Telling The TRUTH

10-13-2024 Telling The TRUTH

TTT Christian Youth Ministries

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

Be careful who you listen to. Make certain that you are in tune with the Lord. Have you admitted you are a sinner? Have you turned to Jesus from your sins? Have you truly believed on Him? Have you told other people about Him – and that He died for them, was buried, and rose again; and they, by believing on Him, could have everlasting life by turning to Jesus from their sins, asking for forgiveness, and receiving God’s gift of eternal life? If that hasn’t happened, it can. If it has happened, surround yourself with some other people with whom you can share God’s blessings and His Word. Proverbs 12:15 NKJV says: “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise.” So make certain that you have wise people around you; that you are wise enough to involve yourself in relationships with people who believe the Bible is totally true. And then together read, heed, and go with the Word of God to people around you in desperate need. You can if you will. It’s up to you.  Heed wise counsel. It’s available. People are available who love the Lord. Surround yourself with them, prayerfully, daily. And watch God work wonderfully.

Christ through you can change the world!