Me and my Dad
Me and my Dad
Toxic Masculinity
Abby "I've heard this term toxic masculinity a lot and I want to know what it is and why it is such a bad thing for both men and women..."
In this episode I ask Dad some pretty tough questions and after Mum had a listen she thought it best to let our listeners know there is some content in this episode that can be triggering. We are discussing things such as gendered and domestic violence, suicide and death.
After our chat we did some research. Have you heard of White Ribbon Australia? I hadn't but it is an organisation doing amazing things. Here is a repost from their website
White Ribbon Australia is a part of a global social movement working to eliminate gendered violence. We strive for an Australian society where all women and children are safe.
White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement engaging men and boys to end men’s violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create new opportunities for men to build positive, healthy and respectful relationships.
The White Ribbon Australia movement works through a primary prevention approach in communities, schools and workplaces across the country. Through our programs and campaigns, we engage with men to become active in the social change needed to stop men’s violence against women and children.
Our Purpose
Engaging men to make women's safety a man's issue too. White Ribbon Australia operates in collaboration with, and alongside, many other organisations working to end men’s violence against women. Our focus is on mobilising men and boys and the community in a social movement to take action to eliminate men's violence and abuse against women.
Core Values
To be transparent, responsible and trustworthy in all our activites and interactions.
To work collaboratively to achieve our vision of ending men's violence and abuse against women.
To respect, understand and include all forms of diversity, to honour individual uniqueness and to celebrate differences.
To listen, learn and treat everyone with respect.