Telling The TRUTH

08-24-2024 Telling The TRUTH

TTT Christian Youth Ministries


“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible.” That’s Colossians 1:16 NKJV, the first part of the verse. What a wonderful thing that is to know, that by Him all things – not some things, not most things – all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth. Wow. Visible and invisible. That’s a message from God’s Word to you and to me, to let us know that He is the Creator of the universe. In the beginning God created. And He continued to build the world in which we live, and all the things that exist. God is God. And so because He is, we need to follow Him, to believe on Him, to confess Him publicly before others. Are you willing to give everything to Him? I hope you are, because by Him all things were created, including you and me. God loves us. And Jesus died after living perfectly, being born of a virgin, He was buried, and He rose again, and He’s coming back. Visible and invisible, God is in charge. Have you allowed Him to be in charge of you, and your life, and your circumstances? Maybe your family, maybe your friends don’t know Him. You can tell them about Him, and He will move in and change everything about anyone who will believe on Him, turning to Him from their sins.