Ideas Have Consequences

Understanding the Times and Seasons by Darrow Miller

Disciple Nations Alliance Episode 24

The men of Issachar are described in the Bible as having an understanding of their times and knowledge about what to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). This is no time to sit passively, expecting the Lord to accomplish His work apart from His people. Jesus is not only the Lamb of God; He is the Lion of Judah, the Victor, and the Dragon Slayer. We must not fear going into dark and hard places as His representatives. Ungodly cultures are breeding death and destruction, but we have a culture of life to share. Our times have shifted dramatically, and this important teaching from DNA’s co-founder, Darrow Miller, will help you think critically so that you can respond to the calling He has for you in these times.

Darrow Miller:

We know that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We know that he is the Lamb of God. These are true, but Jesus is also the Lion of Judah. He is also the Dragon slayer. This is Jesus.

Luke Allen:

Hi friends, welcome to Ideas have Consequences, the podcast of the Disciple Nations Alliance. My name's Luke and the podcast crew, and I absolutely love bringing you guys these weekly discussions. But just to give you some background, here at the DisciplesNations Alliance or DNA in the big scheme of things the guys you hear regularly on this show Scott Allen, darrell Miller and Dwight Vogt are all pretty new to this dialogue discussion style of podcasting because for the majority of the DNA's existence they have all been teachers traveling the world and teaching on the power of biblical worldview to transform nations. With that said, I thought it would be fun this week to share with you guys a teaching that Darrow Meller just gave a few weeks ago at the YWAM University of the Nations base in Kona, hawaii. In this teaching, darrow tackles the important question of understanding the times and the seasons we live in and how to be a faithful Christian in this unique cultural moment that we live in.

Luke Allen:

I hope you enjoy it, but before I press play, I wanted to let anyone who's new know what this show Ideas have Consequences is all about, which is to examine how our mission as Christians is to not only spread the gospel around the world to all the nations, but our mission also includes to be the hands and feet of God, to transform the nations to increasingly reflect the truth, goodness and beauty of God's kingdom. Tragically, the church has largely neglected this second part of her mission and today most Christians have little influence on their surrounding cultures. Join us on this podcast as we rediscover what it means for each of us to disciple the nations and to create Christ-honoring cultures that reflect the character of the living God.

Darrow Miller:

Hello YWAM. It's good to be back on campus. My wife Marilyn, and I have been coming here for over 30 years, so it's good to be here on campus again and to be with the YWAM family. We have been so blessed over the years by this ministry, challenged by it, encouraged by it, and it's really fun to be here with you. I do want to share with you some things that I've been reflecting on in understanding the times and seasons in which we live.

Darrow Miller:

We all know the passage in 1 Chronicles 12, 32, that the men of Issachar had an understanding of their times to know what Israel ought to do. We need to have an understanding of our times in order for us to know, whether it's individually or corporately or as a mission. We need to have an understanding of our times to know what we're to do. One of the questions that I've been wrestling with is what ought the church to be in these days facing some of the evils that are in front of us? Are we to merely pray and wait for God? Too often we're passive and we just say Lord, you work, we'll wait. Or are we willing to pray and then follow Jesus Christ, the victor, the Lion of Judah, into the very gates of hell. And one of the things I've seen in YWAM over the years is bases that are not afraid to go into the dark places, the hard places, and be there for Jesus Christ. I have been overwhelmed at times with some of the courage I have seen in some YWAM bases around the world. It's just there, there, on the front lines. As we have these, as we're thinking about these things, there's a continuum between the culture of life and the culture of death, and every nation is somewhere on that line and every person is somewhere on that line. A culture of life is born out of an understanding that God exists and he has made us in His image and he's made us to live. And the other side, the culture of death, is born out of a negation of God, saying there is no God or there's tiny, small gods. We want to be fighting for the culture of life and standing against the of death. In Psalm 135, 15 through 18, it says that we build nations, have idols of silver and gold made with human hands and at the end, verse 18, it says those who make them become like them. We become like the gods that we worship. We become like the gods that we worship. Culture is derived from worship, and you can look at a culture and analyze the culture and get a sense of what that culture worships. What is the nature of that God?

Darrow Miller:

The world in which we're entering now, or the era of history that we're entering now, began a hundred years ago in Frankfurt, germany. Ideas take time, ideas have consequences, ideas shape lives. Ideas build nations of certain character. And 100 and a hundred years ago in Frankfurt, germany, in the Frankfurt School of Social Research, there was a group of young men and women who wanted to change the world. They were Marxists, but not economic Marxists. They were cultural Marxists. They said simply an economic revolution, a communist economic revolution, would not change the world. You're not going to change the world unless you change the culture. And they set about to change the culture and we are living at the moment where the ideas that they articulated 100 years ago are blossoming in front of our very eyes. We know this movement as cultural Marxism. Some people call it critical theory, some postmodernism. The more popular name is wokeism. If you've heard of wokeness and being woke, this is coming from a hundred years ago in the Frankfurt School of Social Research. In the Frankfurt School of Social Research.

Darrow Miller:

There are three Christians who are public intellectuals you might call them. They're thinkers, and I want to refer to them in what I share with you tonight. One is a man named Aaron Wren, and he analyzed what was going on in the world and he said there's three worlds of evangelicalism and I want to look at those for a moment. Another is a man named Nathan Stone, and he basically says the church needs new symbols. We're living off of symbols from another generation and we need new symbols.

Darrow Miller:

And the third is a man who lived many years ago, gk Chesterton those of you that have read the Lord of the Rings, chesterton was the mentor of Tolkien and CS Lewis. So if you've read Lewis and Tolkien, you've heard from Chesterton. And Chesterton was known as the Prince of Paradox and he said we need to live within the full boundary of the biblical message. So let's look at the messages of these three men for a few moments together. First, the three worlds of evangelicalism. This, we could say is the context of the church for the last several hundred years, and Aaron Wren said the church was in the positive world and then it moved to the negative world, to the neutral world and then to the negative world world and then to the negative world.

Darrow Miller:

The positive world was from we're talking now he's talking to Americans, north Americans was from the beginning of the United States until 1994. This was the era of what we call the Judeo-Christian worldview. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the word worldview or understand what it means, but it means that this book this book is what shaped the world and society was. As Wren says, society at large retains a mostly positive view of Christianity. It was Christianity that built the United States and the Christian moral norms were the basic moral norms of society, were the basic moral norms of society. So Christianity was positively viewed in the world, and that was up until the time of 1994. I don't know if I would say that I would exactly agree with his date, but the concept from the founding of the nation to 1994, there was a Judeo-Christian worldview.

Darrow Miller:

Harvard University has been in the news lately. I don't know if you've been following what's going on on many campuses around the country, but Harvard University has been right in the middle of that. But Harvard was the first college founded in the United States and it was founded by the Puritans, the Christians, who understood the importance of education. And if you look at the Harvard seal, there were three books on the Harvard seal and there was a reason for that because the reformers were pursuing truth and the Puritans, who were the children of the reformers, were pursuing truth, and universities existed for the pursuit of truth, and Harvard's understood that to pursue truth, there were three books you needed to read. One was the book of Revelation, the Bible, and then you needed to study the book of reality. This God has made the world, he's made reality and we can learn from studying reality something about God's nature and His purpose. And the third book was the book of reason, and these three books were what shaped the future for the looking of the concept of truth, and those three books were important in this positive world.

Darrow Miller:

The next was 1994 to 2014. This is the modern era and the modern era was defined by Darwin and evolution. There is no God, so the book of Revelation is gone. There's two books left Reason and Reality, and man thought he could know everything there was to know, beginning with himself, not God, and he could use his reason and science to study reality. And in this point of history we were living as Christians in a neutral world. There was a playing field where Christians could compete and discuss with other people the claims, truth claims, and Christianity was in this frame of a neutral world. It was one of many positive things that could be discussed in the public square.

Darrow Miller:

Wren comes now to 2014, to the present time, and this is the world that we are beginning to live in and, in some cases, fully living in. It's the negative world. It's postmodernism. There are no books left. Postmoderns have not only thrown out the Bible, they deny reality and they deny reason, probably the place where we see this most clearly. A person can be born a male and they could say I imagine myself to be a female, and they can go and seek to become a female. It's called gender identity and transgenderism and this world has a very negative view of Christianity because Christians have a moral framework and that moral framework stands against the postmodern world. So Christians are viewed in this world negatively.

Darrow Miller:

The cultural Marxists the methods they use part of what they do is rewrite history. We've seen in the United States young people tearing down statues of historic people. They want to deny history and rewrite history. Part of the way they do it is through new vocabulary. There's a sociological saying if you want to change a nation, you first have to change the vocabulary, and we are seeing this virtually everywhere. With new words are being introduced, old words have lost their meaning. With new words are being introduced, old words have lost their meaning.

Darrow Miller:

Marriage, for instance, in this book, means a relationship, a covenantal relationship between a man and a woman for life before God. That's what marriage has meant. Today, marriage can be anything two men, two women, a woman and a dog. Somebody could marry a plant. In Japan. They are starting to build female robots and some men in Japan are marrying robots. Japan are marrying robots. This is the world we're entering and the word marriage has been totally redefined. So new words are created and old words are redefined.

Darrow Miller:

There's an all-out attack on Judeo-Christianity and the work to destroy the basic institutions that have been founded from this book, and the biggest thing that we're facing today is the conscious destruction of the natural family. That we're facing today is the conscious destruction of the natural family. The natural family a man and a woman and their children is the basic building block for a society, and if the family is healthy, the society will be healthy. If the family is broken, the society will be broken, and this postmodernism is working hard to destroy the concept of the natural family Symbols. This is part of what Stone is saying.

Darrow Miller:

There's old symbols that we have looked to to understand who we are, and he talks about the covenant relationship between God and the people who came to found the United States, and they had the Mayflower Compact, which was a covenant for the people who were coming to the New World. And then they developed a constitution, and the constitution was another form of government saying how we are going to live together before God, and so the old symbol was a people living before the face of God and deliberately working for the common good. Another one of the old symbols is the city on a hill. Remember, jesus talks about don't put your light under a bushel basket, and we are to be a city on a hill. And that concept of the city on the hill was propagated by John Winthrop, the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Company, and we've had a number of presidents throughout history who have gone back to the symbol of this country being a city on a hill to provide a light to the world. Lincoln, obama, ronald Reagan, john Kennedy, all use this image, this symbol of a city on the hill, to say this is who we are as a nation. But those symbols do not hold much weight today, and Nathan Stone says we need to replace the old symbols with new symbols that recognize the reality of where we are today.

Darrow Miller:

When I read this from Nathan Stone, I was not liking what he said and challenged by it. The first symbol is a wasteland. We live in a wasteland. The second symbol is that evil dwells in the wasteland. And the third symbol is Christ the warrior king. And the third symbol is Christ the warrior king. The wilderness is a wasteland. We live in a wasteland. This is one of the bombed out cities. I think it's in Ukraine. It could be a bombed out city in Gaza, but we live in a wasteland today.

Darrow Miller:

When Mother Teresa came to the United States years ago, she came to New York City and I was a young man, but I remember something she said. She said she's never seen such poverty in New York City, anywhere else in the world, and she's a woman who lived and worked in Calcutta. What did she mean? It wasn't physical poverty, it was moral and spiritual poverty, and that was the real poverty that was growing in the United States. Nathan Stone describes it this way the classical Christian civilization that grew up here from 1620 onwards had been brutally burned, with only a few green vestiges and cloisters left, leaving most of us with a smoldering wasteland. You look at some of our inner cities. You look at some of the cities like Oregon, portland, oregon and San Francisco, and these cities are becoming wastelands, cities that were at one time beautiful. They're filled with trash and graffiti and people are moving out of these cities. They're becoming a wasteland.

Darrow Miller:

We live in a postmodern culture and this book here was believed. People looked for truth. Their whole life was often in the pursuit of truth. Today we live in a post-truth world. Truth is no longer looked for. We live in a post-moral world. I was shocked a couple of years ago when I was in Panama City with a group of young people there are about 140, 150 young people from 12 Latin American countries and in the lecture I was giving I used the phrase that we live in a moral universe and afterwards one of the pastors and one of the leaders who asked me to come and speak, he said you know, darrell, when you talked about a moral universe, these Christians had no idea what you were talking about. These were all kids that had grown up in the church or had become Christians and had been disciples, but the concept of a moral universe was not something they had. These were Christians. We're a time of post-beauty, where art is not necessarily beautiful anymore. It's what's unique. It's what's unique, it's what sells, and we live in a post-familial world and a post-maternal world.

Darrow Miller:

I'm having the privilege of being in the Korean Crossroads this week. We have a wonderful group, we're having a great time together yes, on your sail but one of the things that we have been talking about this week is what is happening in Korea. Korea has a birth rate I think it's about .7 babies per woman. It takes over two children per woman per woman. It takes over two children per woman to maintain a steady population. Korea is committing cultural and national suicide, and we talked about that, and it's hard to believe. A nation is committing suicide because Koreans are not forming families and they're not having children. Can you imagine an incredible country like Korea slowly dying? We must pray and work to encourage Korea and Koreans to turn this around. By the grace of God, it needs to be done, but we live in a post-maternal and post-familial age where people are not getting married or they're getting married later and they're not having children, or maybe they have a token child, one

Darrow Miller:

child. Part of the problem is pagan culture, cultures that have denied the living God, cultures that do not understand that human beings, all human beings, men and women, young and old, are all made imago Dei. They're made in the image of God, and pagan culture leads to pagan sexuality. With the Bible, sex is a beautiful thing. It's a sacred thing. We, male and female, to have sex within the confines of marriage. Today, we're redefining the relationship. The word sex is taboo because it is rooted in reality. It is rooted in male and female, in male and female, and we've moved from sex, which is reflection of biology, to gender. That's the big word today. Gender identity, gender. There's not two sexes anymore. As of 2023, there were 81 different gender identities identified in the United States Eighty-one. You can decide whatever you want to

Darrow Miller:

be. For years, I worked for a nonprofit, and nonprofit organizations have been fighting female genital mutilation around the world. Today, genital mutilation of men and women is a huge industry in the United States, a billion-dollar industry. Abortion, and now we have what's called post-birth abortion. That's infanticide, it's killing a baby that's already born. That's happening in the United States. We objectify women, we use them to sell things. We have gender side. There's over 200 million fewer women in the world than there are today. 200 million, not 2 million, not 20 million. 200 million fewer women. Where are they? Sex selection, abortion, or they're born and their family discovers the child is a baby girl and they kill it. This is going on all over the world. This is evil the killing of females simply because they're females. Pedophilia is being normalized in the United States and in Europe. Man-boy love Imagine that becoming legal

Darrow Miller:

Bestiality. And drag I don't know if you're following, but there is drag queen story hour in libraries today, where mothers will take their toddlers to the library and a drag queen will be there and read them stories. This is pagan sexuality, coming from pagan culture. There was a drag march last year in New York City and the marchers were heard to shout we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children. And the marchers were heard to shout we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children. This is intentional to get the next generation of kids. So we live in a

Darrow Miller:

wasteland. The second symbol that Stone talks about he says that the wilderness is live with the gorgon. The gorgon were Greek sisters that were female monsters and they were evil monsters that inhabited the wilderness. That was the phrase he used. We know from Paul, from Ephesians 6, 12, we wrestle not against principalities. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. It's not just that we live in a wilderness, a wasteland, but evil dwells in the wasteland Personal evil, the demonic, the devil. The third symbol is Christ the warrior king. Yes, somebody, yes, christ the Warrior

Darrow Miller:

King. We know that Jesus is the good shepherd, we know that he is the Lamb of God. As children we sing in Sunday school Jesus, gentle, jesus, meek and mild. These are true. But Jesus is also the Lion of Judah, he is also the Dragon Slayer. This is Jesus. This is Jesus. Gk Chesterton helps us to understand. How can he be the lamb and the lion, how can he be meek and mild and be a dragon slayer? And GK Chesterton, the Prince of Paradox, said this Christianity got over the difficulty of combining furious opposites by keeping them both and keeping them both furious. The church was positive on both points. Jesus is the Lamb of God and he is the Lion of Judah, the Lion of

Darrow Miller:

Judah. We see these seeming paradoxes in the Bible, but they're not paradoxes. We hold these things. This is true and this is true and we live in the reality of these two things. Christ is both God and man. The cross is the place where love and justice meets. The cross is that place. You have love, you have justice. That's the cross. That's the symbol of our faith. God is sovereign, he's absolutely sovereign, and at the same time, man has a free will and is responsible for his decisions, her decisions. Truth and love they must be held

Darrow Miller:

together. Some churches focus on truth, some churches focus on love. No, it's truth and love. It is law and grace. It is unity and diversity. As men and women, we are equal in being made in the image of God, but we're not the same. There's male, there's female. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord. Yes, just think what if there were no men? Oh, good,

Darrow Miller:

good. And Jesus is the Lion and the Lamb. He went to the cross as the Lamb of God and died. He rose from the grave and became the Lion of Judah. He is both the Lion and the Lamb and at this time where evil is rising in so many parts of the world. We need to come to understand that Jesus is the Lion of Judah. Keep this image in your mind. And Jesus said this to Peter you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my

Darrow Miller:

church. And what? The gates of hell will not prevail against it. What are the gates on a city? They're to protect the inhabitants of the city. Whose city is this? It's Satan's city. It's the gates of hell. They're defensive. Gates are defensive. The gates of hell will not prevail against the coming of the church and the coming of the kingdom of God. We are to be on the offensive, not the defensive. Satan is a defeated enemy. He was defeated at the cross and at the resurrection. Jesus defeated him when he went to the cross and that he overcame the fear of death cross and that he overcame the fear of death and in the resurrection he defeated death itself. So we no longer need to live in the fear of death. We can live in the shadow of the Almighty God. What I want to end with is something that, if we look carefully, we can see happening in our world

Darrow Miller:

today. Some of the old line liberals not the modern liberals, but the old liberals, and by old liberal I mean. These are people who are not Christians. They may be atheists, but they believe in truth, and these are people that are seeking truth. They're pursuing objective truth. The people I'm going to refer you to now would be called public intellectuals, and what they're concerned with is the devolving of Western civilization. They're watching Western civilization deteriorate and die, and some of these intellectuals have realized that this book is true. They realize that, that this book is true. They realized that the Bible is the source of the language of freedom. The Bible is the source of the language of freedom. Without the Bible, the concept of freedom wouldn't exist, and they saw that the Bible laid the foundation of Western civilization. Many of these people are, what I would say, on a journey to the cross. Some are getting pretty close to coming to Christ. Most of them were atheists. Most of them were

Darrow Miller:

atheists. Jordan Peterson Some of you know him. How many of you know that name? Good, jordan Peterson. When I began to track him, he was an atheist, professed atheist, evolutionist, but he was a very profound professor and clinical psychologist in Canada. There's not enough time to talk about him other than to say this one thing Last year he's on a journey to the cross and last year he went to the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC and when he came out of the Museum of the Bible he said you know, the Bible is not merely true, it is the foundation for the concept of truth. This is an atheist who's come to realize this book is not merely true, it's the foundation for the very concept of truth. This is very profound for someone like Jordan Peterson to come to understand

Darrow Miller:

this. Ayan Hirsi Ali Some of you know her. How many of you know that name? Yes, of course. She was a Somali-born Muslim, grew up in a radical Muslim community and she basically saw how Muslims were treating women and she decided to leave the Muslim faith of her birth and youth and she became an atheist. She went to Holland, became a member of the parliament in Holland and, under a fatwa, a sentence of death from a Muslim mullah she came to the United States fleeing for her life. Carl Truman says this about her Western civilization is under threat from three different but related forces. Forces they are resurgent authoritarianism in China and Russia, global Islamism and the viral spread of woke ideology. She declares that she has become a Christian, she calls herself a Christian. Now, from a Muslim to an atheist and now she sees herself as a Christian. I don't think she's born again in the sense that we would be saying, but she sees herself as a Christian. And this is why she became a Christian, in part because she recognized that we can't fight off these formidable forces with modern secular tools. Rather, we can only defeat these foes if we are united by a desire to uphold the legacy of the Judeo-Christian tradition, with its ideas and institutions designed to safeguard human life, freedom and dignity. To safeguard human life, freedom and dignity. She calls herself a Christian today because she realizes the implication of this book for building free and just societies and she's watching the Western world that was founded on this book

Darrow Miller:

crumbling. Tom Holland, a historian who wrote the book Dominion I read the book and he was obviously not a Christian, he was an atheist. But he wrote this book how the Christian Revolution Made the World, how the Christian Revolution Made the World. And he began to realize. He said most people are oblivious to the way in which the West Christian heritage has shaped modern education, healthcare, music, art, literature and the scientific revolution. It's Western Christian heritage that has made these institutions. And then he said, I began to realize that, actually, in almost every way. I'm a Christian. Now he doesn't mean he's born again. He doesn't know Christ but it may be if he continues on this journey he'll get to the cross cross, but he sees that the Bible and the Judeo-Christian faith is the foundation of Western culture. It's the foundation for

Darrow Miller:

freedom. Naomi Wolf, one of the leaders of the modern feminist movement, born a Jew, but she saw herself as Jewish but an atheist, and she has gone through a crisis in the last few years. And this is what she says. I was searching for the earliest English translation of the Bible from the Hebrew. She's a Jew, she knows Hebrew Because, of course, I am seeking guidance and comfort in a time of chaos and crisis. The 1560 Geneva Bible which I have been reading has completely astonished me. The Geneva Bible is incredibly subversive and liberating and awe-inspiring. I'd never heard of the Geneva Bible until I read this article, but it's the Bible that was produced by the Reformers. Reading it I understood the Puritans would give up everything and sail across unknown seas to create a sacred community in the wilderness. I understood what gave our founders the courage to challenge the greatest empire on earth at the time. It was this

Darrow Miller:

book. Doug Murray, an author, political commentator, who calls himself a Christian atheist, and he says this you cannot take Christianity out of the West and have anything that's recognizably the West. The more atheists think on these things, the more atheists think about these things, the more we may have to accept that the concept of the sanctity of human life is a Judeo-Christian notion which might very easily not survive Judeo-Christian civilization. Where does the concept of human life come from? The sanctity of human life? Where does the concept of freedom, of justice? Where do these concepts come from? From the

Darrow Miller:

Bible. The Bible is not merely a devotional book. The Bible is the owner's manual. It tells us who we are, who we are to become, and it gives us principles for all areas of life. What do we need to do? The Son of God is victorious over sin and death and the gates of hell will not prevail. The warrior king is going off to war against the forces and manifestations of evil. We're not just to accept the evil that we see or the evil we see growing. We are to stand against it. The Church needs to follow the banner of the lion and the lamb into the fight against evil, even to the gates of

Darrow Miller:

hell. The Church needs to be proactive with the promotion of the culture of the Kingdom of God. The culture of the kingdom of God is defined by truth, goodness and beauty. We're not to be inactive. So often we see problems in front of us and we say, lord, fix this, lord help me, and then we stick our heads in the sand waiting for God to do something. No, we're not to be inactive. We're not to be reactive and just point fingers. No, we are to be disciples, and disciplers of nations, and we're to disciple at the level of culture, not just in the level of spiritual disciplines. We are to disciple at the level of culture, and part of what that means is that women are made in the image of

Darrow Miller:

God. Sexism is wrong, machismo is wrong. Women are made in the image of God is wrong. Women are made in the image of God. The youngest baby and the oldest person is made in the image of God. That is the bedrock of human dignity and the place where freedom is born. We're to return to the objective pursuit of truth. We think more and more that truth is subjective, even in the church. My truth, your truth, no truth is objective. It connects with reality, the way God has made it. We need to reaffirm male and female as the image of God. In a world that is going crazy over gender identity and people not knowing who they are, we need to reaffirm male and female as the image of God and consciously make family formation a priority. If you look around the world, nations are losing population. Korea is leading the way, as I mentioned, but other nations 80-some-odd nations in the world are on a downward trajectory. People are not getting married, they're not forming families and they're not having

Darrow Miller:

babies. We need to consciously deny the new cultural language and reaffirm biblical language. Don't use the culture, don't use the postmodern language in your own conversation or when you're talking with somebody else, because you then affirm the worldview and the concept behind these new words. Use biblical language, which was what framed and built Western civilization. I mentioned that the culture of the kingdom is truth, beauty and goodness. Let beauty be the gateway to truth and goodness. People may not want to hear that they're sinners, but people, when they see something beautiful, it touches their heart. Let beauty be the gateway to bringing truth and goodness and start centers of education based on a biblical worldview and principles. Let me say this, and this may sound pretty radical If you have children, take them out of the public

Darrow Miller:

schools. If you want to save your children and save the nation, take them out of public schools. Public schools are places, indoctrination centers. They are indoctrination centers for atheism, for relativism. There may be a lot of godly Christians teaching in the schools, so this is not meant as something to speak negatively to them. Many of them have a heart. They want to be a teacher because they want to help kids. But when the school system is dictating to kids things that would appall you, we need to start alternative forms of education. We need to make faithful, courageous and dangerous Christians Dangerous Christians. The church knows how to make nice Christians, but in a world where we see this mounting evil, we need dangerous Christians who are willing to go to the gates of hell, who are willing to go to the dark places in the community. I just think of what we heard today about creating a home for children and for women. Praise God. We need more and more of people willing to do the hard things. Let's raise up the children of Issachar.

Luke Allen:

Amen, more of these teaching style episodes aired here on Ideas have Consequences from Darrow, Scott, Dwight and friends, then please reach out and let us know, and the best ways to reach us are by sending us a comment on the episode page, which is linked in the show notes, or you can always reach us on social media or by emailing us at info at disciplenationsorg. We always love hearing from you guys and we appreciate any and all of the feedback. If you'd like to learn more about this talk that Darrell gave today, he also wrote an accompanying blog series about understanding the times and the seasons, which you can find linked on the episode page. And while you're over there, make sure to check out the information provided about the amazing ministry that Youth with a Mission, YWAM, is doing around the world. We absolutely love that ministry and we appreciate their long-term friendship and support.

Luke Allen:

This podcast, Ideas have Consequences, is brought to you by the Disciple Nations Alliance, which is a ministry that has worked around the world for the last 27 years, training over a million people in over 90 nations with a biblical worldview. If you'd like to learn more about our ministry, you can find us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, or on our website, which is disciplenationsorg. Thanks again for joining us and we hope you're able to tune in next week for an excellent interview with our friend John Stone Street, president of the Colson Center and host of Breakpoint. And, as always, our episodes come out at 5 pm Pacific time on Tuesday. You.