, oh yeah of course, social media.

Speaker 1:

Like I started beauty school and there was like no social media.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, that's kind of cool though.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I do have to admit that once in a blue moon I get sucked into one of those makeup tutorials because I'm like how are you going to do that? How are you going to make it look like that? Let's see, let's see what you got. I actually know. I'm like that was a lot of effort, holy moly.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot of practice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's why I don't practice my makeup at all, so I never use it personally, it's a personal thing no contouring, no highlight, no. No, no, I just I let the sun hit my face and I woke up like this. So Perfect, yeah, perfect.

Speaker 2:

I might do the facial hair a little bit. I might forget about don't wear makeup either.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, and it's a long process. I mean, you know, I think I did in high school once for a black eye, because my mom was like you can't go to school like that and I was like, no, it'd be cool. Someone called me out for having it on my eye, so then I washed it off and that was that. That was my makeup experience and it was terrible.

Speaker 1:

You got to wear that black eye like street cred.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly yeah. It didn't even happen in a cool way. I don't remember how it happened, but it wasn't a fight. I was too innocent of a kid at that time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you just say. When that happens, you just say you should see the other guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, now I know the cool things to come back I didn't know good comebacks in like grade eight or grade nine. That was grade like 11, 12, where I was, you know, in the street smarts under my belt.

Speaker 1:

That's true.

Speaker 3:

Well, and that's awesome. So you've been doing that same shop for the whole time, or have you bounced around a? Little bit, or what's that.

Speaker 1:

Majority of the time. So about it'll be 16 years in the new year that I've been at the same shop.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right on, wow, so you must like it there, good people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah. Great group of people that work there are business owner. She's amazing and she's been in the hair industry her whole life as well, so it's like it's just born and bred right into the salon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there was a point in time where I wanted to do hair Mostly guys hair, not so much the yeah, like barbering, type yeah. Yeah, and I cut someone's hair and I was like well, you looked here. I was like that's harder than it looks. They make it look so easy. You just go in there and they whip it up and walk out feeling good yeah. Yeah, but it's like fly casting.

Speaker 1:

Fly casting looks easy when you see people do it, but you try and do it when you're learning. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, that's actually true, you know. I remember the first time I went for a casting lesson, which, by the way, is well worth it, if anyone out there needs that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely worth it. I did it myself as well.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and it just you know, especially if you'd never picked up a fly rod, and you cannot get an actual lesson first, like that's huge benefits there.

Speaker 1:

But it's just huge, especially single hand casting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, it's like a world, and I mean all casting, maybe not Euro. We can all figure that out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is a little flicking.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not even a cast, it's here, just make sure that thing goes over there, all good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just plop it in the water over there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but yeah, he grabbed the rod from me and it was like okay, so what I want you to do? And by the time he said what I want you to do the end of that sentence he had laid out a beautiful tight-looped cast and like laid it out and then was like, okay, so this is what I want you to do. And in my head I was like, what, the what just happened? And then I was like, can you just do that again? And he was like do what? And I was like, well, you just casted it. And he's like yeah, and I was like that's not what I'm going to say. Okay, I'm listening. Now you know I am focused and yeah, now I mean you know time on the water and time with a rod in your hand and you realize it's not like overly difficult, but not knowing how the rod works.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Huge difference.

Speaker 1:

And if you're not using like the correct lines and everything like, it can really screw up your cast.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's a big thing too, is like you go to a proper shop, that's not. You know, that has actual fly anglers. Yeah, but my first setup was from a shop that, like no one, really fly fished, and so I was like, oh, what fly line should I get? And he was like, oh, this one, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're like okay yeah.

Speaker 3:

And I still have that line in a box. Yeah, I took off and I replaced it with something and instantly my cast was better. And then I, then I got a better rod and then, yeah, life just got better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that worked, yeah, and then you actually have like a good quality, like like rod, perfect line forward and everything and technique.

Speaker 3:

It's just like, yeah, it all comes together, Everything the stars are aligning.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's like chef's kiss.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I guess talking about fly fishing. So it's usually we talk about. Where did that all start for you?

Speaker 1:

Funny enough, it all started for me actually about seven years ago, so like fly fishing wasn't actually something I grew up with. My dad never taught me like it's not, like fishing is not in my family at all, so it so how it all happened was I went through like a really rough period in my life and one of my girlfriends that I've been friends with since we were like 15, she heard her husband are big into fishing and they have a boat and everything and she's like come out on the boat, we'll go salmon fishing. Like take you out for the day. You've talked about going, so let's go. I was like, okay, so I go, I catch my first salmon out in the ocean. I'm literally like no pun intended.

Speaker 1:

I was hooked right from that first fish and I told her I said anytime you want to go fishing, whether it's ocean fly fishing, you can teach me. Like I don't care, like I'll go. And so it all kind of started from there, strangely enough. And so my girlfriend kind of showed me like basics and like you know only so much that another sort of like novice intermediate fisher, like angler, can teach you. And so then I ended that meeting. I don't know if you know him but I met my friend Kellen. He's big into, he's big fly fisher on the island.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm sure, one day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I met him and then he's big into fly fishing. So then I started learning from him and he also he teaches casting lessons and he guides as well. So I was like, oh, it's perfect, I've got a friend that does all these things. And so I learned like learned majority from him. And then I did take some casting lessons in town from a local guy named Sean Brown and I. That's how I learned how to like single hand cast. The best was through him and, funny enough, when I actually started fishing, started fishing Sorry, someone was when I started fishing I actually learned on a double hand rod before single hand. So I've done everything like completely backwards.

Speaker 3:

So I was like here's a spay rod. You're like, okay, cool. And then they're like, by the way, you could do this with one hand, let's yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I learned on a switch rod first. That's how I learned Then. So when I went to single hand learning how to do single head, I was like oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's interesting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I learned how to spay fish. Spay cast yeah, Spay cast single hand first.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then went to two handed one day. Like you know, zach, from the shop.

Speaker 1:

What's the last name? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So Zach, I like met him at the river and I was with another friend of mine, Regan, and Regan was like, oh, dude, my buddy's here, he's sick, His girlfriend's there too, Like they're going to be fishing. We were just leaving, but I didn't have to leave, but Regan had to leave and I was like you know, we're talking to Zach and his girlfriend at the time and they're like well, why don't you come fishing with me? And I was like, oh sure. And they're like we'll drive you back into town. And I was like perfect, my truck's, you know, perfect. So they take me back into town, they take me back onto the river. And they're like yeah, we're steelhead fishing.

Speaker 3:

And I was like, oh, I've heard of these things. And I'm standing there with a single hand and like a full dry line Because I don't know nothing, and I'm up against like trees and stuff, trying to like cast five feet in front of me, basically. And then there's freaking Mickey Mouse doing some Fantasia shit. I'm just like dead, like stopped in my tracks, Just like what is that? And he's like that's a spay cast. And I was like what?

Speaker 3:

And he's like yeah you go down to Robinson's outdoor store downtown Victoria and I was like the hiking store. And he's like no, no man, you go upstairs. And I was like okay, and he's like you asked for the commando shooting head, yeah, for your eight weight rod. And I was like I don't even have an eight weight rod. He's like you get an eight weight rod and you get the, you go get one. So, sure enough, I didn't have as many things in my life, so I had money and boom, like week later I'm out there trying to spay cast and I was like watch him do it and then me try to do it and all collapse like in front of me kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was rough, it was a rough start but I caught a steelhead that season.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I pooped my pants. Basically, when I hooked them, everyone had left the river and I was just the scariest little child holding on for dear life with, like the biggest steelhead I've ever caught. And it was just.

Speaker 1:

And the first one.

Speaker 3:

And the first one, and I had a trout net on me. It was so scary. Yeah, everything worked out great, I landed it. But like nothing worked out great, it was the so scary my reel was like making noises I've never heard. It sounded like it was screaming at me, but it's like yeah, it turns out that's a normal sound. Yeah, I think, like what's happening? Yeah, I was scared, I was scared, so, oh, so good.

Speaker 1:

You got yours in your first season. It took me like three or four.

Speaker 3:

I know I was lucky in terms of I found one of Zach's flies in the snow and I told them and he was like keep it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And Zach and his girlfriend at the time left yeah, just left me. Someone else caught a steelhead on a pinrod, yeah, and I was standing there in the water like well, I don't want to go home and like my cast was finally coming together. And I shit you not. It was my first cast that my rod jolted forward.

Speaker 1:

Oh, actually like the line.

Speaker 3:

Where my line, like the reel, pulled out of the reel like a couple inches or whatever, and I was like, oh, you know, that was nice. And then I like quickly had my hand up and I was like going and going and I had just put that fly on and it just stopped and I was like, oh man, I must have gone. Yeah, I'm snagged on a rock. So I literally like waited a second and like started pulling but like just seeing if, like a different angle would pop it off the rock.

Speaker 3:

I ran into the experience of being on a rock before and know that just setting the hook into a rock doesn't help. Nope, thank God. And all of a sudden it just like boom, boom, boom and just takes off upriver and I was like, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. And now I'm just like holding on for dear life. The thing goes up, down, up, down, up down, comes to me, back up, down, back to me, and then starts doing this like clockwork barrel, roll, like an alligator would do, and all my lines like zinging and wrapping or like the whole sink tip wrapped around it.

Speaker 1:

How did you not lose this fish?

Speaker 3:

Extra barbs. I put extra barbs on my flies. No, oh, perfect, yeah and yeah. It literally wrapped around the steel head like eight times and I was in my head. I was like it's gone, it's done, this is over.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And all this and it did, like one more barrel roll, one more full clockwords turn. Yeah, and it all just came back tight, like just I was like, oh my God, and then the fish ran, swam right between my legs and I just basically jumped and like turned around back over top of it and put my trout net in front of me. And yeah, that was. That was the first one.

Speaker 1:

Dude, you must have been like oh, I was shaking.

Speaker 3:

I was shaking to my bones. I was so happy I looked around, not a human in sight. I was like damn it, no one saw that. So I can't even lift the fish up. I honestly like hindsight with the way I kind of handled it. After I will do, will always do better than that. But I kind of dragged it back into the water. But you should not obviously do, but didn't know any better at that time.

Speaker 1:

It happens, newbie, newbie things that happens.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and, like you know, I obviously got educated quite quickly after that. Since then, every fish I handle, whether it's a sought after fish or not, I treat as a life that I want to keep alive. So yeah. But yeah, it was, it was insane. I'm like the photo of the fish still, like I look at it and I'm like holy shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's amazing, especially like first see, like your first season, first like.

Speaker 3:

I shouldn't have landed it, it shouldn't have happened. No, that was so well placed in the corner of its mouth and you know when they like close their mouth. Any fish like kind of closes its mouth and you can tell that hooks like locked in there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you can tell when it's a good, like hook set in the mouth, it's like you just know.

Speaker 3:

And I had very little experience fighting big fish and rivers.

Speaker 1:

And it's almost sometimes. Sometimes that's like a blessing, because if you know, sometimes, if you know too much, then you'll like you'll reef it too much or reel it too hard or yeah, I just let it like run and kept the rod tight.

Speaker 3:

That's all I need to do at the time.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And you know it's funny when I fight spring salmon, which you've experienced, I'm sure.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Or any salmon. Really, I like I bring that fish in so fast and so hard. I'm just like get over here, like turn its direction constant. I'm like no, no, please.

Speaker 1:

Please don't come off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like stroke it over here, trying to make sure it doesn't come off.

Speaker 1:

But like it's, okay.

Speaker 3:

This season I didn't do great. I had like six bites or like six fish on. Yeah, I lost them all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I haven't really done much like steelheading in the last couple of years. No, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's a hard one.

Speaker 1:

It's hard, it's. It's a lot Like when I first started fishing, that was like my ultimate goal. I was just like I'm getting a steelhead on Vancouver Island, Like it's happening. And finally, like I reached that goal and I was just like, okay, we can relax now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, brown trout. Look at that brown trout, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So pretty, yeah. No, it's like what do I want next?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I love it. So you started with two handed and then got introduced to single hand. Yes, and did you like what you just said, that you kind of like? Your goal was to get a steelhead, so had you done much trout fishing? Cause I basically skipped trout and went to steelhead and now I'm on trout.

Speaker 1:

You know what, like I I tried steelhead fishing but like, um, I definitely went through like all the salmon season, all the trout seasons, like a few times before I actually like landed a steelhead. I had like I did go up like to Northern BC to try and catch steelhead up there, like I did hook into them and everything, but I just never landed them. And so finally like, yeah, one I think it was. When was that? Maybe three years ago, four years ago. I finally I was like okay, we'll get in a steelhead this year. I was like it's happening. And then, yeah, I finally finally got mine and I was just like it's like finally, all those cast and hiking were worth it, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Everything came together and then yeah, which is oh yeah. But while you're ahead, that's a good strategy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was like I was crying and like being like, oh my God, finally. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think that's the thing about steelheading. That like gets people, especially like when you're first to it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Is how hard and like not even that they're a hard fish to to get to bite a fly, but you have to find it and timing and and then piece it on.

Speaker 1:

It's all about timing. It's like is the water the perfect height? Is it the weather okay? Is the fly right? It's like, yeah, All these things. And it's like there was many times that like, yeah, I got a bite, but then I lost it, or we saw them. They didn't want to bite, and it was like all these different times that it was just like it was so frustrating.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've yet to catch a summer run, steelhead, I've only got winter runs.

Speaker 1:

That's the only one I've caught is a summer run.

Speaker 3:

Everyone says, oh, summer runs are easier. And I'm like I freaking tried, they're not. I tried. These winter ones, they just sit there and take my hook. These ones, I see them and they don't take my hook. What? What do I have to do? I know I need to put more time, that's all it is.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, well, that's what I need. I need to put more time in the winter ones.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, and I spent so much time on and I hung out with such fishy people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And hanging out with Zach was like you know, it was basically a shirt. I happen thing if you hang out with that, kid enough, because yeah, yeah. But yeah, now I'm, now I'm like seasonal I, when steelhead are there, I steelhead limits. Yeah, I try out and yeah, I want to try.

Speaker 1:

I actually want to try with doing like if I can do a guided trip in the winter for steelhead.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, I'm going to hit him up then, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Tristan with Vancouver Island fly fishing he does. Yeah. He's just starting a whole steelhead kind of side to that business. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. He does a lot, though.

Speaker 3:

He's this saying, fishy kid.

Speaker 1:

He is like yeah, even when we were like, even when he took me out guiding, like I was with him when I got my personal best brown trout, like this thing was massive, yeah, it was huge. I was like thank you, tristan, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that kid's been guiding for so many years and he's younger than I am, so it's like oh yeah, like he's super knowledgeable too. I'm pretty sure he puts his head in the water and talks to the fish like oh, you're going to be doing that, okay, gotcha.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Oh yeah, he's very talented.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so yeah, he's doing this whole. He'll be steelhead guiding on the couch and fly. I think he'll be also kind of mixing it in with center pin on certain runs, but like I'm not sure what the exact thing is. But I mean, you know, if you're going for steelhead and you've paid a certain amount of money and you really are wanting one and you're willing to go to center pin as well, I know he would like. I think the goal is like fly only. Well, he probably wouldn't do the fly only, but I don't know the exact thing. But it's like any bend that's swingable, that's what they do. And then runs that are steelhead, like center pin type runs, then do that. But if the client wanted to just swing, I mean that's what he does.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I would. Well, obviously, I would give fly fishing a first go for sure, Cause that's all honestly, that's the only way I know how to fish.

Speaker 3:

Well, in like center pin, we know we know, we know, if we're in the right spot, you're going to get it when you can get like a 40, 40 yard drift or something, I don't know. Some stupid log drift and you're going to get it.

Speaker 2:

I picked up a center pin.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, up and down. It's like your own nymphing on steroids.

Speaker 1:

Totally yeah. So I think, they would trip me out because there's no I've like, cause I don't know much about a center pin, but what I do know is they don't. They don't have a drag, do they?

Speaker 3:

No, it's the hand motion so you can squeeze it. You can use like other reels, but the center pin is designed to, so it's free spooling and then you kind of squeeze it. I've tried it and of course, when I tried it I didn't even catch a trout. And my friend, I got four trout in front of me and I was like, oh, let me try. And then it didn't happen and I was like, no, I'm going back to tricking, casting this fly rod that doesn't catch me fish. No, it's a whole thing. So you've done a little bit of everything on the island. What's your? What's that fish that you love the most, right now At least?

Speaker 1:

At least that's a hard question.

Speaker 3:

Good, good, hard questions are sometimes the right questions to ask.

Speaker 1:

I know, yeah, I want to be like cliche, be like anything with fins, but like yeah.

Speaker 3:

Preferably the ones in the water.

Speaker 1:

Preferably the ones that will bite my hook.

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh, those, that's what I like going for too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. But I'd say, like I know I've got a sweet spot for salmon because that's how I learned to fish was with salmon. So, like any type of salmon is like mine. They're definitely my favorite to fish. Yeah, but don't get me wrong, I do love like like fishing for those like elusive trout, that, like that you don't get a lot of, and then it's like you maybe get that one nice one for the day, kind of thing. I do enjoy that as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a. I feel the same way, like salmon are got a special spot in my heart. I don't really do them in the rivers that much anymore, yeah. And then there's egg season going on and that's just stupid fun. Yeah, and you know I love watching trout run for an egg.

Speaker 1:

Oh, me too Like, especially when I've been on the cowering or whatever, and like, yeah, you just throw your little egg pattern there, you just eat trout, like wow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there it is.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, or if you. I don't know if you tried it, but casting like stripping at egg-seeking leeches.

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't done that yet.

Speaker 3:

That's a good one too, because then they're like there's an egg and a leech and you're still fishing a streamer and you're fishing it as a streamer and, like the fish hit hard and it's just, yeah, I know.

Speaker 1:

I love it and season is so fun. Yeah, I love seeing like the take of trout when they like, they see food and they're like yes.

Speaker 3:

I've watched trout, like I've watched in the water from my raft looking down seeing the trout watching real eggs pass them, and I'm like huh, and then taking my egg, ran it over and been like oh, I got them, like why would you pass up real eggs? And then my I love the color. I think my eggs are just that good, they're appealing.

Speaker 1:

Because that's fishy hey.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, and I used to tie them a lot bigger than I do now and I think, like, looking bigger, they were like hmm, that's a good egg right there Like snack or meal. Yeah, snack or meal, I like that. Yeah, and so you like doing both two-handed and single-hand, or are you pretty-?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, Like for rivers. If I'm doing salmon, I like doing double hand. Yeah, but I don't mind doing single hand for pinks because they're tinier. And then, yeah, trout. Obviously I prefer single hand. But have I caught it on my switch rod? Yeah, have you done?

Speaker 3:

that Like, is it a trout spay or is it a Actually just like, like, what weights your-. Wow, I'm just blanking on words. I've had a long day today.

Speaker 1:

That's okay, it just buffering the spay yeah, so my so I have a two my switch rod is an eight weight. My spay actual spay rod I have is a seven weight, and then I have a seven weight single hand and a five weight single hand and then a four weight Euro nymph.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so you got your bases covered for the island. Sure, do, yeah. Have you done it in the estuaries at all?

Speaker 1:

I haven't done any oh yeah, I did, I did oh my God, eve River Estuary I did this summer for pinks and then I haven't done out like any of the other beaches. I'm kind of waiting for coho season to come, wait for coho to come in, so I might do take a swing at that there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of water to check out. It's hard to get to it all in one year.

Speaker 1:

It is Like I know sometimes I kind of like will do more like river and then next year I might do more beach or like it varies.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'm missing all that. Right now it's sad times it's hard.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm fishing every day, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I feel bad for me right now, people.

Speaker 1:

I'm pinny-pourney.

Speaker 3:

I'm already in Cranbrook just fishing my little heart out. Well, I'm gagging, so it's a little different. But I still get the satisfaction of being like, oh, behind that rock, and then they hit it. And then it hits and I'm like, yeah, that was me.

Speaker 1:

I love doing that with like friends, being like, okay, I'm like cast here, cast here, and then they hook up and like, oh yeah, yeah, that was me.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to tell you, but that's actually my fish. Now I take ownership of that fish.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I had my buddy like point out fish and he'd be like that one's yours and I was like how do you know which fish is mine? I was like there's a few and then, sure enough, both that's the one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sometimes you just know you get these gut feelings. You got to trust your gut in life. You know if it's telling you to aim or listen.

Speaker 1:

I've had that sometimes fishing and you're just like letting your line swing and I'm just like like something's grabbing right now at the end of this swing. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there it is, so I guess we can keep talking a little bit about fishing, just because we like that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's easy to talk about.

Speaker 3:

How did you meet Kat?

Speaker 1:

I actually met Kat through Instagram. Oh yeah, that's how I met Kat and we just like first bit, we would just like message back and forth. And then I think we decided one time like we should actually like meet up and go fishing. And then so last year we met for the first time and then we've gone on a couple different adventures with each other.

Speaker 3:

Wow, amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Instagram you know, the Graham.

Speaker 3:

The Graham.

Speaker 1:

It's how you meet people nowadays. I swear yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, it's true, that's how I run. This podcast is through the Graham. Yeah, the Graham provides.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's how I met like a lot of like fishing, like people, friends, like different, like guided trips. I've gone on through Instagram and different people, so it's been such a great resource for my doing my hobby anyways.

Speaker 3:

If Instagram didn't have sponsors and all their darn stupid things that they're trying to sell us, that would just be the best platform in the world, Right? Oh, it'd be so good. It's still really good. But I hate when I'm like scrolling through like one of my friends' profiles and I'm like, oh, I've never seen, oh, it's a sponsor.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, oh. I know I hate that when I'm like who's this? And I'm like no.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm like, no, get out of here. Once in a while I provide something. I'm like, oh, I could use that or I could, you know, look at that. But most of the times I'm like what? But I've gone into my phone and like took off, like I went on YouTube and followed this like half hour long. Basically, settings change so that my phone doesn't listen to me and suggest things for me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And so now it gives me just random shit and I'm like, oh, okay, does it even give you shit?

Speaker 1:

Does it even give you shit you like? It's like you're random yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, you don't want it personalized. Here's just this random shit for you then.

Speaker 1:

Here's this random shoe that you're going to like.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what are some of the other adventures, because I know you guys have done the couch in a handful of times, I believe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've done the couch in a couple of times. And then I took her to sort of like one of my local rivers that she's never fished before. So last year I took her to the Campbell River and took her fishing for Pinks because she never done it before and I was like it's easy to do here. So I'm like let's go.

Speaker 3:

Let's go.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, have you gone on any still water adventures with her?

Speaker 1:

I haven't done any still water yet because I need to get myself a bed.

Speaker 3:

Where are you going to get? It's not even a question of if it's when.

Speaker 1:

So when you get it, what are you looking at? I'm going to get a water master.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, other side For sure. Oh, it's in the books, it's in the book service.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I had, like I had one of those like fat cat, like belly boats or whatever.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

When I first started I could hate that. I hate chicken, oh like all day.

Speaker 3:

I do have a water master if you ever need to borrow one.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, andrew, I'll take you up on that.

Speaker 3:

No, I got you, I got you, perfect. Yeah, one of my good friends is using I haven't fished on my water master. I don't want to get, I don't want to sell it because I'm like and you never get the price yeah.

Speaker 3:

Like I'm never going to get the money that I spent on it. But I also, you know, having a water master, I ever needed one. Or you know a friend of my needs one. Then it's like, yeah, because once in a while it's like let's go drifting, and then there's two spots on my raft, including myself, so two other friends but sometimes it's that other friend that's like I want to come and it's like, well, get on, a water master.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

But most of my friends now have water masters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard nothing but good things about them and even when I was up in Alaska, my friend I was staying with and her husband, they have the water master that has like the chairs built onto it, like the full on drift one. And they all love it yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think for like super DIY stuff not even super DIY, but just DIY stuff the water master, some of the NRS rafts as well. Yeah, I know a lot of the rafts Like. I know there's like one that's similar. My buddy, tyler, has one that's similar to the water master and he loves it. You just need this thing that floats and can steer properly and then you're good. You're good. The water master has that name. It's like wearing Nike shoes You're like yeah, got my Nikes on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just don't have the integrity and the quality you're going to get to right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, do you do much still water.

Speaker 1:

I don't do a lot. I have done like. I have done some for sure, especially when I was first learning, because it was just kind of easy to sit out there and like didn't have to worry about like reading water too much like in a river and stuff like that. And yeah, I haven't done. I think I did some. Last year I went over to the mainland and did some, but the for most part it's like I don't know. I just don't know much about it, so I don't do a lot of it. Yeah, so that's I kind of don't. I don't usually gear myself towards that. I usually like see more river than anything.

Speaker 3:

Well, and we don't have 178 days to go fishing like Kat does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just very lucky that you managed that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm supposed to take out these books, but there's no librarian here. I don't, I don't know what I'm supposed to do, just says out fishing. Good luck, yeah, figure it out. Figure it out, she's. I hope she listens to this and understands that kids need books.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they need an education. Kat Kat, hurry up If you're watching. Yeah, if you're watching.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, come on, that's so funny.

Speaker 1:

I love that she can do that for herself. That's amazing.

Speaker 3:

Isn't that amazing. I love that and like how she sounds like tired, what she's thinking about it. She's like, yeah, that's a lot. I don't know if I'll do that again the next year. She's going to be like 180 guys, 180.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if she doesn't hit 201 point, I'm going to be disappointed, yeah, but I know what she mean.

Speaker 3:

Like I went like a week and a bit ago I had one of my buddies wrote me down the river the whole day and the whole day of casting a big streamer and I was like, huh, I'm a little tired.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Would I do it again, and again, and again, for sure. But was I tired? Yeah, it took it out of me, for sure 100%. Yeah, do you do much streamer fishing.

Speaker 1:

I've tried it. I've done a little bit. I feel like my single hand cast should be a little bit better to do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, we can always improve.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, I haven't really done it a whole lot just because, like I don't know, I kind of like, once they sort of know an area, I kind of stick to them, unless someone like shows me other places. But for the most part, like I'm I'm, I'm definitely used to doing like the sort of cast and swing method.

Speaker 3:

Yeah well, and you can't? It's hard to stream our fish from the bank, especially on our river, I know that. Other rivers that people have around the world that streamer fishing from the bank is totally a normal thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did. I did do streamer fishing when I went out with Tristan once.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and did you get one? No, well, I yes.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Branch is what I meant. You got a branch. Yeah, yeah, you found your way.

Speaker 1:

the notorious stickfish, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I didn't know. You're a part of the government, part of the branch committee, but the branch Community still in it.

Speaker 1:

I have managed to actually catch a rock. Didn't know that was possible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, those things. And they.

Speaker 1:

They don't fight very well, but they, they always win one time one story boat, a rock and a steelheading trip I Like casted and I was like swinging through this run and then I feel like, and I'm like I was like it's not fair and I like said it and then it's like my Line still doing this, but it's not really like running or fighting. Hmm and like my me and my body are like, is that?

Speaker 1:

a fish like we couldn't figure it out for the first like few seconds. And he's like start reeling. So I reel it in and like nothing's really fighting back and I'm like what the hell? But then it starts bobbing again. I'm like what is happening? And so finally we get it in closer. Sure enough, the like hook part of my like hook went Into this small little crack in this rock and it got stuck, and so every time I was reeling it in it was dropping in the river and bouncing. So I thought it was a fish and not was just a rock so wait, you landed a rock.

Speaker 3:

I landed a rock. That might be, that's insane, that's insanity. You actually landed a rock. Most people can't say they landed a rock.

Speaker 1:

I landed a rock.

Speaker 3:

Wow. Yeah hey, that is amazing, that is truly amazing.

Speaker 1:

I have hit the like. I'm the top of stick fishing now with the rock with yeah, well, you know, and rock beats scissors.

Speaker 3:

So good luck people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

That's hilarious. I've I've almost landed a rock. It once came close and then it yeah off, but you actually landed a rock, do you know?

Speaker 1:

how many?

Speaker 3:

people have tried to land a rock in their life and it's never been successful. I Did, I've, I've hooked enough branches in the water that, oh yeah, like wiggling and you think it's a fish, and then you're like, oh, it's a branch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or you're like you feel something, because your line kind of stops here like yeah, and you're like no, it's a stick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or the branch that you hook in the right way so it like drags to the left or through the right, and you're like this fish is weak, but it's moving at least, and you're like, oh, it's a branch.

Speaker 1:

You're like cool.

Speaker 3:

What is that? Is that a fish? Oh no, it's a branch.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I've done that, like when you're like sight fishing for for shout or whatever, and you're like there's a big one down there. You're like, no, it's a log.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, and I've also done it the other way, where I'm like, oh, that's a, that's a stick, yeah and then it swims away. I'm like, oh, damn it, that's a fish. Yeah, they are pretty good at camouflaging themselves. So yeah, it's impressive, it's quite impressive.

Speaker 1:

Especially, I've seen steelhead like. I saw steelhead ones under a log and Like the only way you could see it was because of its tail just that slight flutter a little flick of the tail, that was it. I was like Could only see, like, maybe like this much of his tail, like and just this, just a little twitch that I find that the day.

Speaker 3:

I remember the day that I went out with my buddy, zach, and I was like how do you see these fish? Like I never see them. And he's yeah, dude, just like you got to look for its tail, I'm also like Fucking tails, like with the shit man, yeah. And so I'm like looking in the water and he's like see you right there, right there, look at that. And I was like look man, like you're just you're messing with me right now. You're pointing at water. Yeah, you're pointing at nothing.

Speaker 3:

And I was like I kept staring and staring and he's like he got closer to me and like was like no, right there, yeah, I'm like looking, and I was like oh, oh, and then I was like oh, okay, and he's like, yeah, you see, like that, that little tail just moving, no little bit, yeah. And then after that now I can spot those fish, but it's interesting to is like Brown trout and like somewhat clear water Are hard to spot, but then now you see the smudge in the water and you're like oh, so rounds, you're looking for a smudge, yeah, head, you're looking for this like, basically, a rock that has a tail.

Speaker 3:

Essentially, yeah, depending on, obviously, if they're colored up or if they're Changed as and same for any species. I guess that's in the river or an address. But then Sam, and you're like, oh, there's 20.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you see like.

Speaker 3:

You're like there's 20 to 100 right there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, or they're just popping out constantly. You're like I think there's a pot of salmon where all those salmon are jumping out. And then you like look over, like yeah and then you cast out at them and then they all spread away from your fly. Yeah, they all like move down. You're just like mm-hmm. Yeah, of course. And then you extend your leader, Put on a smaller like high rop or yeah and then they move further.

Speaker 1:

You know what you do. You have a body that fishes one side. You fish the other side.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, you gotta yeah. So you're above. You scared the fish down to him and you go for your recast right as he casts. Yeah, they come back up and then they take your fly. You go to fish and then they get scared. They go down to him, he gets a fish. Yeah, I mean, everyone's in fish. It's great I do salmon.

Speaker 3:

That's how that's salmon fishing. Okay, so, like that is, when did you want our book to come out? By the way, we should start looking into this, because I think we just wrote the whole thing. Any day yeah, how to catch salmon how to catch salmon 101. Yeah, a cat and Andrew story beautiful yeah.

Speaker 1:

What to do. Yeah, yeah, I even have. I even have a video on YouTube of me showing how to fill a set salmon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, do you like cooking salmon as well?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I like cooking.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I like cooking, that's I like doing smoke salmon too. Oh, how do you do it, like in a smoker? Do you have a traditional way? I?

Speaker 1:

have. I have, like you know, one of those like little chief ones or whatever they are.

Speaker 3:

No, I don't even know about this thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. Well, they're probably really old cuz they've got some Inappropriate.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, I heard the word and we won't.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like yeah, exactly yeah. So one of my, one of my neighbors he's he's a big-time fly fisherman and he gave me one of his smokers that he had from like the 80s, I'm pretty sure, and and it, oh my god, it works like a hot damn. It's so good. So I usually do like more of like a like, more of like a dry smoke. Yeah, I'm not, I'm not a huge fan of like the wet smoke, like locks not my favorite. So I do more of the dry. So it's like you do the brine for so long and then smoke for so long and then I Just adjust what kind of wood chips I use.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you just outranked me on knowledge of what you do, so I'm impressed already and Now I need to get a smoker.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I've been telling myself that I've been needing to get a Smoker and then we'll see other one like a meat dryer or whatever. Oh, yeah, dehydrator dehydrator to make the jerky.

Speaker 1:

Well, nowadays you can get air fires that have dehydrators and everything in them.

Speaker 3:

I Wow, you're truly blowing my mind right now.

Speaker 1:

I've got you on the rock Smoking salmon.

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh, that's two right there.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We're set the air fryer slash dehydrator, just mind blown this whole time. I'm going to start writing some stuff down because once we get past three, that's a lot for me to remember.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, we got one more.

Speaker 3:

What's? Do you have any trips coming up that you're planning, or are you taking it lax after going to Alaska?

Speaker 1:

Oh, alaska, I need to. I'm still like on the fly from Alaska, so I need a little downtime. But I think my next one will probably be like something with Tristan, like doing winter steelheading. Like something probably just more local.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome, tristan. I just helped you out there, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if he listens, but if he does, he'll hear this yeah, you're like.

Speaker 1:

You owe me an commission.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you need to take me out now on the steelhead. Catch me one, right? If he can just catch me one, pass me the rod. Once it's hooked, I'll sit there on my nice chair as I relax on his mat. There you go. He'll be nice. He'll be a good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's how it gets done.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's steelhead fishing for you. Yeah, no, that's sweet. Yeah, that's a good trip. Do you know when you'd want to go? Or is this just a thought and process that you're still?

Speaker 1:

watching. I'm probably going to steam, because probably around like mid January, because that's kind of like when my birthday rolls around. So, I think it should be a birthday trip.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's not a bad time to be out there do you. Yeah so maybe steelhead is your spirit animal and you don't even know yet.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, oh.

Speaker 3:

Maybe, and what about? I'm totally blanking on your dog's name. Let's talk about your dog real quick, Just a.

Speaker 1:

Okay, miss Indy. Well, I have technically have two, but one's like old and elderly and she stays at home.

Speaker 3:

So he's a home dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's the home dog. She holds the fork down while we go fishing.

Speaker 3:

Okay, okay, yeah, and Indy how old's Indy.

Speaker 1:

Indy's about a year and a half. She's just a bay bay.

Speaker 3:

Just a little bay bay. Yeah, just a little bay, bay and then a year and a half, and she was a bulldog no.

Speaker 1:

She's a. She's a Boston Terrier.

Speaker 3:

Boston Terrier. That's it yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I was going to guess like eight more names before I got there, but I should know Boston Terrier. Well, she's kind of weird looking, so Well, and I only saw her for a second with the, like you know, up close but and so she's going to be the fishing dog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's already gone out. I took her out to beach fishing this summer and it was so funny because, like, she's like my little shadow. So when I was standing in the ocean she wanted to be right beside me, but it was too deep because I was like knee height and so she was just literally swimming around me in circles. Well, I was trying to cast. I was like okay, this is not working.

Speaker 3:

Am I doing this right, mom? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

She's like trying to jump up on me and I'm like, okay, I'm like mom's not fishing, this isn't helping yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's funny.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

My dog Cosmo would. He's not so much now, he's pretty old and actually sad times. He got ran over kind of by a vehicle recently. So he's old and somehow he didn't break any bones, wow, and he is in recovery. He's half-shaven now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, poor little guy yeah.

Speaker 3:

He's got a lot of issues prior and now again, so everyone needs to send love to Cosmo, but Cosmo was like the best the best. Obviously, your own dog is always the best, just like a kid, or anything Non-bias. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3:

But he used to like. Zach and Cosmo are like very close as well, besties for sure. Cosmo used to like always come fishing with us and he loved being out there. But when we were at the beach he would do that kind of shit where you'd be too deep and he would like all of a sudden be like swimming around you or close to you, just like guys. Guys, it's deep here, I know.

Speaker 1:

It was like you're just like I'm fine.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm fine right now and I'm trying to fish. But it was funny because there's this one time where Cosmo was up on the beach, kind of just strolling around doing his dog thing, and me and Zach were keeping a few pinks and we put them up on the beach and the tide was coming in and some like seagulls were coming to them and Cosmo kept the seagulls away and then the water was coming up and taking our fish. So Cosmo like grabbed the fish and like brought it back to the bank. And that's when we realized we were like oh yeah, he's one of the boys. Yeah, smart dude. Yeah, he's on the same thing. He's like.

Speaker 3:

I got you guys. You guys keep fishing. I'll watch the fish. That's amazing. It was good and he has actually caught a fish, but it was when I released the fish.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if it counts.

Speaker 3:

But like he was a distance away from me and he just like speared in and grabbed the pink salmon and I was like, oh, I'm keeping that one now. I guess You're like that one's coming home yeah he like walked back, all like yeah, did it guys, me too.

Speaker 1:

He's like look, I got a fish. And you're like not the way that we do it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I was like, oh, I don't know, I didn't have my limit, so it worked out.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, that's funny, I love that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he was so proud I've seen him catch a tadpole like he put his feet on the tadpole and then put his mouth in and he like had the tadpole in his mouth and he was like I don't like this anymore, I've been dropped, he'd probably be pretty slimy, oh yeah. No, no, he's not a tadpole hunter anymore, so no no, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

My youngest just likes to eat random things. That's the only downside.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Well, in Cosmo it would always roll in the fish, oh the blue Dead fish. Yeah, and so that smell is hard to get out. The last season I was taking him out because like eight hours, 10 hours in a day is just too much for him to be out. Yeah, following us through the bushes and trip. But yeah, he just rolled in so many salmon and had pink eye for like six months literally six months of pink eye because he just would like roll in it and then he lick it and then lick his arm and then wipe his face.

Speaker 3:

And I was like dude, like if you just understood how much, how much that I drop shit I have to like pay for and then you don't want to take it, like if that, if you could correlate what's going on to why you have pink eye, yeah, wouldn't be doing that, dude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're like, I don't have to keep doing eye drops for six months.

Speaker 3:

Well, and I guess quick update to like Cosmo. But Cosmo is doing good now. He's like on week and a bit of recovery and he's moving around, going back down to the farm hanging out with people and like, oh, that's good, back to dogging.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, as long as he's eating, drinking and doing his thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's like. I've always said that he is like the giraffe from Madagascar.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

That just like assumes he has a big problem like a disease or something. So every once a year at least, he kind of tries to off himself in one way or another.

Speaker 1:

He's keeping you on your toes for every year.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, it like one time we went to the one you know, we went up islands, so we were like I was four hours from home.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And we're out fishing and we're with the boys it was all good. And we're walking back to the car and there's Cosmo like following behind us. Yeah, Like sidestepping. It looked like he was doing some kind of like new age dance and I was like he looked drunk.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I was like oh no, are you kidding me? Like I'm so far away it's already like 5pm yeah, like what's wrong, so I get him in the car. We all decide that, like you know, everybody Ryan's there, ryan has dog. He's like dude, I would be running home right now and take him to the vet. So I did so, stopped at a McDonald's and got like a cheeseburger and like a plain cheeseburger, just to like here. Cosmo, like you know, if you're drunk, this will help.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, eat something.

Speaker 3:

He wasn't drunk and get to the vet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And the vet's like like the hospital is so expensive, the vet hospital. And the vet's like your dog's stoned, your dog's so high.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, he had some of the merit he wanted.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it wasn't mine.

Speaker 3:

I knew it wasn't mine because I don't throw like, I just knew it wasn't mine. Yeah, and none of my friends. And she was like I think it ate an edible and I was like I didn't have it.

Speaker 2:

I was like I wasn't on edible.

Speaker 3:

You didn't share Cosmo. What the heck? Yeah, and she's like. He'll be fine. Just take him home and give him lots of water. He might want food. You know, I was like well I feel like my mom once did this for me. Thanks, mom.

Speaker 1:

It's come full circle.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was like wow, is this what's having kids is like when they grow up into teenage?

Speaker 1:

No that actually, yeah, that same thing happened with my older dog, not like not when she was older, she was a bit younger and yet I came home and it was it was my own fault. She got into something that was mine. That was my bad pet owner moment. And yeah, I came home and then like she's like very treat orientated, like she'll take a treat for anything, and so it was like giving it to her and she was like she'd go like this and like put her head back and like shaking her head, like what the hell was going on and she's like I ain't eating your brownie lady.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's like like it looked like she was having a fucking seizure or something and so like, and this was, oh, this was during COVID. This is when it was. It was during COVID. And so, like no one's open right, like so I called the vet. I'm like, um, I have an emergency. But at this time I didn't know she had eaten, and like an edible, and I was like what the hell's happening? And so, like she's like, well, just keep her calm. Like, if you're not in distress, like just keep her comfortable. I was like, okay, and then, like an hour later, I'm like it was. I'm like, oh, no, it might I think it's cannabis. And then, sure as shit, they do the test at the vet and that's what it was. So I was like, oh no, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, and it's crazy that it's like it can be dangerous. I guess not like, but it can be dangerous for a dog. But it's like Possemo's been around me and like I don't really smoke pot. Um these days I don't do pot anymore guys.

Speaker 3:

I don't, I don't. I will once in a while. But I used to be a massive stoner and so, like he had always been around like roaches and stuff, and that's the only thing I thought could have happened, was he ate a roach of mine but at the same time like why would he once eat this roach? Why?

Speaker 2:

would so.

Speaker 3:

I think he found a piece of an edible on the ground at the river, because that's a very good spot that people would eat edibles is at the river Plus. We were up in, you know up islands, you know those people, those people always eating animals. And uh yeah, so he was just stoned out of his mind, walking around, Like he was legitimately, like his left foot would go where his right foot would need to go and and like crossing his legs over, like trying to walk forward to us and like stop and like start shaking and I just was like is he dying?

Speaker 1:

You know, well, I had a story of one of my friends I gave. Well, I wasn't. I wasn't around for this story. I just heard of it that they gave their dog like mushrooms.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1:

I was like are you trying to kill your pet?

Speaker 3:

Well, and I mean that dog probably never saw reality the same way.

Speaker 1:

Oh, probably not. I couldn't even fathom what a dog would think.

Speaker 3:

Well, I can already. All I can imagine a dog thinking right now is like my friend, oh, you got food.

Speaker 1:

I'm like that feels good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, on shrooms it would be like this shit's weird guys. Yeah, it probably started talking in English. Yeah, I've heard of some weird things happening. They're like yeah, I've heard of like a dog that ate a brick of hash once, oh God, and it was basically laid there for two days. Oh, just like perma fried. All we've learned from this podcast is don't give your dog cannabis. Don't give your dog cannabis. Airfire and dehumidifier or whatever. Yeah, different ways of cooking. Yeah, the smoker, not the old ones with the like wrong terminology as a name.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the inappropriate things on it and how to catch salmon.

Speaker 3:

So I hope that was enough for a good show. I'd say it's enough.

Speaker 1:

People need to know how to fish. Yeah, keep their dogs on drugs.

Speaker 3:

Appropriate cannabis consumption yeah.

Speaker 1:

And being responsible. Uh-huh and appropriate Um appropriations of cultures.

Speaker 3:

Yes, wow, this was maybe the most educational episode I've ever had. That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

Well, and your only guess to catch a rock, and land it.

Speaker 3:

That's true. This is really elevated in us. Wow, I'm proud of us right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've done good. We've done good Andrew.

Speaker 3:

We've done good. That's so good, that's hilarious. Well, katie, I definitely early, appreciate you coming on, but now we're getting loopy and weird because it's almost bedtime for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're both.

Speaker 3:

we're both solely declining, we're talking about dogs getting high on on drugs. I think this is a good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, how do we go from like hey, how'd you? Get into fishing?

Speaker 3:

Hey dogs eat shrooms. Dogs eat shrooms. Yeah, that dog never saw. Never saw the world the same.

Speaker 1:

No, he probably didn't.

Speaker 3:

When I eat shrooms, which doesn't happen very often these days, but when I was younger and I ate shrooms and then thinking about being a dog and doing it, that's, that's a deep breath, like, and you can't even like if your buddy was freaking out on shrooms, you could at least be like hey man, you're okay, you call this. Yeah, you got this. Like just here, have some water, you know have a talk of this marijuana.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, your dog's just losing and you can't even level with him. You quickly eat shrooms too, like I got to get on his level, so we're the same guys, and then you see them playing poker in the living room. Yeah, you're like, oh, that's how it happened. Oh, wow, that's so good. I appreciate it. Yeah, no, it was a lot of fun chatting with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, same, andrew, anytime.

Speaker 3:

Anytime. Yeah Well, I'm sure I'll do one of those group things again. I like the group ones, so yeah, they're totally fun. Yeah, they're a good time, they're a hoot, as people would say.

Speaker 1:

Oh, totally yeah. Hoot nanny, hoot nanny, hoot nanny.

Speaker 3:

Hoot nanny, hoot, nanny. Right on Katie. I keep wanting to say cat.

Speaker 1:

And I'm sorry, it's all good.

Speaker 3:

I said it once earlier, but I knew you knew what I meant. But cat's going to hear it and she's going to be like Andrew, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, cat Katie it's.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm going to blame her because she wasn't even in the library to help educate me with the book, so that's her fault.

Speaker 1:

She's too busy out fishing.

Speaker 3:

She's too busy out fishing. Yeah, ha ha ha, right on. Well, you have a great night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you too, Andrew. Yeah, we'll chat soon. Yeah, sounds great. Have a great night.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to Dead Drifter Society. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any future episodes. In the meantime, keep up with the show and get to know Andrew on Instagram at deaddriftersociety. Until next time.

Speaker 3:

And there you have it. That was Katie Dow, so if you want to go follow her adventure along on Instagram, it's underscore miss Katie. And Katie has two E's at the end and then another underscore, so underscore miss Katie. Underscore. I'll have the link in the description if you want to go follow along. As always, if there's anyone else you'd like to hear on the podcast, shoot me a message over at deaddriftersociety on Instagram, facebook and Gmail and I will see what I can do. Until next time, I'll catch you later.

Steelhead Fishing and Hairdressing Careers
Learning to Fly Fish
Discussion on Fishing Techniques and Preferences
Instagram and Fishing Adventures
Discussion on Fishing, Smokers, and Dogs
Dogs and Cannabis Use