Telling The TRUTH

08-18-2024 Telling The TRUTH

August 18, 2024 TTT Christian Youth Ministries
08-18-2024 Telling The TRUTH
Telling The TRUTH
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Telling The TRUTH
08-18-2024 Telling The TRUTH
Aug 18, 2024
TTT Christian Youth Ministries


“Being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” That’s how Colossians 1:10 verse ends. The apostle Paul was writing to the church of Colossae, and he wanted to encourage them. And he asked them, as I’m asking you, to be fruitful in every good work and to increase in the knowledge of God. How do you increase in His knowledge? You open His Word every day. You let God speak to you through the Bible. And you look at what the Word of God has to say to you. And then you hide God’s Word in your heart by memorizing scripture. And then you share your faith. You tell other people how they too can get to heaven. And If you don’t know how, I’ll tell you. Admit you’ve sinned. Believe on Christ. Confess Him publicly. And when you’ve done that, you can tell other people how they, too, can do that. So be fruitful in every good work. There are good things to do. There are people in need. And you can do something about it. And increase in the knowledge of God. How? By praying and reading the Word of God, then putting it into effect in your heart first and in your life. Live for God and watch Him make you usable and use you. You can make an impact on your world, person by person by person.