Telling The TRUTH

09-28-2024 Telling The TRUTH

TTT Christian Youth Ministries

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

Listen to 2 Timothy 4:2. If you are a believer, this is for you. “Preach the word. Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and teaching.” NKJV

I want you to know that God can use you to be a convincer, a rebuker, an exhorter, and to have all longsuffering and teaching, if you really love the Lord Jesus Christ. Preach the Word – whether you are standing behind a pulpit, whether you are speaking one-on-one to somebody – no matter what your circumstance or your situation, that means communicate Christianity effectively. Every Saturday, I have the opportunity to preach the Word to teenagers, and some preteens, and some post-teens. And we give the invitation; we present the Gospel with an opportunity to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And week by week, we are seeing youth say yes to Jesus. The vision: Every youth, before turning 20, to have the opportunity to hear the invitation to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ – to hear the Gospel, and to believe on Christ. Will you pray with us and for us, and be a part of all of this by sharing the truth … to preach the Word?

Christ through you can change the world!