Telling The TRUTH

09-21-2024 Telling The TRUTH

TTT Christian Youth Ministries

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

Listen to 2 Timothy 3:12 NKJV: “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” Are you ready for that? It will happen. It’s been promised to happen. But you have a decision to make. Do you have a desire to live godly in Christ Jesus? If you do, go for it. But understand that persecution is probably going to come your way, sooner than you expect. In the meanwhile, keep praying. Keep trusting. Keep sharing God’s glorious Gospel with every person you possibly can. God wants to make you usable, and He wants to use you for His reasoning with people who don’t have the reason to know that they’re headed for heaven. Will you pray for people? Will you pray for God’s guidance for you? Even for His gumption for you, to keep going with the Gospel, even though you are headed for persecution, probably sooner than you ever thought would happen to you? Put on the whole armor of God. Stand against the wiles of the devil. And having done all, stand. Know that God wants to make you usable and He wants to use you to reach others for Him. Will you?

Christ through you can change the world!